1980 Vintage Baldwin Hamilton 243 Studio Full Upright …
Vintage Made in USA Baldwin 243HP Ebony Black Lacquer Acoustic Upright Studio Piano + Original Bench Key. Used – Very Good. Glenn Mills, PA, United States. $9,995. $5,020 price drop. $4,975. Add to Cart. Price Drop. Hamilton by Baldwin Upright Piano | Satin Walnut | SN:338961.

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Baldwin Hamilton 5040 (45") Satin Mahogany. Made in USA! Limited edition. Mahogany satin finish. The Hamilton was the piano of choice for many years for US schools, colleges, and churches. Great for a student moving up from a digital piano. The Baldwin Hamilton studios are the company's best-selling of all-time, with over 500,000 …

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Baldwin Hamilton Upright Piano
Price: $2,999.00. Quantity: Add to cart. Description. This pre-owned Baldwin Hamilton upright piano boasts a beautiful walnut finish, adding elegance to any room. With a 5 …

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Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation. Open Library. 200841 Author of Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp. conceptual design of a 50 MGD desalination plant, History of the Baldwin locomotive works, 1831-1923, The story of . Read More+

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The Baldwin B243 Hamilton Studio
The Baldwin B243 Hamilton Studio. Quality, efficiency, and perfect performance meet head-on in this distinct studio upright. Rarely do you see such a combination of playability and durability, designed to meet the …

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gauge advances, Baldwin assigned these two product lines to BLH, a new company established in 1951. This new company, the Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation(BLH), was created through the merger of Baldwin and the Lima-Hamilton Corporation, which was originally made up of Lima Locomotive Works and the General …

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1980 Vintage Baldwin Hamilton 243 Studio Full …
This Baldwin model 243 features a 45″ height that allows for a larger soundboard and a longer string length equivalent to a 5'8″ grand piano. This instrument has big sound and …

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Baldwin Hamilton 1968 Studio Upright Piano
Out of stock. The Baldwin 1968 Studio Upright Piano is a great piano for almost any home. This upright was a part of Baldwin's Hamilton Series and would be fantastic for a …

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