Flexural fatigue characteristics of steel fiber reinforced recycled …
The study showed that the recycled aggregates can be used in rigid pavements also and the inclusion of fibers can benefit the fatigue performance of recycled aggregate concrete. Discover the world ...

Strength Characteristics of High-Volume Fly Ash–Based Recycled …
The recycled aggregates were collected from a demolished structure 20 years of age. Natural aggregate (NA) was replaced with recycled aggregate (RA) in different percentages of 25, 50, and 100% to study the effect of recycled-aggregate concrete (RAC) on compressive and tensile strength characteristics.

Effect of particle distribution on the shear behavior of recycled
Recycled concrete aggregate is an environment-friendly and economical civil engineering material. The concrete blocks in a construction waste dump were crushed and screened to attain recycled concrete aggregate with different particle distributions. A series of monotonic direct shear tests were conducted through large direct shear …

Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Compaction Characteristic …
First, the aggregate fragmentation caused by compaction effort was simulated using the superpave gyratory compactor. In this regard, the influences of aggregate type and RA content were investigated. Second, the indoor experiment scheme was determined using the Taguchi method to obtain compaction data of recycled …

Deterioration characteristics of recycled aggregate …
In this study, the comprehensive performance and material properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) under the coupled effect of salt-frost cycles were investigated to simulate the effect of complex environmental effects on the durability and deterioration of RAC. The tests on mass loss, relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (RDME), and …

Investigation on high-temperature stability of recycled aggregate
However, the presented research mainly employed standard tests, which cannot investigate attached mortar content and the structural characteristics inside the recycled aggregate. Therefore, research on the morphology features of recycled aggregate needs to be further carried out. 1.2. High temperature stability of RAAM

Properties of treated recycled aggregates and its
1. Introduction. For environmental reasons and availability of increased volumes of C&DW, the use of recycled aggregates as a supplement to natural aggregate in construction industry and producing good quality concrete having similar performance characteristics of NAC is considered very valuable, from different prospects.

Mechanical performance of recycled aggregate concrete in …
RAC is processed from solid construction waste. Particles with particle sizes between 75 µm and 4.75 mm are called recycled fine aggregate, while those with particle sizes greater than 4.75 mm are called recycled coarse aggregate [31]pared with natural aggregate, RCCA is coated with a large amount of old mortar, which generally …

Study on the Characteristics of Composite Recycled Aggregate …
This study investigates the influence of recycled fine aggregates (RFA) and waste concrete powder (WCP) on the compressive strength of concrete. The response surface methodology is employed, considering three factors: the content of WCP, the water–cement ratio, and the replacement ratio of recycled fine aggregates. …

Quantifying Three-Dimensional Macropore Structure and …
The permeability performance made of recycled aggregate pervious concrete with macropores (M-RAPC) relates greatly to the macropore structure and seepage behaviors. However, the mechanism of the influence of pore structure on the permeability of M-RAPC is still unclear.

Strength Characteristics of Recycled Aggregate Concrete …
1).Collection of material. The materials required for this pro ject that is. recycling of coarse aggregate are cement, sand and recycled. coarse aggregates are mainly obtained fro m the ...

(PDF) Study on pore characteristics of recycled aggregate …
Study on pore characteristics of recycled aggregate concrete mixed. 1. with glazed hollow beads at high temperatures based on 3-D. 2. reconstruction of computed tomography images. 3. Author 1. 4.

Properties of Recycled Aggregates | SpringerLink
3.2.1 Grading, Shape and Surface Texture. Buck reported that the recycled aggregate does not have a high amount of flaky and elongated particles.Frondistou-Yannas reported that good particle size distribution of recycled aggregate can be produced from uncontaminated concrete rubbles.Hasaba et al. ascertained that depending on the …

Characteristics of Basalt Macro-Fiber Reinforced Recycled Aggregate
Abstract and Figures. This study aims to examine the impact of using basalt macro-fibers (BMF) on characteristics of concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA). Test variables included ...

A Comprehensive Review on Recycled Aggregate and
Specifically, these properties of RAC include fresh concrete workability, physical and chemical properties (i.e. density, carbonation depth, and chloride ion penetration), mechanical properties (i.e. compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile …

Using and optimizing the recycled aggregates in concrete: A …
In addition, methods for enhancing the mechanical characteristics of recycled aggregate and long-term efficiency such as improving the properties without …

Using and optimizing the recycled aggregates in concrete: A …
In addition, methods for enhancing the mechanical characteristics of recycled aggregate and long-term efficiency such as improving the properties without modifying the recycled aggregate (namely, different concrete mixing designs and the addition of reinforcing fibers) were reviewed. The machine learning model for predicting …

Analysis of Shear Characteristics of Recycled Concrete Aggregate …
Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) has been widely used as a resource in reinforced soil structures, especially as a substitute for natural aggregate. Direct shear tests were conducted using a dynamic direct shear apparatus to study the effects of particle-size gradation (0.06–37.5 mm) on the shear properties of RCA-geogrid interface, in which ...

Stress–Strain Characteristics of Natural and Recycled Aggregate
The development of stress–strain characteristics of natural aggregate concrete with partial replacement of sand with waste foundry sand and addition of superplasticizer demonstrated in Fig. ... Hansen TC (1986) Recycled aggregate and recycled aggregate concrete, second state-of-the-art report, developments from …

Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC)
Sources of recycled aggregate for Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) Pexels. When a structure is demolished, the particles are of larger sizes. So to make the processing easier the particles need to be crushed down to 300mm. Steps included in recycling aggregates Separation. 75% of the concrete is made of aggregates.

Study on fracture characteristics and fracture mechanism of …
The recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) and recycled fine aggregate (RFA) complicate the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) and pore structure of RAC [21], [22]. Wu et al. [23] indicated that the fracture energy and fracture toughness of recycled coarse aggregate concrete (RCAC) decreased with the increase of RCA replacement rate.

Multi-scale characterisation of recycled aggregate concrete …
The inherent inferior quality of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) influences the microstructural characteristics and consequently, the macro-mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). The present paper investigates the influence of aggregate properties, degree of hydration ( α ), and micro and meso level …

The Impact of Fractal Gradation of Aggregate on the …
Properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) are influenced by the composition and particle size distribution of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). The study herein designed seven distinct groups of RACs with varying aggregate fractal dimensions (D) and one group of natural concrete (NAC). The impact of D on the workability, …

A study on the strength and durability characteristics of …
Recycled aggregate (RA) made from waste concrete is an environmentally friendly alternative to natural aggregate (NA) for concrete manufacturing. However, compared to NA concrete, concrete produced with recycled aggregates has poor characteristics. ... Hanumesh et al., 2018 [51] utilized PPFs in RAC and noticed …

Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review | International …
The review study yielded the following findings in regards to concrete material properties: (1) replacing NA in concrete with RCA decreases the compressive …

Analysis and optimization of mechanical …
Abstract. The most significant difference between recycled and natural concretes lies in aggregates. The performance of recycled coarse aggregates directly affects the characteristics of recycled concrete. …

Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Recycled Concrete Aggregate
The viscous property of the recycled concrete aggregate is similar to the one of ordinary type backfill materials. When well compacted around and pre-peak stiffness decreases at a very high rate. The viscous property of the recycled concrete aggregate is similar to the one of ordinary type backfill materials.

Quality improvement of recycled aggregates using the acid …
This study was conducted with the aim to chemically remove the cement paste attached to the aggregate surface using acidic substances. Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids were used as the acidic substances, and after analyzing the quality characteristics of the aggregates following the acid treatment, a mortar test was performed using the …

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