Covalently bonded AMPS-based copolymerCSH hybrid as a fluid loss …
The cement slurry was prepared according to API Recommended Practice 10B "Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements" [32] and the performance assessment of fluid loss additive was carried out on the basis of oil and gas industry standard SY/T5504.2–2013 "Evaluation Method for Well Cement Additives: Part 2, …

Cement Fluid Loss Additive
CFL - 500 L is non-retarding and thermally stable additive and can be used in cementing operations in a very broad temperature range. This polymer can control fluid loss in a …

XxtraDura™ universal fluid-loss additive
XxtraDura™ FLA universal fluid-loss additive is designed to control the filtration rate of many water-based fluid systems. It is a low molecular weight synthetic co-polymer particularly suitable for oil well cement slurries. It is available as either a concentrated aqueous solution or free-flowing powder. It is effective in a wide range of operating …

Cement slurry fluid-loss-control additives (FLAs)
Neat cement slurries normally exhibit an uncontrolled API fluid loss of at least 1,500 cm 3 /30 min. This value is excessive for most cementing operations, where permeable formations are encountered or where long columns of cement will be used. The amount of fluid-loss control required for a particular operation varies widely, and is …

Chemical Mechanism in the Fluid Loss Additive Modified Oil Well Cement
Abstract. Fluid loss additive (FLA) is an important chemical agent added into oil well cement to prevent cement slurry from losing water. In this work, chemical mechanism between FLA and oil well ...

Adsorption behavior and mechanism of a copolymer used as fluid loss
Minimal fluid loss and zero free water and and wide range of thickening time in cement slurry [7] ... To solve the problems, a novel cement fluid loss additive HTF-200C, which can resist high ...

A New Organic Fluid-Loss-Control Additive for Oilwell …
A new organic fluid-loss additive for neat and gel cement slurries has been developed for use in squeeze operations to provide controlled dehydration of the slurry and, thus, fewer job failures. ... It is effective over a wide range of well conditions and should provide improved control of cementing treatments. It is believed that this additive ...

Improving Oil well Cement Slurry Performance Using
Minimal fluid loss and zero free water and and wide range of thickening time in cement slurry ... based on the design idea of high temperature cement slurry system, fluid loss additive DRF-1S ...

Drilling and Completion Additives
Hexion offers a unique drilling additive designed specifically for high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) fluid loss control. This cost-effective solution can be utilized in a wide range of applications. When you are looking to improve your slurries, Hexion's cement additives offer excellent density control.

Synthesis and Performance Study of Amphoteric Ion Fluid Loss Additive
This fluid loss additive has a wide temperature range, strong salt resistance, and strong adaptability, making the cement slurry have good rheological properties and rapid mechanical strength development. ... Wu X, Li M, Sun Y, et al. Preparation and performance of oil well cement fluid loss additive ANAFM[J]. Journal …

Microsilica products for oil well cementing | Elkem
In addition to blocking gas migration, it is used as a general fluid loss additive in cement slurries. ... No effect on cement properties has been found with MD-14 and it is compatible with all API classes of cement all additives. MD-17 is a wide range temperature stable silicon-free defoamer. MD-17 is designed for use as a defoamer agent ...

Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymers for cement fluid loss …
@article{osti_6413293, title = {Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymers for cement fluid loss control}, author = {McKenzie, L F and McElfresh, P M}, abstractNote = {Acrylamide/acrylic acid copolymers are considered as effective fluid loss control additives in a wide range of oil well cements. Unlike HEC based fluid loss aditives, these copolymers can be used …

Recent advances in polymers as additives for wellbore …
Classes G and H are compatible with most additives and can be used at a wide range of sub-surface temperatures and pressures. Grade G is the most common grade of cement used in many wellbore applications. ... (by weight of cement; BWOC) with beneficial fluid-loss control capabilities. Less than 50 mL fluid loss was measured at 30 …

Cement Additives
We provide a broad range of effective solutions for oil-well cement slurries under a wide range of temperature and salt conditions. ... F Yes • Works synergistically with formaldehyde napthalene sulfonate dispersants to …

Latex additives for gas migration control
The latex additive provides excellent fluid loss control and reduces the permeability of the cement to gas. Fluid loss from the cement slurry can adversely affect all three root causes of gas migration. ... available information on the styrene:butadiene ratios of commercial products, but what is available indicates a wide range of styrene ...

Amphoteric ion polymer as fluid loss additive for …
DOI: 10.1016/J.JNGSE.2016.03.062 Corpus ID: 101319173; Amphoteric ion polymer as fluid loss additive for phosphoaluminate cement in the presence of sodium hexametaphosphate

Fluid Loss Control Additive | nikan west the gilsonite …
A wide range of materials and parts are needed to get the fluid loss control additives into the borehole. For example, like those made by PVC Plus, geothermal supplies are commonly found on drilling sites. ... as filtration control additives or fluid loss control additives are used in healthy cement compositions to reduce the fluid loss ...

DIACEL® LWL Powder Cement Fluid-Loss / Retarder Additive
Diacel ® LWL Powder Cement Fluid-Loss / Retarder Additive is wide-temperature range additive that is dry blended with the cement powder prior to preparation of the cement slurry. Diacel ® LWL Powder Cement Fluid-Loss / Retarder Additive is a bi-functional additive that is effective both as a retarder and fluid-loss control agent.. It can be used …

Cementing Additives
Function: UFL-73 A can control fluid loss through forming tight polymer film and enhancing viscosity of the water phase. UFL-301. Function: UFL-301 can enhance the viscosity of water phase in cement slurry and form aggregated chains of polymer in order to plug the pores in mud cake. Therefore, it can reduce the permeability of mud cake and ...

Effects of Additive Concentrations on Cement Rheology at …
This study analyzes the effect of these factors on a water based mud (WBM). 27 experiments were conducted by varying three additive concentrations; retarders, fluid loss additives and dispersants.

Fluid Loss Additives
Aubin®'s Fluid Loss Additive range includes powder products CFL-122, CFL-400, CFL-401, CFL-550, CFL-575 and CFL-585, and our latest addition CFL-600L which is a liquid. Our team has tested and developed our fluid loss additives from our state of the art well services laboratory in the UK. Effective cement slurry design involves the careful ...

Kuraray Poval™ Oil and Gas Applications
Poval™ features an extremely wide range of applications. Why use ... dispersant and defoamer, will prevent fluid loss to the formation in cementing operations. Kuraray Poval™ is an excellent binder, reduces fluid loss, reduces water production in the cementing process, and is compatible with other cement additives. It contributes to cost ...

Fluid Loss Additives
Aubin®'s Fluid Loss Additive range includes powder products CFL-122, CFL-400, CFL-401, CFL-550, CFL-575 and CFL-585, and our latest addition CFL-600L which is a liquid. …

Role of colloidal polymer associates for the effectiveness …
Then, the formation of a complete fluid loss system was obtained; i.e., the fluid loss volume decreased to less than 50 mL at 30°C and 108 mL at 80°C with 0.2 percentage by weight of cement ...

Adsorption behavior and mechanism of a copolymer used as fluid loss
The improvement of the porosity is due to the effect of fluid loss additives on the cement hydration through adsorption. ... Hydrophobic associated copolymer as a wide temperature range synthetic cement retarder and its effect on cement hydration. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 134 (2017), p. 45242. Google Scholar [29]

Fluid loss additives
The bacterial strain tested was effective over a wide range of drilling mud conditions with growth at varying pH (3-11), varying salinities (0-15%), and a wide range of temperatures. 2.2. ... In hydraulic cement slurries, fluid loss additives based on sulfonated or sulfomethylated lignins have been described.

Cement Fluid Loss Control Agents
It provides excellent fluid-loss control at temperatures up to 250°F [121°C] (Fig.2). This additive does not retard cement hydration and is compatible with cement accelerators. Thus, it is particularly suitable for low-temperature applications, for which short waiting-on-cement times are difficult to obtain.

Chemical Mechanism in the Fluid Loss Additive Modified Oil Well Cement
The water/cement (W/C) ratio of the cement paste was fixed at 0.44 and FLA content in cement paste was 3% by weight of cement (bwoc). High-pressure, high-temperature fluid-loss apparatus (TG-71 type, Shenyang taige oil equipment Corporation, China) was used for the static fluid loss test of oil well cement slurries.

Adsorption interaction between cement hydrates minerals with fluid loss
1. Introduction. A significant kind of polymer which was added to oil well cement was so-called fluid loss additive (FLA). Their main purpose was preventing water mud filtrate entering the formation, resulting in the deterioration of cement slurry's fluidity and the destruction of the reservoir [1], [2].Owing to the excellent performance of FLA, a …

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