Gray Manufacturing USA
The QP-160 heavy duty Quickpack® spin-on oil filter crusher features 100% air operation, providing long lasting maintenance-free operation. SKU: model-qp-160. Call 800-821 …

TC-6 15 16 Ops-Manual 2012-oct-18

Heavy-Duty Truck Filter Crusher
John Dow Industries | Heavy-Duty Truck Filter Crusher - Air/Hydraulic | HDC-150. Key Features: Operates on shop air and can be set up anywhere. Compact size takes less than four square feet of floor …

Ranger Products Oil Filter Crusher, Model# RP-20FC
This Ranger Products Oil Filter Crusher is a huge money saver, space saver and environment saver all in one. ... Single-valve operation; Sturdy welded steel plate construction; ... Ranger Products Electro/Hydraulic Oil Filter Crusher, 15-Ton Capacity, 42 1/2in.W x 17in.D x 75in.H. TSI Oil Filter Crusher, Model# TC-6.

Oil Filter Crushing Machines
WholesaleHydraulics — 1-800-329-6888 — HYDRAULIC OIL …. Oil Filter Element Crusher: Manual Load … of crushing force. Installation: Attach to … recycling & disposal processing machine. Reduces Oil Filters to irregular ….

Manual Oil Filter Crusher | Crusher Mills, Cone Crusher, Jaw …
Manual Hydraulic Single Filter Crusher Oil Filter Element Crusher: Manual Load & Unload; Removes most oil from elements to oil collection barrel. Standard Unit … Filter …

rangerproducts 15-Ton Oil-Filter Crusher …
This manual describes the RP-30FCH Oil-Filter Crusher from BendPak Ranger, which applies up to 15 tons of pressing power to flatten used Oil Filters to approximately 20 percent of their size while removing up to 95 percent of the leftover oil. More information about the full line of BendPak Ranger products is available at . bendpak.

CrazyCrusher 2 Manual Rock Crusher | High Plains …
Includes paper filter mask, container and lid. Some Assembly needed as the arms are shipped unattached. Hardware and instructions included. Crazy Crusher is an excellent product for any prospecting operation. Specifications: Height:13 1/2" Width:(incl. Handle) 18" Length:(w/arms and handle) 27" Footprint: 6-1/4" x 12-1/2" Net Weight: 37lbs.

Filter# HP3202A10AN 332-1010N 332-1010W 4348 89348 see engine manual see engine manual see engine manual see engine manual see engine manual OverBuilt Order# 332-0009 332-1010N 332-1010W 332-1004F Check All Fluid Levels & Visually Inspect Crusher Daily Order Info. I OverBuilt 780 West Park Ave. NW I Huron, SD 57350 605-352-6469

JohnDow® HDC-150-94
15 t Air/Hydraulic Oil Filter Crusher (HDC-150-94) by JohnDow®. This top-grade product is expertly made in compliance with stringent industry standards to offer a fusion of a well-balanced design and high level of …

MC-700 - Hydraulic Single Filter Crusher by Advanced Fluid Power, Inc.. Manual Load & Unload. Removes most oil from elements to oil collection barrel. Standard Unit: Crushes …

Buy a TSI TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher | Mile-X …
The TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher is the workhorse of oil filter crushers with 38,000 lbs of crushing force! Our most popular model, the TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher crushes up to 4 filters at a time or paint/solvent containers in …

Automotive Oil Filter Crusher
Features. Dimensions. Specifications. • Electric/hydraulic – requires no shop air, is very quiet, and provides consistent crushing force. • Crushes up to 5 automotive filters per cycle. • 8″ tall chamber will even accommodate the filters from the popular, Cummins and Powerstroke diesel-powered vehicles.

Oil Filter Baler Model SB300 by OBERG® Filter Crushers
The Model SB-300 Oil Filter Baler is built for continual use by commercial processors of used oil filters. It is made to accommodate high volume processors. Producing over 170,000 lbs of main ram force, the SB-300 turns filters into a tight, dense brick that can be sold to a scrap metal dealer or given to a steel mill for recycling. Dimensions.

TC-6 15 16 Ops-Manual 2012-oct-18
OPERATING MANUAL TC-6, TC-15A & TC16 FILTER CRUSHER TC-6 TC-15 TC-16 . ... 20 amp, single phase Hydraulic Power 2800 PSIG generating 64,000 lbs of force Fig. 7 On/Off Switch Valve Lever Door Latch Crush Chamber Oil Filter . 800.223.4540 3451 S. 40th Street Phoenix, AZ 85040

25-Ton Electric/Hydraulic Automotive Oil Filter Crusher
Powered by 2 hp electric/hydraulic pump, 230 volt, 20 amp, 60 cycle, single phase, 3,450 rpm. Has 2-gallon reservoir. Built-in, heavy-duty floor stand with leveling pads is designed to accept a 30-gallon drum for oil drainage. Comes assembled. Made in U.S.A. and covered by Lifetime Marathon Warranty®. This product can expose you to chemicals ...

RP-30FCH Oil-Filter Crusher
Electric/Hydraulic Oil Filter Crusher with Stand / 15-Ton (13.6-mt.) Capacity / 208-240V / 1 Ph / 50/60 Hz. The RP-30FCH oil filter crusher applies 13,608 kg. of crushing force against used oil filters that need to be completely drained of residual oil. Its manual stainless steel handle is ergonomically placed on the side of the crusher to ...

Oil Filter Crushers
Browse our Oil Filter Crushers, Pneumatic Oil Filter Crusher, Electric Hydraulic Oil Filter Crushers, BJE Oil Filter Crushers, & Truck Oil Filter Crushers. Quote. Get A Quote. SHOW VISITOR STATS. NULL . lookup ran yes. …

Crushers | US manufacturer of Herkules, EnKon …
Herkules OFC6 Oil Filter Crusher crushes a single oil filter up to 8″ tall in less than a minute, reducing it in size by up to 80%. The crusher extracts up to 98% of the oil, so that it can be recycled. Air powered, the OFC6 …

Ranger RP-50FC Industrial 25 Ton Capacity High Speed Oil Filter Crusher
The super-sized RP-50FC industrial oil filter crusher applies 25 tons of electric-hydraulic pressing power to flatten just about any used oil filter to 20% of its original size, all while removing 95% of the residual oil. Filters up to 15.25" long and 6" diameter are crushed in seconds flat. Our Most Powerful Oil Filter Crusher Yet.

Oil Filter Crusher by JohnDow | Used Oil Filter Crushers
Description. Heavy-Duty Oil Filter Crusher (stand sold separately) HDC-150-94. GOOGLE THIS PART HERE. The most effective solution for the storage and disposal of used oil …

Model SB-300
Oil Filter Baler Model SB-300 by OBERG® Filter Crushers . ... Hydraulic Operating Pressure: 3,000 psi: Hydraulic Reservoir: 100 gallons: Cycle Time: 45 seconds: Operation SmartLogic™ Automatic and Manual: Operator: Single Operator: Loading: Hopper Feed: Bale Discharge: Auto Bale Discharge w/ Bale Track: Bale Dimensions:

Drum Crusher
Stops crusher if door is opened; No Electrical: No electricals on drum crusher body to spark or create explosion; Remote Hydraulic Power Unit: Can be located away from crusher body; Hoses: Two 10' hoses …

How to Select an Oil Filter Crusher
An example would be an oil filter crusher that is designed for crushing locomotive filters. These filters can measure up to 36 inches in length and require a chamber large enough to hold anywhere from a …

RP-50FC Oil Filter Crusher
Oil Filter Crushers SKU# 5150401 Electro/Hydraulic Oil Filter Crusher with Stand, 25-Ton Capacity, Heavy-Duty, 208-240V, 1-Phase, 50/60hz ... - Ergonomic controls feature automatic or manual cycles - Welded steel plate construction - Electric-hydraulic power unit features 2-HP motor - Automatic safety door stops operation when opened

Installation and Operation Manual
This manual describes the RP-50 series of high-speed oil filter crushers from Ranger Products, which apply up to 25 tons of electric hydraulic pressing power to flatten just …

Oil filter crusher 15 tonne | Global Spill & Safety
This oil filter crusher complies with Australian Standards AS4024-1996 and workplace safety requirements. The 15-tonne oil filter crusher is able to crushes filters up to 75cm high and 25cm in diameter. For smaller sized filters and ram force, we have eight-tonne oil filter crushers also available. Australian Made.

Ranger RP-30FCH Oil Filter Crusher with Stand
$87/mo. Add to Compare Add to Wish List. Electric/Hydraulic Oil Filter Crusher with Stand / 15-Ton Capacity / 208-240V / 1 Ph / 50/60 Hz. The RP-30FCH oil filter crusher …

Oil Filter Crushers | Best Buy Auto Equipment
OTC 1896 25 Ton Capacity Electric/Hydraulic Automotive Oil Filter Crusher -OTC1896. List Price: $11,052.62. : $11,187.24. Payments as low as $235/mo Click to see terms. Add To Cart. OTC Heavy Duty Automatic Oil Filter Crusher w/Stand. OTC 1877 Automatic 25 Ton Capacity Heavy Duty Oil Filter Crusher Heavy Duty w/Stand -OTC1877.

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