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Basic oxygen slag was found to have a significant potential as a remediating agent. For a model acid mine water with a pH of 2.5, sulfate concn. of 5000 mg/L and iron concn. of 1000 mg/L, the slag was able to increase pH to 12.1, reduce the sol. …

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First, repeat the measurement of endurance up to 10 6 –10 7 cycles for multiple devices to confirm that the pulse voltages, duration, and interval produce acceptable switching and that the values of RHRS, RLRS, and RHRS / RLRS fit the technological requirements for each cycle and for each device (step 4).

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Polymorphous Transformations of Nanometric Iron(III) Oxide ...
There is great interest in iron oxides, especially in nanosized form, for both fundamental and practical reasons. Because of its polymorphism, iron(III) oxide (ferric oxide, Fe2O3) is one of the most interesting and potentially useful phases of the iron oxides. Each of the four different known crystalline Fe2O3 polymorphs (alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and epsilon …

According to Janevski, S., 2007, the composition of honey includes: 76% sugars (34%. glucose, 40.5% fructose, 1.9% sucrose) and 5.5% other carbohydrates. Acacia and …

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