7165 Grinder Mixer
Width with Auger Feeder: 114 in. Weight with Auger Feeder: 5,200 lbs. Reversible Hammers: 96. Screen Area: 780 sq. in. PTO Drive: 1000 RPM, 540 RPM. Operating Speed of Mill: 2,800-3,000 RPM. Horsepower Requirement: 80-160 hp. Auger Feeder Length: 96 in. Auger Feeder Diameter: 10 in. Auger Feeder Type: Hydraulic Tube. Diameter of …

ARTSWAY 7165 Feed Grinders For Sale | TractorHouse
New 2024 7165 Artsway grinder mixer, 1000 or 540 RPM, Scale, Coolant fan, Overrun PTO for smoother shut down, Centralized Grease Point New Grinder Coming Soon Call Andy Poen 712-830-0550. Get Shipping Quotes. Apply for Financing. Featured Listing. View Details. 47 1. Updated: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 02:12 PM. 2024 ARTSWAY 7165.

High Performance 6530 Grinder/Mixer delivers uniform, …
The 6530 Grinder Mixer boasts a fully self-contained hydraulic system operated by a wireless remote to control: raise/lower and swing of the discharger auger; open/close of the tank discharge gate; plus start and stop the …

AG Industrial | Art's Way Grinder Mixers
Hammer Mill Models. Available in 105, 140, 165 & 215 bushel capacities. All the hammer mills feature 4-way reversible knives to get more use out of this common wear item. Choose between a 20- or 26-inch hammer mill size to match the output you desire. A throat magnet prevents metal debris from staying in your feed through processing.

6105 Grinder Mixer
Weight with Auger Feeder: 3,540 lbs. Reversible Hammers: 72. Screen Area: 600 sq. in. PTO Drive: 540 RPM. Operating Speed of Mill: 2,800-3,000 RPM. Horsepower Requirement: 40-100 hp. Auger Feeder Length: 96 in. Auger Feeder Diameter: 10 in. Auger Feeder Type: Hydraulic Trough. Diameter of Mixing Auger: 12 in. flighting/13 in. …

ARTSWAY Feed Grinders For Sale | TractorHouse
Lease to own for $3,189 Down with Affordable Nationwide Delivery! New Art's Way 6140 Grinder Mixer with a 140 bushel tank, feed auger, hydraulic high performance 8" dia unload auger, 640 scales, 72...See More …

Used Art's Way Grinders and Mixers for Sale (81 listings)
New Art's-Way 7165 Grinder Mixer with 165 bushel mixing tank, 12" diameter mixing auger, one piece 26" hammermill, 96 4-way reversible... See all seller comments. $80,260 USD. Est. $1,511 monthly. Get Financing. Shipping Quote. Keast Enterprises - Henderson. Henderson, IA. (712) 220-6175. Call (712) 220-6175 Email Seller. View Full Listing.

Introducing 6530 Grinder Mixer
Make all hydraulic adjustments from a consolidated valve bank. Move more feed faster with bigger, better discharge capabilities – increased gate opening, longer 12 ft. discharge auger tube and additional 60⁰ height setting on discharge auger tube cylinder. About Art's Way Manufacturing, Inc.

Art's Way Grinder Mixers
540 RPM PTO. The portable 5105 Grinder Mixer features a 105-bushel tank with a 20-inch hammermill, which can be easily tailored to the specific needs of your livestock operation. The time-tested mixing auger and tube design of the 5105 allows ingredients to blend thoroughly and uniformly, yielding a superior and reliable mix.

Art's-Way 6105/6140 Portable Mixer/Hammermill
Adding an auger feeder makes it easy to load your portable units. The portable units also feature different discharge auger options from a side to side on the units without a tank, choosing mechanical or hydraulic on our smallest grinder mixer, or run with a remote control on our larger units. Screen Sizes.

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