Ironveld Smelting – Ironveld
The business name will be changed to Bokone Smelting (Pty) Ltd. c3,600 tonnes of titanium metal contained in slag. Power supply at the Rustenburg complex is completely 'off grid', thereby reducing the disruptions and inefficiencies caused by frequent 'load …

Ironveld is a speciality metals producer based in South Africa. The Group has an operating Mining division which mines vanadiferous-titaniferous-magnetite for sale to industrial users and to its own Smelting division, which processes the Group's magnetite ore into three valuable products: • High Purity Iron. • Vanadium slag.

Assmang Proprietary Limited » Home
Assmang Proprietary Limited was incorporated in the Republic of South Africa in 1935, and operates through three key divisions: iron ore, manganese and the smelting operations.

Mining of Iron Ore and Chrome in South Africa 2023
December 2023. Region: South Africa. Who Owns Whom. ID: 5932651. Chrome ore production is on an upward trend, largely due to growing demand in China. The increase in production in 2022 was mostly driven by higher prices. South Africa is the world's largest producer and exporter. Over the past ten years, iron ore production has been in decline.

Central Africa
Iron smelting came into Central Africa from two directions. In the northwest the oldest source of the new. Central Africa - Iron Age, Kingdoms, Trade: The Iron Age reached Central Africa more or less at the same time it reached western Europe, some 3,000 years ago. ... South American tobacco, and stone jars of Dutch gin. More From Britannica ...

Invention and Innovation in African Iron-smelting Technologies
Invention and Innovation in African Iron-smelting. T echnologies. David Killick. Sub-Saharan Africa is often characterized by Europeans as a region that saw no significant. technological change ...

(PDF) Ores Sources, Smelters and Archaeometallurgy: Exploring Iron …
Ore Sources, Smelters and Ar chaeometallurgy Journal of African Archaeology V ol. 11 (2), 2013 Fig. 10

development and industrialisation. In South Africa, the roots of the iron and steel industry date back to the fifth century CE [2], with the smelting of iron lumps in pit furnaces. Since then it has evolved to the reduction of iron ore in blast furnaces. The objective of this study is to understand the transformation of the iron industry in ...

Africa's 'largest' ferrochrome plant takes shape
FORTUNE 500 company, Tsingshang's massive steel and ferrochrome production plant is taking shape near Zimbabwe's mining town of Mvuma, Standardbusiness established last week. The operation is being established by Dinson Iron and Steel Company (Disco), which is a unit of Tsingshang. It is on track to produce its …

The Ferroalloy Producers Association (FAPA) is an industrial association of ferroalloy smelting operations involved in the beneficiation of South Africa's ores and minerals into ferroalloys for local consumption and export markets. This beneficiation step is the key factor of the whole valuation chain and should be a key focus point of governments …

Five largest iron ore mines in South Africa in 2020
Here are the five largest iron ore mines by production in South Africa, according to GlobalData's mining database. 1. Sishen Mine. The Sishen Mine is a surface mine located in Northern Cape. It is owned by Anglo American Plc and produced an estimated 25.353 MTPA of iron ore in 2020. The mine will operate until 2039.

Ironveld to Secure Financing for Mining, Smelting Operations in South …
Ironveld plc is an exploration and development company. It is engaged in the mining, exploration, processing and smelting of Vanadiferous and Titaniferous Magnetite in South Africa. Its high purity iron, vanadium and titanium project located on the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex in Limpopo Province South Africa.

Bantu Migration
The Bantu Migration from their origins in southern West Africa saw a gradual population movement sweep through the central, eastern, and southern parts of the continent starting in the mid-2nd millennium BCE and finally ending before 1500 CE. With them, the Bantu brought new technologies and skills such as cultivating high-yield crops …

Uganda has opened a $200 million iron ore smelting plant, which will help the region reduce its reliance on scrap metal, billets, and coils for raw materials. Tembo Steels Uganda Ltd is building a facility in Iganga, eastern Uganda, with a capacity to produce 1.2 million tonne s of metal per year. "This is East Africa's largest integrated ...

Archaeometallurgical Explorations of Bloomery Iron Smelting …
When established, bloomery iron smelting profoundly transformed farming communities that settled in Africa south of the Sahara. Sustained research in the Lowveld region of northern South Africa identified multifarious evidence of metal working dating to the Early Iron Age (Common Era 200-900). Not surprisingly, the region is celebrated in …

From Ore to Tool – Iron Age Iron Smelting in the Largest and …
L. R. Tiedt, M. C. Brink & A. A. Bisschoff. 102 Accesses. 1 Citation. Explore all metrics. Abstract. The Vredefort Impact Structure in South Africa is the biggest and …

Copper mining and smelting technology in the northern Lowveld, South
The bloomery iron smelting technologies of this region show several unusual features: (1) all known smelting sites used almost pure oxide ores, requiring the addition of silicate flux to produce ...

(PDF) Miller, D., Mulaudzi, M. & Killick, D. 2002. An historical
In 1930 Mrs E D Giesekke, the wife of a missionary, published an account of indigenous charcoal manufacture, iron mining, smelting and smithing in the Lowveld region of northern South Africa.

43,000‐Year‐Old Mine Discovered in Swaziland
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Feb. 7—South African archeologists have reported discovering the world's old est mine. The mine, in an iron‐ore mountain in neigh boring Swaziland, is 43,000 years ...

Ancient African smelting technique sparks anew at MIT
Then that refined block of metal can be forged into tools or grates or whatever else. In the video, smiths turned the iron they got from the smelting into hand-held garden hoes. Tarkanian and the class used 60 pounds of iron ore throughout the day. The output, in the best-case scenario, would be about 18 to 20 pounds of iron.

Copper mining and smelting technology in the northern Lowveld, South
The northern Lowveld (Fig. 1) is in the north-east corner of South Africa, where erosion has exposed the Precambrian basement of the Kaapvaal craton. The Lowveld has a rich archaeological record of settlement during the Late Iron Age (LIA - ca. 1000 cal CE to 1880 CE) linked to exploitation of the salt (Evers, 1974, Antonites, 2013), …

Iron ore resources of South Africa
Iron ore is mainly used for the smelting of pig iron (usually with more than 2% carbon) and steel (with less than 2% carbon) for the iron and steel industry. The steel industry is one of South Africa's main industries, accounting for 16% of its GDP. Iron and steel smelting and steel production employs 190,000 people.

The Ferro Alloy Producers Association (FAPA) is an industrial association of ferroalloy smelting operations involved in the beneficiation of South Africa's ores and minerals …

Iron-smelting furnaces and metallurgical traditions of …
The principles of the smelting process in South African Iron Age furnaces and the characteristics of the smelting products are discussed. Results of metallographic and chemical analyses of 19 iron specimens found at South African sites are given and compared with those from sites in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, Mocambique, and Nigeria.

Iron-smelting furnaces and metallurgical traditions of the South …
They are all low-shaft furnaces, being found in South Africa. bellows-blown and non-slag tapping, but they vary The Early Iron Age smelting sites discovered are considerably in structure, size, and functional detail. generally characterized by the presence of smelting slag Two main types can be recognized: one type widely and sometimes ::tlso ...

Uganda opens $200m iron ore smelting plant
Uganda has commissioned a $200-million iron ore smelting plant that could significantly reduce the region's heavy dependence on scrap metal, billets and coils for raw material. The plant …

The archaeologists saving Africa's ironworking heritage
For example, in a 2022 study, Keen collaborated with Russian and Israeli researchers to smelt iron ore from southern Israel, helping to show that the decisions the smelter makes, including the rate at which they 'charge' the furnace with charcoal and the ratio of ore to charcoal they use, are reflected in the chemical composition of the slag.

An experimental study of iron-smelting techniques used …
SYNOPSIS. The main factors involved in the primitive smelting of iron (ore, charcoal, temperature, air supply, process control) were evaluated in an experimental furnace that …

History of Iron Smelting Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa …
These theories are based on the premise that iron smelting originated somewhere in Anatolia and from there the technology was adopted by other populations and spread throughout the Mediterranean and into Africa. The main diffusionist theory was first proposed by Raymond Muany in 1952. He argues that since the Phoenicians had iron …

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