Exploring Riches and Developments in Gold Tenements
Widespread anomalous gold in rock chips and geochemistry (Ashton Mining, 1992) ≤55g/t Au recorded along fault. Historic mines, to the east and south of the project include results of 18m at 1.6g/t Au from 125m, 2m at 5.7g/t Au from 135m by KIN Mining (2021) south of tenement trending north into LGM's ground.

Aus Geology Travel Maps (with WA, Qld, NSW & Vic gold-tenement …
Aus Geology Travel Maps (with WA, Qld, NSW & Vic gold-tenement maps) A valuable phone/tablet app for prospecting in Australia. Subscription prices are displayed in the appropriate currency in the App Store and Google Play. Add waypoints - 1. your current location, 2. tap on map, 3.

Search Projects – MinesOnline
Register today for free, unrestricted access to all project listings, market metrics and transaction valuations. Projects can be posted on MinesOnline for a 5% success fee or a negotiated upfront posting …

gold tenements for sale
gold mining leases for sale western australia - BINQ Mining 5 FOR SALE: E63/1089 Western Australia. A$40,000. 6 FOR SALE: Gold exploration tenement package – Alluvial ….

For Sale
Hillgrove comprises a number of historical underground antimony-gold mines, a relatively modern processing plant and associated support infrastructure, and surrounding exploration tenements. The ...

Search Projects – MinesOnline
Register today for free, unrestricted access to all project listings, market metrics and transaction valuations. Projects can be posted on MinesOnline for a 5% success fee …

Hetherington Tenement Services | Mining Tenement NSW
For over 35 years, we have specialised in assisting exploration and mining companies across Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific, India, and Canada to manage their commercial tenure goals. Hetherington Tenements specialises in tenement management, maintaining security of tenure for Australia's leading exploration & mining companies.

Gold Tenement For Sale
Australian Gold Tenement For Sale. Mine Details. Location: Australia. Commodities: Gold. Available Terms: For Sale. Price: $35,000 . Contact Seller. ... Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill Tailings. Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels. 1,274,320 ...

Everest Metals Corporation Limited (ASX: EMC) ("EMC" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Tenement Sale Agreement ("Agreement") to acquire 100% of the Ninghan Project ("Ninghan") located in the highly prospective region near Paynes Find in Western Australia. The Ninghan Project is considered ...

NSW Exploration and Mining Titles
Areas in NSW where a company or individual has the right to explore for or extract resources including petroleum, minerals and coal. All current titles for mineral and energy resource exploration, assessment and production. Explore Metadata. JSON, ISO19115 XML, HTML, PDF. Organisation: Department of Regional New South Wales.

Real Estate & Property for Sale in NSW
Real Estate & Property for sale in NSW. 1-25 of 51770 properties. Save search. List Map Inspections Auctions. Sort. Sort. Sort results by. Featured. Sana Ullah. 45 & 45A Mahoney Drive, Campbelltown. 7. 4. 4 470. m². House. Inspection Sat 27 Apr Inspection Sat 27 Apr 12:45 pm. Ashley Johnson. Added 1 hour ago ...

Mining Businesses for sale
Description: For Sale. Engineering- Sales $1.6m Adj Net $600k Under Management. We are pleased to present an exceptional opportunity to acquire a highly profitable, well-established, Manufacture & Engineering... More details ». Financials: Asking Price: $1,200,000 (AUD) Revenue:

Project Sales in Queensland, Australia | 99mines
Price: $130,000. SUMMARY: ML70406 is a Level 2 Non Code Compliant lease and is currently part of the Swan Project on Miclere, it has an area of 45.24hectares. No Native Title-EXCLUSIVE LAND. ML70406 is being sold as a bare lease (no machinery, Infrastucture) TENURE: Lease commenced 01.JUL.2013. Expiry 31.MAY.2033.

Search for Mines, Properties, Mineral Leases, Claims and …
For Sale. IOCG style alteration and mineralisation in drilling associated with a significant coincident magnetic and gravity high. Mineralised area extends for over 600m x 400m and is open in multiple directions. Mineralisation is both copper and REE rich, critical elements in IOCG deposit types. 134m (96-230m) @ 626 ppm Cu, 256 ppm Pb, 593 ppm Zn.

Search for Mines, Properties, Mineral Leases, Claims and …
For Sale. IOCG style alteration and mineralisation in drilling associated with a significant coincident magnetic and gravity high. Mineralised area extends for over 600m x 400m …

Converted central Victorian gold mine could be yours
Unique home seekers can strike it lifestyle rich at a converted gold mine that's sparkling on the property market in central Victoria. The former Phoenix Mine at 16 Back Rd, Taradale has been passionately transformed by vendor Tony Kelly since he bought it in a rundown state in the mid 1990s. "I stopped and looked through the fence …

There are numerous gold occurrences in the southwest of ELA6209, highlighting the further prospectivity of these two new tenements for orogenic gold mineralisation. Historic rock chips from the Mingay area reported gold up to 7.31 g/t. x. Following the grant of the two new tenements, and securing land access and other …

Mining leases and regulation | NSW Resources Regulator
The Resources Regulator is uniquely placed within the Department of Regional NSW to assist in the advancement of environmental management in exploration and mining. The Resources Regulator encourages the adoption of best practice in mining and a key responsibility includes regulating the industry to ensure compliance with the Mining Act …

Endeavour Gold Pty Ltd
Three high grade lode gold mining tenements, native title free. Located in Australia. Available For Sale. Contact Vendor For Terms.

Kalgoorlie Gold Prospecting Lease
A rich silver-lead-zinc proven mine in Mexico. We will be mining a large lead-zinc-silver, sulfide vein system with an average grade of 900g silver, 12.2% lead, 4.4% zinc per tonne. The mine contains a minimum of 250,000 tonnes, enough for 34 years of mining at 25 tonnes per day. Annual projected net profit, after tax, is $2.5m.

gold mining leases | Gumtree Australia Free Local …
Gold Mining Prospecting Lease Palmer River. 58 hectare gold mining lease in the Palmer River Gold Reserve in Far North QLD. Mining lease # - ML100206 Situated near Dog …

Newcastle Gold Buyers
If you prefer to drive, rest assured that there's convenient parking nearby, ensuring a hassle-free visit to our store. Our opening hours are 9:30am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday. Call Us Get Directions. Gold Buyers Newcastle offers the highest cash for gold! We are the #1 Gold Brokers - Call us on 1300 703 988 to turn your unwanted gold into cash!

gold mining leases | Gumtree Australia Free Local Classifieds
W.A. GOLD MINE FOR SALE. Call Dee direct for more information on Granted Mining Lease. 21 year term extendable, Heritage cleared. 20 minutes to Meekatharra. ... Deepwater, NSW. 29/03/2024. Prospecting Lease. ... We have tenements in the Gold rich area of Far North Queensland. Our aim is to offer Ground for those who wish to purchase …

26 listings: Gold prospecting
Find gold coast properties for sale listings at the best price. We have 26 properties for sale for gold prospecting. Property for sale. ... There's gold in those hills! " diggings at front door and two seasonal creeks. Rustic …

Project Sales | 99mines
The tenement is mainly flat lying and mostly covered by alluvium or colluvium with little outcrop and no known historic mine workings. Minimal exploration Read more ... Four gold leases for sale in Koolkynie area. $7500 ono each lease or $25,000 for the four leases. OTHER INFO: Early stage Prospecting Licenses (P40/1400, P40/1401, P40/1402, P40 ...

6 Results: gold mining leases in Queensland
Gold Mining Prospecting Lease Palmer River. 58 hectare gold mining lease in the Palmer River Gold Reserve in Far North QLD. Mining lease # - ML100206 Situated near Dog Leg Crossing, as shown in the satellite images. Also shown in the images is the very well-maintained main road, running alongside the lease. 10 year lease approved April 2023.

Opal Mines For Sale
Complete List of Opal Mines For Sale. Includes Claims, Mineral Properties, Tenures, Tenements, Projects, & Deposits for Lease, Option, Joint Venture. Is your mine struggling to catch gold? Freddy Dodge and Juan Ibarra are looking for new mines to rescue! ... Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Virgin Claims ...

About Us. Aurora Tenement Consulting is a modern consulting company with a customer-first mindset, specialised in providing exploration and mining tenement services throughout Australia and beyond. We are guided by experts from legal and technical disciplines who keep up to date with the latest industry changes, through professional memberships ...

One Stop Tenement Shop
Vast database. Australian mineral exploration tenements, complete with data and targets, for sale. Generated by highly experienced geologist. Commodities include tin, gold, rare …

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