Sugar Mills Equipment Capacity Calculation Formula

Thumb Rules for Sugar factory Equipment Design Sizing

Each Magma and seed pumps capacity required = (TCD x 0.008 ) T/hr. 2. B and C Sugar Melter capacity required (working volume) = (TCD x 0.004) M3. 3. Thickness : 18g = 1.22mm, 16g = 1.625, 14g = 1.8mm. These all thumb rules gives only approximate values for sugar industry equipment sizing.

Mills and diffusers Technology in Juice extraction systems of sugar

Cane Diffuser technology has the following advantages in sugar factory. 1. Extraction by diffuser is considered to be the efficient technology compared to Milling as the extraction levels possible, theoretically, with the former will be about 98.5% max whereas in a Mill it will not go beyond 98%. With a bagasse % cane of about 32%, the increase ...

Mill Capacity Calculations

There are a large number of formulae for the calculation of the capacity of a milling tandem. Hugot gives the following formula: A = 0.9 c·n·√N· (1-0.06·n·D)·L·D 2 /f. where. …

Vacuum Pan in Sugar Industry | Vacuum Pan Design Criteria | Sugar …

Liquor ( Syrup / molasses ) – Uniform composition and flow rate of feed. 4. Moment Water – Constant Temperature and flow rate. 5. Vacuum of the Pan – Steady and uniform. b) Outgoing. 1. Massecuite – Uniform consistency, Purity and grain size. 2.

Percentage Calculator

We call the first number (2) a numerator and the second number (5) a denominator because this is a fraction. To calculate the percentage, multiply this fraction by 100 and add a percent sign. 100 × numerator / denominator = percentage. In our example, it's 100 × 2/5 = 100 × 0.4 = 40. Forty percent of the group are girls.

Milk of Lime in sugar Industry | MOL System Capacity …

The lime is the cheapest and most required clarifying agent . The consumption of lime in different process is as follows. In Defecation Process – 0.08 to 0.12% on cane. In Sulphitation Process – 0.14 to 0.20% on cane. The availability of lime in different forms like quick lime, lime stone and hydrated lime.

How to Calculate Production Capacity: Formula & Examples

It is influenced by factors such as cycle time, equipment efficiency, and production speed. The formula for maximum capacity is: [ Maximum Capacity = Utilization Rate x Available Production Time ] 4. Factoring in Efficiency. Efficiency plays a pivotal role in production capacity calculation. It involves assessing the actual output achieved in ...

Pump Power Calculation Formula

Pump input power calculation formula or pump shaft power calculation formula. Pump Input Power = P. Formula – 1. P in Watt = Here. Q = Flow rate in m 3 /sec. H = Total developed head in meters = Density in kg/m 3. g = Gravitational constant = 9.81 m/sec 2. η = Efficiency of the pump ( between 0% to 100%) Formula – 2. P in kW = …

Ball Mill Design/Power Calculation

The approximate horsepower HP of a mill can be calculated from the following equation: HP = (W) (C) (Sin a) (2π) (N)/ 33000. where: W = weight of charge. C = distance of centre of gravity or charge from …

Melt Clarification System Design Criteria for Sugar …

Flotation Clarifier : The Flotation clarifier holding volume calculated on the basis of retention time. It will be provided 35 minutes and height of the clarifier having 1.7 to 1.75 mtrs. Center well of the clarifier height having 150mm to 200mm less then the clarifier height with 2 to 2.5 minutes retention. Liquor outlet coil Dia calculate on the basis of …

How to Calculate Production Capacity: Formula & Examples

The formula to figure this out is: Machine-hour capacity = number of usable machines * number of working hours. 4. Use the Following Production Capacity Formula. Now, we're ready to figure out production capacity by using this formula: Production capacity = Machine-hour capacity / Cycle time for each unit.


NORMAL MILL PRACTICES Not to monitor lift of top roller It is assumed that top roller lifts only that value considered during mill setting calculations Normally actual lift of top …

Capacity Calculation Cane Sugar Plant

Equipment Mega Machines- World Mega Machines Excavator Heavy Equipment Michael ... Massecuite Quantity = 230 x 13% = 30 T/hrCapacity Calculation of Pan Section in Sugar Industry...Mill Capacity Calculations. There are a large number of formulae for the calculation of the capacity ... Hugot gives the following formula: A = 0.9 c·n·√N·(1-0. ...


design is refined and improved, which are catered for in the structured approach. The paper. discusses the design procedures, the models used in the process and the current structured. approach ...

Formulas for Sugar Industry Boiling House Stock Calculation

We can apply SJM formula to this sugar in syrup (Original Material) and can found out available sugar from the syrup. Available Sugar = { [ V x D x B x J ] / [ 100 x 100 ] } x { [ S (J – M) / J (S – M) ] } For simplification of the formula Putting the value of …


Mill Extraction :- The quantity of sugar extracted in the mixed juice per 100 sugar in cane i.e. percentage of sugar extracted in the mixed juice out of total sugar in cane. Mill Extraction. = Sugar (Pol) in M.J. % cane x 100. Sugar (Pol) % cane. Exam.(1) Cane = 9500 M.T. ;Mixed juice =9120 M.T.

Laboratory Manual

Sugar Mills. Registered at the General Post Office, Brisbane, for transmission by Post as a Book. ... XXX Capacity of Horizontal Cylindrical Tanks at Varying levels 50 ... NOTE I —These factors have been calculated from data in column 2 of Table XVI using the formula Pol factor —100 xx apparent density at 20 C

Sugar Tech | Sugar Technology related articles with online …

Clarification. Clarification section equipment capacity calculations. Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4) in sugar process industry and online calculator to find required dosing quantity in kgs and also find present going condition in PPM. Raw juice temperature raised upto 70 to 75oC is the 1st step in Sugar processing.


SU9114 Sugar Process Calculation and Solid Balance 3 0 0 3 5. SU9115 Sugar Technology – Clarification and Evaporation 3 0 0 3 ... 2. SU9132 Capacity Calculations 3 0 0 3 3. SU9133 Mechanical and Electrical Machineries 3 0 0 3 4. SU9134 Pan Boiling, Curing and By Products 3 0 0 3 ... Machinery and Equipment of Cane Sugar Factory by …

Flocculants Used in Sugar Processing | Flocculant Dosing Calculation

d) It having two tanks are sized to provide 4 to 8 hours supply of 0.05% to 0.2% concentration. The flocculant demand equivalent to 1.5 to 4 ppm on juice. The concentarion and dosing ppm may be veariy according to type of clarifier and dosing process. The final dosing solution concentarion to be maintain 0.05%.

Condenser System Vacuum Equipment in Sugar …

H = Ho + h + s. Ho is the minimum head of water required to have maximum vacuum in condenser. The height of the column should be of the order of 10 (instead of 76 cm): (Vacuum in mtr of Hg x Density of …

Juice Extraction Performance in Milling Tandem in sugar cane industry

Primary Extraction. a) The greater the extraction of sugar in the first mill the less difficult in the task left to the following mills to recover more sugar by the trouble some step of wet extraction and better is the overall extraction of the tandem. b) It is proved that a gain of 1% in primary extraction gives a gain in total extraction of 0.12% in 12 roller …

Optimization of milling performance of a sugar mill

The sugar refinery process is part of sugar cane crushing mills. Furthermore, raw sugar and refined sugar is produced by using sugar cane bagasse from milling as an energy source [3]. Currently, there are 55 sugar mills in Thailand with sugar cane crushing capacity about 93 million tons per year [4]. * wichiasr@gmailCorresponding author:

Batch Centrifugal Machine Capacity and Gravity Factor Calculation

Formulas for Batch Centrifugal Machine Capacity and Gravity Factor with Online Calculator. The batch centrifugal machines have been using to handle white and refined sugar massecuites as well as for affination of raw sugar in the sugar refineries.. The batch machines were fully satisfying the sugar industry requirements for high sugar …

Sugar Industry Equipment Design and Drawing & Capacity …

Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4) in sugar process industry and online calculator. Tubular juice heater design calculator. Online calculator for inlet vapour line dia calculation for juice …

Volume Calculator

Volume is the amount of space that an object or substance occupies. Generally, the volume of a container is understood as its capacity — not the amount of space the container itself displaces. Cubic meter (m 3) is an SI unit for volume.. However, the term volume may also refer to many other things, such as. the degree of loudness or …

Sugar Seed Slurry Requirement Calculation for B and C …

Though sugar crystal is not perfectly cubical nature, consider it as a cubical nature for simplification of calculation. So take volume of crystal = 1.2595 x 1 x 0.8782 = 1.106 (unit) 3 = 1.11 (unit) 3. Now take examples for calculation of required quantity of seed slurry to admitted to grain preparation in batch pan (magma preparation) Example ...

Batch Vacuum Pan Design Calculation | Sugarprocesstech | Sugar …

Heating surface required = 57 x 6.6 = 376 m2. 2. Number of tubes. Generally, the specification of tubes for batch vacuum pan as follows. 102 mm OD / 16 g ( 1.625 mm) / 800 mm length. Formula : S = Π x D x L x N. Here S = heating surface area of the pan in m2. D = Mean dia of tube in m ( OD – thickness of tube )