resources of the country. In Nigeria, mining contributes only between 0.5%-0.6% to the country's GDP (Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, 2016) because the focus is on oil resources. The underdevelopment of the mining industry means Nigeria imports the minerals that the country could be producing domestically (Ministry of Mines and

Barite as an industrial mineral in Nigeria: …
The environmental implications of the exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria with a special focus on Tin in Jos and Coal in Enugu. J. Sustain. Mining. 2019; 18: 18-24. Google Scholar; Orosun et al., 2020 ...

(PDF) Barite as an Industrial Mineral in Nigeria: …
Barite is a non-metallic mineral which is simply barium sulfate (BaSO4) and is largely used by the oil and gas industry as a weighting agent in drilling mud during drilling …

Characterization of barite reserves in Nigeria for use …
Principal factors responsible for this include the unregulated importation of unprocessed barite ore, limited access to mining site and high-quality barite ore grade, …

Safe Mining Assessment of Artisanal Barite Mining Activities in Nigeria
Water used for washing minerals accumulates in ponds near the mining sites and are used for domestic purpose. Potential oral and dermal ingestion are assessed by analyzing water from barite ponds and tailings. Mining 2021, 1 231 Figure 5. Health and safety issues in the mining sites under study.

Characterization of barite reserves in Nigeria for use as …
There are low-, medium- and high-quality barite in Nigeria as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1 (Essalhi et al. 2018; Oden 2012). The mining of barite between 0 and 5 m depth gave rise to low-quality barite due to the presence of associated impurities and low-pressurized hydrothermal fluids that are deficient of BaSO 4.

Effects of Barite Mining on Water Quality in
This study seeks to ascertain the extent of barite mining pollution on water quality in Azara-Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa state of Nigeria. To achieve this goal, two surface water and fourteen underground water samples were obtained in the study area. Nitric acid (0.2%) was added to water samples to preserve them for …

Ebonyi And Other Barite Producing States In Nigeria
The majority of barite in Nigeria is mined in Cross River, Benue, Nasarawa, Zamfara, Taraba, Plateau, Adamawa, Rivers, Gombe, and Ebonyi states. On Friday, October 29, 2021, Nigeria's government through its Minister of Mines and Steel, Olamilekan Adegbite, announced that Africa's biggest economy has joined the list of countries that …

Acid Mine Drainage: The Footprint of the Nigeria Mining …
Coal mines are the chief formators of AMD in Nigeria, although occurrences have also been reported in other mining sites such as tin, barite, gold, lead–zinc ore, limestone, ... Effects of mining on water quality and the environment; a case study of parts of the Jos Plateau, North Central Nigeria. Contin J Environ Sci 3(33):2009. Google Scholar

Physicochemical Studies for Risk Identification, …
This work may be sufficient if barite mining in Nigeria Sustainability 2021, 13, 12982 3 of 21 and Africa is to be carried out by local-investor-backed companies following environmental

Artisanal and small-scale mining in Nigeria: Experiences …
Due to the poor management and regulation of the mining sector in Nigeria, most mining activities are prompted by artisanal and small-scale miners, who make up about 95% of miners in Nigeria ...

An integrated approach to the bioavailability, ecological
Monitoring and assessment of soil quality are important in mining areas. In this study, indexical, spatiotemporal, and chemometric models were developed to monitor and assess the pollution level and health risk of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) within the Iyamitet-Okurumutet mine province, SE Nigeria. Surface soils were sampled within the …

An in-depth look at the current state of mining in Nigeria
An in-depth analysis on mining in Nigeria. By Guest Contributor. October 27, 2020. The economy in Nigeria has been growing slowly since the oil price slump of 2014. Since then, volatility of global oil prices has negatively impacted growth performance. Between 2000 and 2014, GDP grew at an average of 7% annually.

Solid Mineral Deposits and Mining in Nigeria:
Achievers J. Sci. Research are the nd 2 largest in the world. Non-metallic energizing the other sectors of the economy. (industrial) minerals and rocks such as barite, halite

Barite as an industrial mineral in Nigeria: occurrence, …
Risks are involved in the mining of barite and other valuable minerals. Explosion in the mining sites have been recorded in Nigeria. Barite is mined in the country majorly by …

Barite Ore Mining And Milling In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report.
It is estimated that Nigeria has over two million {2,000,000} tons of barite ore deposit of scattered in different parts of the country to include Benue, Nassarrawa, Plateau and Cross River states. This report seeks to examine the financial viability or otherwise of establishing Barite ore mining and milling plant in Nigeria.

Geoenvironemtal Assessment of Abandoned Barite …
environment (Udiba et al., 2014). Recently attention has been drawn to barite mining in Nigeria as the federal government policy of using locally sourced materials has been enforced. This has resulted in the growth of many legal and illegal barite mining sites that generates vast quantities of mine rocks and tailings (Adamu et al., 2014).

A Review of Exploitation Techniques of Barite Deposits of …
This paper therefore reviews the barite deposit of Nasarawa state and their exploitation techniques. Nasarawa state lies between latitude 7° 45′ and 9° 26′ North and longitude 6° 55′ and 9o 42′ East. The state is accessible by a good network of roads through Benue State to the South, and Kogi State to the West.

The mining industry in Nigeria is regulated by the The Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act of 2007,National Minerals and Metals Policy 2008 and Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations 2011. About 34 minerals deposits have been identified in Nigeria and one of such is Barite Ore.

Fostering the Sustainability of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining …
The exploration and mining of Nigerian barite are primarily by artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) whose operations are characterized by poor productivity. As a result, the quantity and quality of barites produced do not satisfy the nation's oil sector demands and other industries that require the mineral. This situation leads to massive …

Effects of Barite Mining on Water Quality in Azara-Awe …
The contamination by barite mining can result in profound irreversible destruction of the environment. In many cases the polluted sites may never be fully restored, because pollution is so persistent that there is no available remedy (EEB, 2000). Due to improper planning and negligence of barite mining regulations, an appreciable amount of

(PDF) Hyrochemistry of waters near some Abandoned Barite Mining …
Keywords Hydrochemistry Assessment Barite Mines Surface water Nigeria Introduction In the last few years, mining of barite mineral in Nigeria has increased tremendously due to the fact that the Federal Government has encouraged and emphasized the sourcing and utilization of local raw materials, especially as related to the oil and gas industry ...

The geological formations and mineral …
The paper motivated us to use state-of-the-art computational technique to investigate the risks of the tin mining activity in Jos-Plateau, Nigeria on large mammals (e.g. cattle). The Tier 2 Erica ...

(PDF) Comparison of Nigerian Barite Production …
be used in the manufacturing of paints and glass, etc. Barite is known as Barium sulfate with a chemical. formula of B aSO4 which has an orthorhombic crystal. system. Pure barite has a specific ...

Radioecological impacts of tin mining
It is endowed with barite, copper, zinc, tantalite and granite. ... The present work deals with the radioactivity of samples of tin tailings collected from a mining site in Jos, Nigeria. The activity concentrations of the samples were measured using a gamma-ray spectrometer with a hyper-pure germanium detector. In situ dose rates at the site ...

Fostering the Sustainability of Artisanal and Small-Scale …
struction minerals. Exploration and mining of mineral resources have assumed prime importance in developing countries including Nigeria and to harness mineral resources, they must pass through the stages of exploration, mining, and processing [11–13]. Each of these components of the value chain requires technologies for mineral extraction and

Benefits of cassiterite mining by artisanal miners in Jos Plateau, Nigeria
This research aims at discussing the importance of cassiterite mining in Plateau and its benefit to Nigeria's economy The obtained results from an interactive session with artisanal miners at Bisichi (Kara II) and Kuru-Jentar as well as sampling active and inactive mine pits at the visited mine site prove that a maximum number of 4 bags of ...

Fostering the Sustainability of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining …
Downloadable! The exploration and mining of Nigerian barite are primarily by artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) whose operations are characterized by poor productivity. As a result, the quantity and quality of barites produced do not satisfy the nation's oil sector demands and other industries that require the mineral. This situation leads to massive …

Geospatial Analyses of Mining-Induced Land Degradation Sites in Jos …
PDF | On Jun 23, 2021, Samuel Garba and others published Geospatial Analyses of Mining-Induced Land Degradation Sites in Jos South Local Government Area, Plateau State-Nigeria | Find, read and ...

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