Welcome to Evolution Mining
OurOperations. Evolution Mining is a leading, globally relevant gold miner. Evolution currently operates six mines, being five wholly-owned mines – Cowal in New South Wales, Ernest Henry and Mt Rawdon in Queensland, Mungari in Western Australia, and Red Lake in Ontario, Canada, and an 80% share of Northparkes in New South Wales.

Industry activity indicators
The major contributors to mining employment continued to be the iron ore (61,203 FTEs), gold (29,257 FTEs), nickel (9,839 FTEs), tin, tantalum and lithium (8,092 FTEs) and alumina and bauxite (6,995 FTEs) industries. …

Pilbara gold find WA's biggest since Gruyere and Tropicana
The central cluster of deposits at De Grey Mining's gold project in Western Australia's iron-rich Pilbara has been estimated as a 6.8 million-ounce resource, making it one of the most sizeable ...

The Best Mine Site Tours In Western Australia
Boddington Gold Mine, Bannister. At the Boddington Gold Mine in Bannister, tourists will be able to have that mine-to-mint experience in Australia's largest and oldest operating gold mine. The adventure starts at The Perth Mint, where guests are greeted by a local Boddington resident as a guide, kicking off with a history of Western Australia.

Inside Australia's deepest gold mine — how deep can …
Today, mining at Gwalia has reached a depth of 1,660 metres below the surface and the plan is to reach 2,300 metres by 2031. Gwalia employs 170 St Barbara workers, mostly on the processing plant ...

Rosemont Underground Gold Mine, Western Australia
Rosemont gold mine is a high-grade gold deposit located in Western Australia. The existing Rosemont open-pit is being expanded to underground in order to further exploit the contained gold. Regis Resources is the owner and developer of the Rosemont gold deposit. Pre-feasibility study (PFS) of the underground project was completed in April …

AngloGold Ashanti is an independent, global gold mining company with a diverse, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects and exploration activities across nine countries on four continents. ... Perth, WA 6000 (PO Box Z5046, Perth WA 6831) Australia. Learn more; Principal executive office and registered office. 4th Floor, Communications House

Fimiston Open Pit "Super Pit" Gold Mine, Western Australia
Credit: Northern Star Resources Limited. The Fimiston open-pit mine is located in the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia. It is the largest open-pit gold mine in Australia. The mine was owned by a 50:50 joint venture named Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) between Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining until November 2019 …

WA Goldfields | Western Australian Museum
The Western Australian goldfields are unique and diverse, with a rich history that spans many thousands of years. The Eastern Goldfields, which include the gold mining towns …

The mine is located near Lake Lefory, in the historic gold-producing Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. It is about 80 kms south of Kalgoorlie and 630kms east of Perth. Gold Fields acquired the St Ives Mine from WMC Resources in 2001, which is situated on the Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, forming part of the Yilgarn Craton in …

There are currently 66 operating gold mines in Australia including 14 of the world's largest, 11 of which are in Western Australia making it the country's major gold producer, accounting for almost 70 per cent of …

There are currently 66 gold mines operating in Australia, including 14 of the world's largest, 11 of which are in Western Australia. This makes WA the country's major gold …

Mount Morgans Gold Project
Laverton gold district, Western Australia. Owner. Dacian Gold. Reserves. 19.9Mt grading 1.6g/t Au. Production Started. January 2019. Estimated Investment. A$220m ($146.59m) ... Mount Morgans is a high-quality mid-tier gold mine located in Western Australia. Image courtesy of James St. John. Mount Morgans gold mine is …

Top five gold mining companies of Australia profiled
Another Perth-based gold mining company, Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited has three mines in the neighbourhood of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. With a current gold production of more than 500,000 troy ounces, new investments in exploration and technology hold a promise of a further increase in production and mine life.

Step 1. Check ground availability
TENGRAPH Online. TENGRAPH® Online is the department's mapping system, displaying the position of Western Australian mining tenements and petroleum titles in relation to other land information. It gives a current and accurate picture of land under mining tenure and is used to determine ground that is available for mineral exploration.

Top five gold mines of Australia profiled
In 2018, Cadia toppled Newmont Goldcorp's Boddington gold mine (in Western Australia) to become country's top-producing gold mine. For 2018-19, Cadia Mine produced 912,778 troy ounces of gold. Its production during the third quarter of 2019 was 171,730 troy ounces of gold, which rose to 195,181 ounces in Q1 2020.

About Us. Genesis (ASX: GMD) is a new and growing ASX-listed gold house, 100% focused on the prolific Leonora District in Western Australia. We have the assets and people in place to achieve our vision; The trusted Australian gold miner – Progressive, high-quality, +400koz pa. Genesis is in an enviable position to "fill the gap" between the …

Bellevue Gold | ASX:BGL | Australia | Gold Mine | Gold
Forecast to be a high-grade and high-margin gold producer in a Tier 1 mining jurisdiction. Bellevue Gold has the ambitious goal of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the Bellevue Gold Project by 2026. This will be underpinned by a sector-leading renewable energy power station, with a forecast 70-80% renewable …

Karora Resources
Overview. Karora's primary gold producing operations are its 100% interests in the Beta Hunt Mine, the Higginsville Gold Operations ("HGO") and Spargos Gold Mine, located in Western Australia approximately 60 kilometres from Kalgoorlie along the prolific Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt. Karora is targeting gold production of 170,000 ...

Westgold Resources Limited
Westgold is a West Australian focussed gold miner forecasting 240,000 - 260,000oz of gold production in FY23. Learn More. Exploration & Growth. Westgold is re-energising exploration in the historic Murchison and …

Home | Gold Fields
Gold Fields has total attributable annual gold-equivalent production of 2.30Moz, and our shares are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. ... Explore our world of sustainable gold mining. View our latest Climate Change Report 2023; View our 2023 Report to Stakeholders; Safety is Gold …

Worksafe, WA Police investigating death of 21-year-old man …
12h. A 21-year-old man has died at the St Ives gold mine near Kambalda in Western Australia's Goldfields. The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety confirmed that the fatal ...

Agnew Gold Mine, Leinster, Western Australia, Australia
The Agnew gold mine is an underground mining operation located near Leinster in Western Australia. The project is fully owned and operated by South Africa-based miner Gold Fields. The Agnew gold property was discovered by Paddy Lawlers' prospecting party in 1894, while the Western Mining Corporation (WMC) purchased the Waroonga leases …

Gold Prospecting WA | Gold Fossicking WA | Australia's …
Gold prospecting and fossicking opportunities in Australia's Golden Outback draw people from far and wide. To prospect in Western Australia, you require a Miner's Right for …

Gold | Geoscience Australia
The Perth Mint in Western Australia is the sole refiner of gold in Australia. The mint acquires raw material from domestic mine production, recycled materials and from sources overseas. ... According to the USGS, the world produced 3260 t of gold from mining in 2018 7. Australia's mine production of 315 t accounts for 10% of world …

Top five gold mines of Australia profiled
Australia has 14 of the world's biggest gold mines, 11 of which are in the state of Western Australia. This is the most prolific Australian state for the enterprise, where gold mining stands fourth …

Thunderbox Gold Project, Western Australia
The Thunderbox gold project includes the Thunderbox, Rainbow and Otto Bore gold deposits in Western Australia. The Thunderbox deposit was discovered in 1999 and is considered to be one of the significant gold deposits discovered within the last 20 years in Australia. The project was acquired by Saracen Mineral from Norilsk Nickel in …

Great Western Exploration Limited
Great Western Exploration (GTE.ASX) is a copper, gold and nickel explorer with a world class, large land position in prolific mining regions of Western Australia. Great Western's tenements have been …

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