Stefan Harig – Head of IT – HerkulesGroup Services GmbH ...
The Chinese Rizhao Steel Holding Group Co., Ltd. has acquired the tenth WS 450 x 6000 CNC Monolith™ roll grinding machine from Herkules. The…

Herkules in Meuselwitz
7 grinding machines (surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal grinding) Herkules Meuselwitz takes its roots from Heymer & Pilz GmbH Maschinenfabriken und Eisengießerei Meuselwitz, founded in 1876. The company is specialized in the manufacture of heavy-duty machines, such as machines for briquetting brown coal.

SIEMENS RETROFIT OF CNC ROLL GRINDER. The project comprised a full Siemens Retrofit of a Herkules P100 CNC Roll Grinder. Mechanically, the machine was in quite good condition, therefore, the only remedial mechanical work was to refurbish the Axis Drive Ballscrews and laser re-align the Machine Beds & Wheel Slide.

Roll Grinders - Herkules - Specialist for Roll Machining
Roll grinder for the highest efficiency and precision. Herkules is the roll machining specialist worldwide. Its product range comprises different types of roll grinders which are perfectly customized to your requirements. Roll grinders with a travelling table, table-top machines or a complete machining center with an integrated loader ...

Global Roll Grinding Machine Market 2021 by Manufacturers ...
Table 25. Herkules Roll Grinding Machine Product and Services Table 26. Herkules Roll Grinding Machine Sales (Units), Price (K USD/Unit), Revenue (USD Million), Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2021e) Table 27. Karats Precision Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors Table 28. Karats Precision Major Business Table 29.

KPM - USA - herkules-machinetools
The headquarters, covering 7,525 m 2 (81,000 sq ft), is equipped with a modern machine inventory. It includes a wide range of lathes, milling and grinding machines along with measuring devices, many of which are manufactured within the company group, and guarantees the highest machining quality.

Roll Grinders - Traversing Grinding Saddle - Herkules ...
Herkules roll grinding machines are well-known throughout the world for their excellent performance in terms of precision, speed and efficiency. The user-friendly control, developed within HerkulesGroup specifically for roll grinders, …

Herkules USA
History. 120 dedicated and highly-skilled employees design and manufacture roll grinders and lathes in Ford City, Pennsylvania. Besides manufacturing new machines, Herkules USA specializes in the modernization of machines. The spacious, fully air-conditioned production area of 7,525 m 2 (81,000 ft 2) offers an ideal environment for the highly ...

Electrical & Mechanical Upgrades for Roll Grinders - CNC ...
This was a Herkules WS450, suited for grinding the rolls of POSCO-Thainox. The roll grinder was shipped to our Thailand factory in Bangkok and the work began. The Retrofit. To achieve the high accuracy required for the stainless steel cold mill, the machine had to undergo a complete mechanical rebuild & electrical retrofit including:

25" x 135" Herkules #WS450-8Lx3500, CNC cylindrical ...
Herkules WS 450-8L x 3500 CNC Cylindrical Grinder Machine just out of service from Major Aerospace Facility. Grinding Diameter: 25" Maximum Swing: 48" Center Distance: 135" Weights of Machine Parts (Approx. Weights) Grinding Carriage Bed: 10 T 22,000 lbs. Grinding Carriage: 5,9 T 13,000 lbs. Roll Bed: 7,7 T 17,000 lbs. Headstock: 4,5 T 10,000 lbs.

Used Roll Grinding Machines for sale. Cincinnati equipment ...
28" x 192" Mesta/KPM-Herkules Roll Grinder: RG-092. Manufacturer: Mesta; Used 28" x 192" Mesta/KPM-Herkules Roll Grinder: RG-092 / steel mill roll grinder Manufacture: - Mesta Remanufacture: - 2007 by KPM Group (= Herkules North America) Previous Use: - Grinding work roll s in a ...

3.1 Monolith Grinder The Monolith roll grinder, a new generation of roll grinding machine, represents a quantum leap in technology. The design of the Monolith grinder isolates the machine from vibrations and save the cost of intensive foundation works, with a …

kirloskar roll grinding machine - gypsumprocessingplants
Roll Grinding Solutions by Herkules. With more than 100 years of experience Herkules is the specialist in roll machining and a world leading manufacturer of roll grinders The reason why

TwinCAT ensures the perfect finish - PC Control
Herkules: control expertise for roll grinders packed into software Grinding support: Due to the extreme stresses on the rollers during the rolling process, the demands on a roll grinder are extraordinarily high with regard to grinding accuracy and uptime.They are among the most demand-ing tasks in the steel and smelting industry.

Custom Made Roll Grinding Machine w/ (2) Material Stands ...
Custom Made Roll Grinding Machine w/ (2) Material Stands, Grinding Head, Spinning Head, Assoc. Grinding Belts & Wheels, w/ Spare Decking, Shelving Unit w/ Machine Parts, 2-Drawer 2-Door Cabinet w/ Machine Parts ... Lot 173 Herkules WSB450 CNC Roll Grinder Previous Lot. No Image. Lot 175 Skoda SR2000 x ...

Applications - Herkules USA
In order to machine rolls and roll rings efficiently and economically, tight tolerances have to be met. The solution: groove grinders made by Herkules. Using deep pass grinding and contour grinding for grinding grooves in carbide rings achieves the highest shape accuracy and surface quality in very short machining times.

Former Assets of Valmet – 150,000 Sq. Ft. Large Capacity ...
ROLL GRINDERS: Herkules WSB450 CNC Roll Grinder, Fanuc 18i-T CNC Control, 63" Swing, 275.59" Between Centers, 3.34" – 63" Grinding Diameter, 32.67" Center Height, 200 – 800 RPM Wheelhead Speed, 29.52" Max.

Notch milling machines - Herkules USA
Notch milling machine with intuitively operable panel. For accurate machining of structural steels of diameters up to 80 mm, Herkules offers a high-performance notch milling machine. More than 200 notch milling machines have been delivered to satisfied customers all over the world. Excellent damping parameters and outstanding rigidity – these ...

grinding machine for rolls
Roll Grinding - Solutions by Herkules. Roll grinding to the highest standards. With more than 100 years of experience, Herkules is the specialist in roll machining and a world leading manufacturer of roll grinders. ... multi-piece grey cast iron base housing all units such as grinding wheel head, work head, in feed slide and oscillation slide ...

Used Cylindrical Grinding Machines For Rolls for sale ...
Grinder, Cylindrical, Herkules, 25" x 135". Ref # 9797. Manufacturer: Herkules; YEAR: 1997 Herkules WS 450-8L x 3500 CNC Cylindrical Grinder Machine just out of service from Major Aerospace Facility. Grinding Diameter: 25" Maximum Swing: 48" Center Distance: 135" W...

Herkules Cylindrical/Roll Grinding Machine WS 350 x 3200mm ...
Herkules Cylindrical/Roll Grinding Machine Model WS 350 x 3200mm. Max. grinding diameter: 36" (915mm) Minimum grinding diameter: 10mm (0.4″) Max. grinding length: 3200mm (128″) Grinding wheel: 750mm x 80mm x 305mm. Wheel head speeds variable 40 – 1500rpm.

Manufacturer of Coswig Milling Head & Roll Grinders by ...
Herkules Group - Manufacturer of Coswig Milling Head, Roll Grinders & Wire, Rod & Small Section Mills from Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Roll Grindersherkules Algeria
Algeria Roll Making Machine Buyers Roll Making Machine. 6 roll making machine buyers and importers from algeria are waiting to connect with global roll making machine exporters amp suppliers join free now amp grow your business today please wait while your account is being registered at tradewheelcom join worlds fastest growing b2b network.

Lathes P-series - Herkules - Specialist for Roll Machining
P-series lathes. High-performance P-Series lathe with a robustly designed machine bed. Tool holder with mounted tool, roll with round groove. P 500 Power for machining section rolls and shafts for the energy industry. Roll lathe – headstock and tailstock with roll between centers. Machine of the P-Series with milling head.

Table-top Machines - Travelling Workpiece - Herkules ...
The intuitively operable control developed within the HerkulesGroup specifically for roll grinders also contributes to this high degree of precision. Beyond precision, Herkules table-top machines stand for highest performance and efficiency. The combination of the ultra-fast control and measuring systems allows for correction grinding on the fly.

HerkulesGroup - WaldrichSiegen
WaldrichSiegen is an independent medium-sized company within the globally active HerkulesGroup; its head office is located in Siegen. Approximately 1,500 employees are working with competence and passion on the development and production of innovative heavy-duty machine tools in the fields of milling, boring, turning, grinding and texturing worldwide.

Grinder, Cylindrical, Herkules, 25" x 135" - D&H Machinery
Herkules WS 450-8L x 3500 CNC Cylindrical Grinder Machine just out of service from Major Aerospace Facility. Grinding Diameter: 25" Maximum Swing: 48" Center Distance: 135" Weights of Machine Parts (Approx. Weights) Grinding Carriage Bed: 10 T 22,000 lbs.

Used Herkules Grinding machines for sale | Machinio
ROLL GRINDER, HERKULES WS 450-12x4000_A, 1000 x 4000, A1568. Manufacturer: Herkules 1000 x 4000 mm. Description: 1. the machine had originally CNC, but in 2003 the modernization with the change of the CNC was made during the overhaul in Russia.

Grinders Roll | Browse - RMS Machinery, Inc.
Grinders Roll – Browse – RMS Machinery, Inc. 1 – USED 128" X 660" MESTA GEARED HEAD HEAVY DUTY ROLL LATHE

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