TaeguTec Cutting Tools - Metal Working Tools - 2F 16/20/25 ...
Sub Application. 2F 16/20/25/30/32 : Ball nose end mills for rough or semi-finish profiling with one insert 2FB of both internal & external pockets in diameters of 16/20/25/30/32 mm. Designation. Tool sty.

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BCM : DROPMILL, Ball nose endmills carrying tangent straight edge inserts. Used for semi finishing and finishing at high feed rates. Its unique design provides a fully effective cutter - two cutting edges even at small depths of cut. ... Related inserts for : BCM D25-A-W25-C. BCR Ball Nose Inserts with a Straight Cutting Edge Tangent to a Round ...

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Ball Nose Endmills with MULTI-MASTER Threaded Adaptation Carrying Tangent Straight Edge Inserts for Finish Profiling T(1) D r • Do not apply lubricant to the MULTI-MASTER threaded connection (1) Clamping wrench size Spare Parts Designation BCM D12-MMT08 BCM D16-MMT10 BCM D20-MMT12 BCM D25-MMT15-C Torx Blade . Open the catalog to page 14

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BCM: DROPMILL, Ball nose endmills carrying tangent straight edge inserts. Used for semi finishing and finishing at high feed rates. Its unique design provides a fully affective cutter - two cutting edges even at small ... BCM D25-A-W25-C 25.00 12.50 20.00 2 170.00 70.00 25.00 - W A Y 0.56 BCM D25-B-C32-C 25.00 12.50 20.00 2 220.00 95.00 32.00 2 ...

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New Profile Milling Heads with MULTI-MASTER T15 Adaptation ...
Following are the new tools: BCM D25-MMT15 DROPMILL Ball nose endmill with MULTI-MASTER threaded adaptation carrying tangential straight edge inserts. Used for semi-finishing and finishing at high feed rates. Its unique design provides a fully effective cutter with two cutting edges. HCM D25/1.0-MMT15 Ball nose multifunction endmills with MULTI ...

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Family Designation: H490 E90AX-12 90° endmills carrying H490 ANKX 12.double-sided rectangular inserts with 4 helical cutting edges. Used for heavy applications (HELIDO 490 Line). Item Designation: H490 E90AX D25-2-W25-12.

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Shenzhen Ussharp Cutting Technology Co.,ltd - End mills ...
1 Piece (Min. Order) External Turning Inserts Holder SVVBN2020k11 with 11mm Cutting Length carbide inserts. $5.49 - $21.76 / Piece. 1.0 Pieces (Min. Order) welded carbide tip dovetail mill cutter 45 degree for stainless steel. $8.60 - $18.80 / Piece. 5 Pieces (Min. Order) spiral 2F solid carbide ball nose end mill 2mm/4mm/6mm/8mm metric diameter.

Indexable Ball Nose End Mills - MSC Industrial Supply
5/16" Cut Diam, 1/2" Shank Diam, 5" OAL, Indexable Ball Nose End Mill 1.906" Head Length, Straight Shank, TBN Toolholder, TBNR 312, TBRR 312 Insert. MSC# 68464957 Tool-Flo (TBNS50050WT312) Ships from Mfr. within 1 business day. Price: $213.24.

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Ball Nose Endmill Bcm D25 A W25 - deselco.de Ball Nose Endmill Bcm D25 A W25. We are a large-scale manufacturer specializing in producing various mining machines including different types of sand and gravel equipment, milling equipment, mineral processing equipment and building materials equipment.

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