A novel process to upgrade the copper slag by direct …
An innovative technology for direct reduction-magnetic separation with the addition of Na 2 CO 3 and CaO was studied to upgrade copper slag assaying 40.33% Fe total and 0.65% Cu. It is difficult to recover iron and copper from the slag by direct reduction since the iron mainly occurs in fayalite and the copper exists in copper sulfide.

High-valued and deep utilization technology of copper slag
Introduction. Matte smelting is the main method for copper production, and about 2 tons of slag bearing 30% ~ 40% iron, 0.5% ~ 2% copper and 25%~30% silicon dioxide generates per ton of copper. For the issues of resource conservation and environmental protection, it is of great significance to utilize copper slag efficiently.

Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of Copper Slag …
is a copper ore-processing plant established in 1960 in Botswana, situated in a town called ... Song, S.-X. Separation of silicon and iron in copper slag by carbothermic reduction-alkaline ...

Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis of Reformed Slag during Iron …
Copper smelting slag typically contains about 1 wt.% copper and 40 wt.% iron depending upon the initial ore quality and the furnace type. Main components of copper slag are iron oxide and silica.

Ferro-silico-manganese production from manganese ore and copper
The XRD analysis of the copper smelting slag sample shows that the slag is amorphous (Fig. 1).The XRD analysis of the manganese ore indicates that pyrolusite (MnO 2) and Quartz (SiO 2) are the dominant crystalline phases in the ore (Fig. 2).The chemical composition of the slag from the XRF analysis is listed in Table 1.The iron in the slag is …

Separation of Copper and Iron from Chalcopyrite in Molten …
However, iron is usually separated from copper matter and ends up in slags that produce secondary waste and wastes resources. Herein, molten salt is employed as a medium to separate chalcopyrite-derived copper-iron oxides. First, chalcopyrite was roasted to generate copper-iron oxide in the air. Then copper-iron oxide was thermo …

A Review of Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag of …
Full size image. The copper content of copper slag is 0.5–4.5% or even higher, which is much higher than the 0.2–0.3% mining grade of copper mines in China. The total iron content in copper slag is about 40%, which is significantly higher than the mineable grade of iron ore in China (TFe > 27%) [ 10 ].

Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133095 Corpus ID: 250655743; Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review @article{Zhou2022ExtractionAS, title={Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review}, author={Wen-tao Zhou and Xiao Liu and Xian-jun Lyu and Wen Xia Gao and Huili Su …

Extraction of iron from copper-plant slag | Steel in …
In the production of copper from sulfide ore, slag accumulates at the processing plant. In the present work, the phase transformations that occur in such slag during its reduction by the gasification products of carbon at 1100 and 1200°C are investigated. Experiments show that most of the iron present in such slag may be …

Separation of silicon and iron in copper slag by
The results show that under the proper conditions, the copper grade of rougher copper concentrate was increased from 6.43% to 11.04%, iron recovery of magnetic separation was increased ...

Study on Green Enrichment and Separation of Copper and Iron …
The studies of recovery valuable constituents on the copper smelting slags were made, but the separation effect is not sufficient, because most of the studied objects were raw slag [3, 4], in which the iron constituents mainly exist in the form of fatality (Fe 2 SiO 4 ) and magnetic iron oxide, and fine mineral dissemination and grain size is ...

Extraction of iron from copper-plant slag | Steel in …
In the indirect reduction of slag at temperatures above its melting point, metallic iron is mainly concentrated at the outer surface of the product, forming large …

Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag
It was found that, with 5% CaO and 13–16% carbon additions, most of the copper and iron can be recovered from copper smelting slag at 1350–1400 °C. The copper and iron contents of the reduced ...

Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: …
Metal Losses to the Slag in Smelting and Converting. 80% of the copper produced from ores worldwide originates from sulfide ores. The copper concentrate which results from flotation of the ore is typically smelted and converted to blister copper [].During smelting S and Fe are oxidized, where SiO 2 is added to form a liquid ferric or ferrous …

Characterization of copper slag for beneficiation of iron and copper
The conditions of the BCL slag are in similar range as of previous research and in some of much higher concentration in terms of iron. BCL slag contains both copper and iron which are of interest and subsequently copper as mentioned can be recovered using flotation and iron be recovered using magnetic separation . talks about past work …

A comprehensive review on the recovery of copper values …
The iron dissolution from copper slag is illustrated in the following equations: (16) CuS + 2 H 2 SO 4 + 2 H 2 O 2 → CuSO 4 + 2 H 2 SO 3 + 2 H 2 O (17) FeO + H 2 …

Formation of magnetite-(apatite) systems by crystallizing
Magnetite-(apatite) ore deposits are interpreted as being formed by the crystallization of iron-rich ultrabasic melts, dominantly generated by the interaction of silicate melts with oxidized P-F-SO4-bearing sedimentary rocks. This hypothesis is supported by geologic evidence, experimental studies, numerical modeling, stable and …

Effect of Iron Phase Evolution on Copper …
The effect of iron phase evolution on the copper content in slag during the slag cleaning process in an electric furnace was …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Recovery of Iron from …
A recent paper showed that the fayalite in the copper slag could be reduced by walnut shell char. The iron concentration with …

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, and …
Separation and recovery of iron and nickel from low‒grade laterite nickel ore using reduction roasting at rotary kiln followed by magnetic separation technique. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration ...

A novel process to upgrade the copper slag by direct
The results show that by only adopting traditional magnetization roasting–magnetic separation, an iron ore concentrate containing 57.49% Fe and 1.4% P2O5 at an iron recovery rate of 87.5% and a ...

A Study on Reduction of Copper Smelting Slag by Carbon …
Copper smelting slag is a solution of molten oxides created during the copper smelting and refining process, and about 1.5 million tons of copper slag are generated annually in Korea. The oxides in copper smelting slag include ferrous (FeO), ferric oxide (Fe2O3), silica (SiO2 from flux), alumina (AI2O3), calcia (CaO) and …

Recovery of iron from copper slag by deep reduction and …
Aiming at recovering iron from high-iron-content copper slag, this article introduced a combination technology of deep reduction and magnetic beneficiation, investigated the iron recovery efficiency and optimized the technical conditions. When coke powder with 86wt% fixed carbon was used as a reductant, iron was successfully …

An efficient approach to utilize copper smelting slag: …
The schematic shows that nonferrous metal separation and recycling can reduce heavy metal pollution, facilitate the reduction of iron oxide in copper slag for …

An experimental comparison: Horizontal evaluation of …
Iron Ore concentrate(GB/T 36704–2018) is implemented for IC detection after magnetic separation. A chemical method is implemented to test the composition of the copper matte collected. ... 2021, Dosmukhamedov et al., 2018), promoting the separation of copper from the slag in the form of Cu-Fe-S alloy. During the reduction …

Recovery of Iron from Copper Tailings Using a Combined
Direct reduction refers to the process of reducing iron minerals in copper slag to metallic iron particles below the melting temperature of copper slag [].Using direct reduction–magnetic separation technology to recover iron resources in copper slag has fair recovery effect and short reaction time, which is the development trend of …

Isothermal Reduction Kinetics of Copper Slag‑Biomass
The most abundant element in copper slag is Fe/O/Si, among which the iron content is usually 35–45%, while the average grade of iron ore in China is only 30%. China is a big country of iron and steel, and its dependence on foreign iron ore is more than 80%. Therefore, it is very necessary and urgent to recover the iron resources in …

Recovery of γ-Fe2O3 from copper ore tailings by …
To comprehensively reuse copper ore tailings, the recovery of γ-Fe 2 O 3 from magnetic roasted slag after sulfur release from copper ore tailings followed by magnetic separation is performed. In this work, after analysis of chemical composition and mineralogical phase composition, the effects of parameters in both magnetization roasting and magnetic …

Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper …
Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper smelting slag: A review | Semantic Scholar. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133095. Corpus ID: 250655743.

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