Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Request a quote +966 138824440. Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them.

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Request a quote +632 843 0535 to 39. Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them.

H & D Steel and Bits
H thread steel is the most common steel and bits for contractors using hand held percussive rock drills in the US. The bit threads up to the shoulder of the steel and the percussive shock wave is transferred through the shoulder to the face of the bit. It is available in all 3 standard rock drill shank sizes - 7 ⁄ 8 x 4 1 ⁄ 4, 7 ⁄ 8 x 3 ...

Hand Held Rock Drilling for Mining | Efficient and Reliable | Epiroc
The RD100 has a soft start function that is easy to reach with one hand. This means you can work with more precision, and collaring is made especially easy. When it's time to go faster, the RD100 is one of the most powerful drills on the market. The hydraulic system has an increased drill rate compared to electrical systems, and is ...

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them. ... Atlas Copco Power Connect App . Direct access to the spare parts of your ...

Core drills
Hydraulic core drills are used by construction professionals in a wide range of applications including building renovation and utility works. They are relied on to install drainage, sewer and water pipes, plus cable and ventilation ducts where large and deep holes are needed. Core sampling in asphalt roads is another perfect application for ...

New range of Rods and Bits for Rock Drills handheld tools
The rods and bits are manufactured from super-tough C253 premium-quality steel specially designed for wet or dry drilling. The range - integral rods, Tapered rods, R25 rods and bits - covers all the diameters and lengths applicable for the Atlas Copco Cobra Combi Breakers and Pneumatic Rock Drillers.To meet diverse demands, we supply …

Pneumatic surface rock drills
Our light surface rock drills are perfect for: Horizontal drilling. Plug hole drilling. Drilling in concrete. DKR 36. BBD 12 D. BBD 12 DS. BBD 15 T.

Core drills
The jack-of-all-trades in hydraulic core drilling. Hydraulic core drills are used by construction professionals in a wide range of applications including building renovation and utility works. They are relied on to install drainage, sewer and water pipes, plus cable and ventilation ducts where large and deep holes are needed.

Rock drills
Rock drills. Contact us 1.800.465.4777. E-mail. Phone Number. App store Google Play. App store Google Play. Surface and underground rock drills, for light and heavy drilling jobs.

Rock drills
Surface and underground rock drills, for light and heavy drilling jobs. Hydraulic, petrol and pneumatic. Atlas Copco South Africa homepage ... Atlas Copco South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Physical Address: Innes Road, Jet Park, Boksburg, 1459 Postal Address: P.O. Box …

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Request a quote 01 482 6934. Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them.

Atlas Copco Secoroc Focus rotary drilling products
The Atlas Copco Secoroc Focus product line includes bits designed to deliver ... range of Atlas Copco rotary drill bits. 6 Product features Fast penetration ... Soft-medium hard rock, 6,000-10,000 psi / 41-207 mpa Drilling RPM: 50 …

Pneumatic underground rock drills
Stopers. Available with front flushing (BBC 34), which keeps water and cutting out of your drill. The BBD 46 WR offers clock-wise rotation for bolting. BBD 46WS-8. Hole range. mm. 27-41. Weight.

Rock drills
From blast hole drilling, to quarrying, anchor and wedge hole drilling, raise driving and bolting, these rock drills offer an excellent power-to-weight ratio and performance. Petrol rock drills When you combine high impact rate and lower impact energy with rotation, you get a very powerful drill.

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm …

Rock Drills
FEATURES & BENEFITS. The rock drills are light and easy to handle, which makes them ideal for those quick jobs and for working in difficult-to-get-to areas. The Hand and Arm Protection System, helps to reduce harmful vibrations with up to 75%. Air flushing lever let you switch the full air flow to the end of the drill steel to blow out dust ...

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them. ... Atlas Copco (India) Ltd. Construction Technique Customer Center Sveanagar ...

Atlas Copco Surface Rock Drills Product Reference Sheet
The Atlas Copco BBD, DKR and SRD rock drills are designed for various types of drilling in construction and mining applications. BBD 12D, 12DS and 12DCS are designed for horizontal drilling, plug hole drilling and drilling in concrete BBD 15, SRD 20 and 25 models are used for vertical drilling. DKR 36H and DKR 36R models are specifically ...

Atlas Copco Rotary Drill Bits
The Atlas Copco product line includes rotary drill bits designed to deliver competitive performance on current generation waterwell and oilfield drilling rigs. Atlas Copco …

First drill driven by compressed air 1905 Atlas introduces the first light rock drills 1915 The first drills in the BR series 1930 Launch of the first lightweight hand-held rock drill …

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Request a quote +971 4 373 8132. Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them.

Core Drills
Safe handheld drilling in reinforced concrete and asphalt up to 200 mm diameter in con!ned spaces, for ventilation, heating, gas piping and other installations. The effective silencer is made from impact and wear-resistant polyurethane. It reduces the noise level by more than 50 percent. Our tools vibration reduction lets you work longer hours ...

Down the Hole (DTH) Drilling Tools | Bits, Pipes, Rods
Down-the-hole pipes and adapters. Key features of a high quality DTH pipe are durability, accuracy and manageability. Our pipes are made from cold drawn piping, providing a superior surface finish and tolerance compared to conventional pipes made from hot rolled piping. Accessories and parts. We provide high quality spare parts and accessories ...

Rods and Bits for Pneumatic Rock Drills
Request a quote 0274 498 297. Our rods and bits for our Pneumatic Rock Drills can handle all applications: From granite mining, stone quarrying and asphalt drilling to construction. We supply 19 mm, 22 mm and 25 mm hexagonal rods in different lengths – and premium quality bits fitting to them.

Penetration rate w 34 mm drill bit mm/min: 200-300: Max Drilling Depth: m: 2: Drill Rotation Speed: rpm: 250: Contact Us. Atlas Copco Power Technique North America LLC. 1059 Paragon Way Rock Hill,

Secoroc Rock Drilling Tools DTH equipmenT
ATlAs CopCo seCoroC has the broadest range of hammers, bits, and related equipment of any supplier in the world. This means more choices for you. it means you can work with …

Core drills
Rock drills; Dewatering pumps. ... They give very low kickback should drill bits jam, so you stay in control. Spark-free operation and perfect fit to standard drill stands . ... Contact me 1300667044 Contact us - Product sales. Atlas Copco Customer Center's info Address: 3 Bessemer Street Blacktown, NSW, 2148, Australia Mailing address : PO Box ...

Atlas Copco Pionjar Drill Breaker
Powered by a single-cylinder air-cooled two-stroke engine. Drills at a rate of 10-12 in./min. with a 1.3in. bit. Weighs 59 lbs., making it easy to transport. Pionjar Instruction and Maintenance by Creighton Rock Drill …

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