Oil and Gas Equipment | Inline Grinders | Franklin Miller Inc
Oil and Gas Equipment. Franklin Miller has a multitude of inline processors suitable to handle the complex demands of oil and gas applications. The unique needs pertaining to the extraction, refining, and transporting of petroleum products can be easily handled by Franklin Miller grinders. Oil and gas processing can wreak havoc on centrifuges ...

Biomass Grinders | Biomass Shredders | Franklin Miller Inc
Franklin Miller TASKMASTER® grinders set the standard for effective solids reduction, reliability, easy maintenance and exceptional durability. Twin Shaft Grinders. …

Sludge. The "Super Shredder" utilizes a low speed and high torque action to chop. Grind and shred solids into fine bits that can be easily processed by downstream equipment. Open Rotor Design. Super Shredder®. Learn more. Taskmaster® TM8500. Learn more. Cutter cartridge technology.

Taskmaster TT Grinder | Grinder & Rock Trap | Franklin Miller …
The TASKMASTER TT combines TASKMASTER inline grinding technology with a tramp collector built into its stainless steel housing. The tramp trap is designed to let rocks, gravel, and other unshreddable solids drop out before reaching the grinder cutters. The trap features an automatic slidegate for quick access and removal of collected tramp ...

Industrial Plastic Shredders | Plastic Recycling | Franklin Miller
Franklin Miller's plastic shredders are not just efficient; they're adaptable to a wide array of industrial needs. Here's where they make a difference: Recycling Centers: Transforming plastic waste into reusable materials. Manufacturing Facilities: Managing excess plastic from production processes. Consumer Waste Management: Handling everyday ...

Wastewater Grinder Overview
ranklin Miller's broad range of grinders and comminutors are designed for both reliability and ease of maintenance. Backed by 100 years of service and technology, these units deliver superior performance, durability and exclusive features. Franklin Miller grinders reduce a wide variety of materials including sanitary

Delumper LP | Heavy Duty Crusher | Franklin Miller Inc
DELUMPER® LP crushers reduce hard or soft, heat sensitive, sticky or wet agglomerates and lumps at high volume. These straight-through units employ extended cutting teeth that rotate completely through a heavy bar cage. Oversized solids up to the unit's full input opening size are reduced by this powerful processor. With each rotation, the teeth clean …

The Selection and Usage of Wastewater Munchers
The Selection & Use of Sludge Muncher Grinders & Wastewater Munchers. Sludge grinders are inline processors that play an important role in the successful operation of wastewater treatment plants by reducing oversized solids that can causing jamming and damage to pumps and process equipment. Franklin Miller grinders are known for their …

Septage Receiving Station
The Franklin Miller receiving station is the only system to have grinders, screens, controllers and software supplied by one company which creates a system with unparalleled capabilities. Options The Hauler Station is a comprehensive control system that provides an automated interface for septage truck haulers to securely access the Franklin ...

Shaftless auger screen design. Liquid capacity of up to 4800 gpm (1100 m3/h) Screen basket with standard ¼" (6mm) perforations. Rugged brushes replaceable in sections. Variable conveying length. A variety of filtering options. Automatic operation.

Industrial Cannabis Grinders
Franklin Miller's Industrial Cannabis Grinder solutions are designed to optimize your cannabis processing operations, enhancing efficiency, and maintaining product quality. By investing in these innovative size reduction technologies, your business can streamline processing, reduce downtime, and ensure a high-quality end product for your customers.

Pipeline DELUMPER | Pipeline Crusher and Lump Breaker | Franklin Miller
Description. The ultra-compact PIPELINE DELUMPER® is designed for easy installation in straight-thru, liquid, pneumatic or gravity systems. This unit aggressively reduces solids up to the full pipe size with a self-clearing, self-feeding mechanism. It is supplied with an effective seal system housed in an easy to maintain bearing/seal cartridge.

DELUMPER S4 | Sanitary Crusher and Lump Breaker | Franklin Miller …
Find the right solution. The DELUMPER® S4 series sanitary crushers feature precision operation, easy interior access, clean-in-place capability, quick changeover of cutting elements, and a meticulously polished finish. Their cantilevered drives and convenient side doors provide fast and easy access to the interior of the cutting chamber.

Muffin Monster Alternative: Taskmaser VS Muffin
JWC MUFFIN MONSTER ® Grinder. 300001-12 Series. 8 1/2″ x 12″. Dual Counter-Rotating Shaft (twin shaft) 3hp-5hp. 36.

Taskmaster® QS2400 | Heavy Duty Industrial Shredder | Franklin Miller
The TASKMASTER QS2400 Quad Shaft Shredder is a high-capacity industrial shredder, engineered for heavy-duty tasks. It excels in reducing large volumes of various solids, thanks to its low-speed, high-torque functionality. This shredder adeptly handles ripping, tearing, and shredding diverse and challenging materials, significantly downsizing ...

Rendering Grinders Crushers | Franklin Miller Inc
Rendering refers to the processing of waste animal tissue into usable materials. Often this means rendering whole animal fatty tissue into purified fats like tallow or lard. This process can be done on an industrial, farm, or even a kitchen scale. While the majority of tissue processed comes from slaughterhouses, it can also include expired ...

Applications of our Franklin Miller range of grinders, shredders, crushers, and screens for wastewater treatment and other industry. ... as well as solids shed during meat processing. This water is generated in many parts of the meat processing plant such as. Learn More. Medical Waste Shredders. Taskmaster medical waste shredders are …

Rotary Drum Screen | Internally Fed Screen | Franklin Miller …
The SCREENMASTER RT rotary drum screen is ruggedly constructed for smooth operation and long life. It is fully constructed in corrosion resistant T304 or T316 Stainless Steel. The RT is provided with a choice of screen openings from 500 x 500 micron (filter cloth) up to 6 mm perforations. The perforated screen segments are removable from the ...

The Essential Guide To Franklin Miller Grinder Parts: …
Discover everything you need to know about Franklin Miller grinder parts in this comprehensive guide. Find out about their features, benefits, and more. 899 …

Sludge Grinders
Franklin Miller sludge grinders are designed for a variety of flows. These unit are installed directly inline via standard flange connections and quickly go to work reducing over-sized solids that can cause jamming and damage to pumps, filter presses, nozzles and process equipment. Whether in a once through or recirculated configuration our ...

Taskmaster TM6500 | Wastewater Grinder
The TASKMASTER® TM6500 is a ruggedly constructed twin shaft grinder that features a highly compact design. The TM6500 offers excellent grinding performance for protection of pumps, valves, centrifuges, and more in …

Combating Wipe-Caused Sewer Blockages: Franklin Miller's …
Explore how Franklin Miller addresses the global challenge of sewer blockages caused by "flushable" wipes with their TASKMASTER® TM8500 grinders. This article delves into the escalating problem of wipes in sewer systems, highlighting their inability to disintegrate like toilet paper, leading to costly clogs and damage. Franklin Miller's innovative grinding …

Configurations TASKMASTER TM8500 grinders are heavily constructed for long life. These versatile units are available in a choice of configurations for channel, inline or …

Taskmaster TM8500 | Wastwater Grinder | Franklin Miller Inc
Few Moving Parts; No Stack Retightening; Rugged Construction; Wet Well Frame; Pre-engineered FRP Manhole; Hydraulic Drive; Stainless Steel

TASKMASTER XL Pallet Shredder | Wood Pallet Grinder | Franklin Miller
Description. The TASKMASTER XL is ruggedly constructed of carbon steel and has a heavy epoxy coating. The unit is supplied complete with stand, hopper and controls. Its streamlined design features a direct coupled gear drive which is smooth running and simple to operate. With the XL, there are no drive belts to re-tension.

DELUMPER L Crusher | Fine Lump Breaker | Franklin Miller Inc
Description. DELUMPER L lump breakers reduce lumps, crush minerals, improve product consistency, facilitate mixing, drying and conveying, and keep process lines running smoothly. These units have extraordinary processing capabilities on a wide range of materials including chemicals, sugar, food, minerals, urea, ammonium nitrate, salts, …

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Systems | Franklin Miller
Find the right solution. info@franklinmiller. +1 (800) 932 0599. +1 (973) 535 9200. +44 (0) 161 302 7055. Franklin Miller can put systems together of all shapes and sizes. With our wide range of equipment we can arrange a system to meet your requirements.

TASKMASTER TITAN | High Flow Wastewater …
The TASKMASTER® TITAN® is a unique, high-flow channel grinder with a full-cut design that offers optimal protection for pumps, filter presses and other downstream equipment. This unit's innovative twin-shaft design …

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