Harry Vraets Machinery B.V. - Kearns - Richards
Harry Vraets Machinery B.V. - Kearns - Richards. A - Horizontal Boring Mills, table type. Horizontal Boring Mills, table type. CNC Horizontal boring mills, table type. B - Horizontal Boring Mills, floor type. Horizontal Boring Mills, floor type. CNC Horizontal boring mills, floor type. C - Lathes. Conventional lathes.

Kearns Richards SF125 Horizontal Boring Machine - YouTube
Kearns Richards SF125 Horizontal Boring, Facing & Milling Machine. With Heidenhain ND780 - 3 Axis DRO

KEARNS RICHARDS SF125L HORIZONTAL BORING MACHINE Full NC Positioning and Control System (Phillips NC6644) 4 Axis Thread Cutting and Taper Boring Table Size 1800mm x 1800mm Vertical Travel 1800mm Cross Travel 1400mm Long Travel 2388mm Quill Travel 762mm Power Indexing Table Spindle Speeds 4.5 - 1120 rpm Infinitely Variable Feed Rates …

Kearns-Richards SH75 Horizontal Borer Spindle Frame ...
Kearns-Richards SH75 Horizontal Borer Spindle Frame Adjustment. Likes: 5. Post #3037020 ; Post #3037130 ; Post #3037076 Page 2 of 2 First 1 2 ... On the bigger SF 125 machines you could buy a " joystick " option which allowed you to mill in the vertical and cross axes simultaneously at roughly 45 degrees. You could also mill up and down and ...

Kearns-Richards SH75 Horizontal Borer Spindle Frame ...
On the bigger SF 125 machines you could buy a " joystick " option which allowed you to mill in the vertical and cross axes simultaneously at roughly 45 degrees. You could also mill up and down and across using the " joystick ", it saved you having to keep stopping and starting feeds and changing direction with the switches.

KEARNS RICHARDS 125L Horizontal Table Type Boring Mills ...
K&R 4.92" 5-Axis CNC Table Type Horizontal Boring Mill SPECS: Manufacturer: Kearns & Richards Model: 125L SN: 7312 Re-Manufactured: 2002 Spindle Diameter: 4.92" Spindle Taper: #50 Spindle Speeds: to 1,120 RPM Table Size: 60"x60" X-Axis (Table Cross): 90.98" Y-Axis (Vertical): 71.20" Z-Axis (Spindle Quill): 28" W-Axis (Table Longitudinal): 58.70" U-Axis …

Kearns & Richards SH75 Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine ...
Lot 3 - Kearns & Richards SH75 Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine. Description: Kearns & Richards SH75 Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine (No Reserve) Sold Subject to payment. Heidenhain TNC 135 Control. Electrics: Main Driving Motor (A.C): 7.46kw Feed Motor: (D.C): 3.7kw. Motors: 9 speed gear box with constant speed of 1440 rpm. Facing head:

MachineSpotter is a reliable online platform where users can buy and sell new and used machinery from reputable dealers from the UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and Italy and many more. We have been in business for over a decade and cater for a wide number of people seeking used/second hand machinery.

Machine Tool Parts - MT Squared
Kearns-Richards Spares; Made to order parts; Spare Parts Catalogue; Contact us; Tel: +44 (0)121 313 5300. MT Squared Machine Tool Spare Parts Suppliers Main Menu MENU. Home; Cincinnati Machines Menu Toggle. Cincinnati Spares; Kearns-Richards Machines Menu Toggle. Kearns-Richards Spares;

Search Results | Hildebrand Machinery
kearns & richards cnc horiz. boring mill. 60" x 60" table. 2012. $159,500. 17167. 36" bullard cutmaster vertical turret lathe. 36" 1955. $17,500. 21077. bullard cutmaster vertical turret lathe. 36" ... bridgeport cnc vertical mill #1. 1981/rblt and controlled 1995. $7,950. 21287. cincinnati tool master vertical mill $ por. 21277. bridgeport ...

Plant List - Aspin Engineering
Kearns Richards SH75 Horizontal Borer with facing head, screw cutting, taper boring, DRO, 40" x 40" table. Webster & Bennett Vertical Borer with 36" chuck, DRO, extended height machine. CNC MACHINING CENTRES. Bridgeport VMC 1000XP3/30 Machining Centre with fully integrated CNC fourth axis. Heidenhein 530i control.

Kearns & Richards 125L 4.92" CNC Horizontal Boring Mill with Programmable Facing Head *Bonus - Re-Manufactured and Retrofit 2012 - Complete, Disassembled, and Ready to Ship FANUC 31I-Model A5 4-Axis CNC Control - Coolant - Chip Conveyor - Outboard Supports - 600V/3PH/50-60HZ - B-Axis, Built-In and Programmable Rotary Table, Remanufactured ...

JEA Engineering
Kearns Richards SF125 Horizontal Borer 1.5m x 1.5m table. Scharmann Horizontal Borer 1200 x 1200 table. Cincinnati Vertical Mill. Bridgeport CNC Interact 4 Mill. Hurco CNC Mill. Fadal VMC 15 machining centre. Asquith Radial Drill 6'& 8' radius. Butler Slotter 14" Stroke.

Kearns & Richards 125L 4.92" Horizontal Boring Mill with Programmable Facing Head *Bonus - Re-Manufactured and Retrofit 2012 - Complete, Disassembled, and Ready to Ship FANUC 31I-Model A5 4-Axis CNC Control - Coolant - Chip Conveyor - Outboard Supports - 600V/3PH/50-60HZ - B-Axis, Built-In and Programmable Rotary Table, Remanufactured & Retrofitted

Used Kearns Richards For Sale | Used Machinery | Prestige ...
We provide a wide range of precision machines from Kearns Richards such as 108" x 108" Kearns & Richards Infeeding Rotary Table. Take a look at our wide selection of new and used Kearns Richards equipment for sale.

KEARNS RICHARDS 125L - DiPaolo Machine Tools
KEARNS RICHARDS 125L Horizontal Table Type Boring Mills. ... Home / In Stock Equipment / Boring Mills / Horizontal Table Type Boring Mills / KEARNS RICHARDS 125L. KEARNS RICHARDS 125L Horizontal Table Type Boring Mills. Name. First Last. Company * Email * ... Y-Axis (Vertical): 71.20" ...

Kearns Richards SF125 Horizontal Boring Machine - GD ...
Description. Kearns Richards SF125 Horizontal Boring Machine. Table Size 1800 x 1800mm. Max Table Load 8 Ton. Ø810mm Facing Head. Vertical Travel 1800mm, Cross Travel 2000mm. Long Travel 2388mm. Quill Travel 762mm.

Richards horizontal borer - Practical Machinist
Kearns-Richards relocated to occupy part of the old Nasmyth works site in nearby Patricroft, but didn't survive for long. Richards also made some massive vertical boring mills, apparently up to 50 feet diameter.

Kearns Richards SH 75 Horizontal Borer (1991) - GD ...
Kearns Richards SH 75 Horizontal Borer (1991) Spindle dia. 75 mm Table size 1000 x 1000 mm (revolving) Main motor 7.5 kw (10 hp) Longitudinal traverse 1000 mm Vertical traverse 1000 mm Transverse traverse 1250 mm Spindle Speeds 5.6 – 1120rpm. Complete With: Right Angled Milling Head Facing Head Pendant Control. Machine Data: Serial Number 8001

4.92" Kearns & Richards 5-Axis CNC table type horizontal ...
4.92" Kearns & Richards 5-Axis CNC table type horizontal boring mill, 60" x60" table, to 1120 RPM, Fanuc 18i-M, 90.98"X, 71.20"Y, 28"Z, #22278 for sale, manufactured by Kearns & Richard. Contact Charleston Annex Corporation directly today via email or phone.

H. W. Kearns & Co., Ltd. - History | VintageMachinery
Henry Ward Kearns established H. W. Kearns & Co., Ltd. in 1907 to manufacture machine tools, primarily large boring mills. Upon his death in 1927, sons Joseph Richard Carden Kearns and H. W. L. Kearns took over the business. In 1955 the company, which had been privately held, went public.

Velan Inc. | Corporate Assets Inc.
KEARNS & RICHARDS (R&R 2012) 125L CNC table type horizontal boring mill with FANUC SERIES 31i-MODEL A5 5 axis CNC control, 4.92" spindle, 60"x60" table, travels X (table cross) – 90.98", Y (vertical) – 71.20", Z (spindle quill) – 28", W (table longitudinal) 58.70", U (facing head slide) – 7.60", #50 spindle taper, speeds ...

KEARNS RICHARDS SH75 3" table type horizontal boring mill with 39.25"x39.25" power rotary table, #40 taper spindle, 52" cross travel, 42" longitudinal travel...

KEARNS RICHARDS SJ100 Table Type Horizontal Borer - SALE ...
Facing head dia. 680mm. Facing head capacity 1040mm. Facing slide traverse 180mm. Vertical travel 1500mm. Longitudinal travel 1800mm. Main motor 15 kW.Machine is extensively equipped with SANDVIK Deep hole boring attachment, tubes & cutters, feed tank with motor. Spindle supports. Double swivel vertical milling attachment.

Capacity List - Mill Hill Heavy Engineering Ltd
Kearns Richards 130 Table Type Horizontal Borer with Anilam Control, 4-Axis DRO, Ball Screws on all 4-Axis, Variable Speed, Variable Feed, Powered Rotary Table, 2 x Spindle Supports, 2 x Facing Tool holders, Out Rigger Rails, Powered Rotary Table: 1830 x 1830mm, Long Traverse: 1800mm, Cross Traverse: 2500mm, Vertical Traverse: 1800mm, Spindle ...

George Richards and Co - Graces Guide
1920 Article on new taper boring head for Vertical Boring Mills in 'The Engineer'. 1935 See George Richards and Co:1935 Review. 1953 Owned by Tilghman's Ltd 1961 Engineers, specialising in boring and turning mills, slot drilling and …

KEARNS RICHARDS Table Type Horizontal Borer SH75, spindle ...
KEARNS RICHARDS Table Type Horizontal Borer SH75, spindle 75 mm, table 1000×1000 mm, XYZW 1250x1000x1000x500 mm . MACHINE REF :15533. ... 12367365 For Sale-- Mill, Vertical CNC MAKE : CENTURION EUROPA UNIVERSAL Milling Machine MODEL : CU6-CNC 2m bed, Heidenhain Control ...

Kearns Richards S Type – Blue Diamond Machine Tools Ltd
Capacities: Main Table: 560 x 405mm Top Table: 455 x 455mm Long Traverse: 610mm Cross Traverse: 320mm Vertical Traverse: 285mm Spindle Speeds: 50 – 2000rpm Infinately Variable Spindle Taper: 40 Int Feeds: 4- 106mm per min Infinetley Variable Electrics: 415v, 3ph, 50 cycles Motor: 3HP Complete with: Coolant DRO can be added at extra cost ...

Kearns Richards Sf100 Table Type Boring Machine ...
Milling - Vertical Milling Machines (5) Others (2) Rotary Transfers (2) Saws For Metal - Band Saws (24) ... Kearns Richards Sf100 Table Type Boring Machine Shop / Metal - Machine Tools / Borers - Table Type Boring Machines / Kearns Richards Sf100 Table Type Boring Machine. Call For Price. ex works.

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