CET TARIFF – ACT NO. 4 – Nigeria Customs Service
CET TARIFF – ACT NO. 4. This section contains the entire CET Tariff Sections, which can be consulted online or downloaded in printable format. The online consultation allows navigation through Sections, Chapters, Abbreviations & Symbols, as well as General Rules for interpretation of the Harmonized System. It also includes a new Tariff search ...

Excise Duty in India
Tax rate: The rates applicable to excise duty are specified as per the central excise tariff rules. At the moment, excise duty is charged at 12.36% but it varies based on the kind of products. GST, on the other hand, has standard rates at 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28% depending upon the kind of product.

HS Code 84642080
8464 Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass 846420 Grinding or polishing machines 84642080 Other. Examples (no official information or warranty) 1. Grinding machine for stones, 50 kg, 100 x 60 x 80 cm. 2. Polishing machine for concrete, 75 kg, 120 x 70 x 90 cm. 3.

Grinding Machine: Definition, Uses, Types, and Applications
A grinding machine is a tool or piece of equipment used for removing material from a workpiece via abrasion. They typically employ rotating abrasive wheels to shape, smooth, or finish workpieces through grinding. The machining process uses abrasive particles to remove material from a workpiece's surface.

Excise and GST/HST News
The proposed federal excise duty rate would be $1.00 per 2 millilitres (ml), or fraction thereof, for containers with 10 ml or less of vaping liquid. For containers with more than 10 ml, the applicable federal rate would be $5.00 for the first 10 ml, and $1.00 for every additional 10 ml, or fraction thereof.

No. 23 of 2015 Excise Duty [Rev. 2017] E20A - 4 PART VI — REFUNDS 29. Refunds. 30. Excisable goods subject to a refund liable for excise duty on disposal or inconsistent use. 31. Exempt excisable goods liable for excise duty on re-importation or purchase. 32. Exempt excisable goods liable for excise duty on disposal or inconsistent use.

list of excise tariff no grinding machine
list of excise tariff no grinding machine ZCRUSHER hs code for grinding and مطحنة ing machine hs code for محطم hs It is principally used as a part of a machinelist of excise …

Supreme Court endorses predominant or sole/ principal …
While initially, the taxpayer classified the goods it manufactured under Tariff Entry No. 8536.90, an increase in the effective rate of excise duty for goods under that Tariff Entry led to the taxpayer providing a revised classification list, classifying the relays under Tariff Entry No. 8608 (which was subject to a lower rate of duty).

Machine-tools For Planing, Shaping, Slotting, Broaching
Machine-tools For Planing, Shaping, Slotting, Broaching, Gear Cutting, Gear Grinding Or Gear Finishing, Sawing, Cutting-off And Other Machine Tools Working By Removing Metal, Or Cermets, Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included Search List of Indian ITC HS Code and HS classification System Code, Harmonised System product code, Exim Codes Lookup …

Machinery For Sorting, Screening, Separating, Washing, …
NOTIFICATION No. 17/2024-Customs Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 so as to modify BCD rates on certain smart wearable devices. Date: 12-03-2024 NOTIFICATION No. 15/2024-Customs Seeks to amend specific tariff items in Chapter 90 of the 1st schedule of Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Date: 12-03-2024

list of excise tariff no grinding machine
List of excise tariff no grinding machine excise chapter head no for grinding m c, central excise tax of chapter 84 nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and excise duty of …

Duty Calculator
Pay Customs Duty. Mobile Devices Regularization - DIRBS. Export Facilitaion Schemes. Customs Duty Drawback. Customs Valuations. Duty Calculator. Exchange Rates. Diplomatic Bonds. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs) for ITTMS.

Tariff Tool | Customs & Excise | NamRA
The SACU Secretariat is located in Windhoek, Namibia. As a member of SACU, Namibia implements the SACU Common External Tariff (CET). The following Schedules are implemented in Namibia: Schedule 1 Part 1 - Chapters 1 to 99 of the Namibia Tariff Book (SACU CET) Schedule 1 Part 2 - Specific and Ad Valorem Excise Duties.

list of excise tariff no grinding machine
list of excise tariff no grinding machine excise chapter head no for grinding m c, Central Excise Tax of Chapter 84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery …

Milking machines and dairy machinery ITC HS CODE List.
NOTIFICATION No. 17/2024-Customs Seeks to amend notification No. 57/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 so as to modify BCD rates on certain smart wearable devices. Date: 12-03-2024 NOTIFICATION No. 15/2024-Customs Seeks to amend specific tariff items in Chapter 90 of the 1st schedule of Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Date: 12-03-2024

Excise Duty
Every package of Cosmetics and Beauty products of tariff heading No. 3303, 3304, 3305 and 3307 imported to or manufactured in Kenya are required to be affixed with an excise stamp. Taxpayers can verify the codes from the list of goods and services listed in the First and Second schedules of the VAT Act.

14 Types of Grinding Machines [Working, Diagram & PDF]
Centreless grinder. Surface grinder. Universal grinder. Tools and cutting grinder. 1. Bench Grinder. These types of grinding machines are fixed on a workbench or table. Gear or pulley is fitted in it. For rotating the big-size gears or pulley a …

19 Types of Grinding Machines and Their Uses | Xometry
2. Bench Grinder. A bench grinder is bolted to whatever surface the user chooses. It is typically mounted on a workbench — hence the name. It usually has two wheels: one coarse wheel for heavy-duty grinding and a finer wheel for polishing.

New Central Excise tariff New excise duty on export goods Cenvat, Manufacturing Export Goods, Cenvat Refund Claim and Rate of Excise Duty . ... Crushing or grinding machines: 84742010: For stone and mineral: 02-Feb-2017: Duty Type: Duty Rate (ADV) Duty Rate (SP) Unit: Cenvat : 12.5 : ExciseCess : 01-Mar-2016: Duty Type:

THE EXCISE (MANAGEMENT AND TARIFF) ACT. This Revised edition of 2008 of the Excise ( Management and Tariff) Act, Cap. 147 replaces the Revised Edition of 2006 and incorporates all amendments made to this Act up to and including 30th November, 2008 and is printed under the authority of Section 4 of the Laws Revision Act, Cap.4 and …

Customs Ruling NY L85875
NY L85875; Jul 22, 2005 ; Type : Classification • HTSUS : 8208.30.0030; 8438.90.9060 CLA-2-84:RR:NC:N1:106 L85875 Ms. Monica Patriquin RudolphIndustries 1176 Cardiff …

CROSS Customs Rulings Online Search System
The tariff classification of grinding machines and a lappingmachine from Japan. 6/27/2000 . HQ 963324 open_in_new. Classification . ... The tariff classification …

84798200 - Other machines and mechanical appliances: Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenising, emulsifying or stirring machines Updated India Import Duty and Custom duty of Customs tariff of …

Sri Lanka Customs National Imports Tariff Guide 2021
Customs Duty 49 - 53 Excise (Special – Provisions) Duty 53 - 54 Port and Airport Levy (PAL) 54 - 57 Cess 57 - 59 Value Added Tax (VAT) 59 - 67 Value Added Tax (VAT) Consolidated Levy 68 Sections I to XXI of Harmonized System 69 - 76 Abbreviations and Symbols 77 General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System 78 Customs …

Date: SCHEDULE 1 / PART 1 / SECTION I Customs & Excise Tariff. Heading / CD Article Description Statistical Rate of Duty Subheading Unit General EU / UK EFTA SADC MERCOSUR AfCFTA 02.01 Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled: 0201.10 2 - Carcasses and half-carcasses kg 40% or 240c/kg 40% or 240c/kg 40% or

Harmonized Tariff Schedule
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The HTS is based on the international Harmonized System, which is the global system of nomenclature …

Customs & Excise | Department of Revenue
The specific duty rate is also applied on some of the industrial raw materials. In case of goods imported from SAFTA member countries, the Customs Duty is levied based on the preferential tariff rates as agreed by SAFTA member countries. ii. Excise Duty (ED) Excise duty is levied on certain notified domestically manufactured products.

84603910 - Other: Grinder, tool or cutter Search List of Indian ITC HS Code and HS classification System Code, Harmonised System product code, Exim Codes …

(for office use only) Customs Tariff 2020 2021
Ph.No.: 01-4117217 . email: [email protected]. or [email protected] . website: . Foreword Nepal has already incorporated sixth version of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systemsince May 2017, as approved by the World Customs Organization. This "Customs Tariff 2020/21" has been published

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