Nickel in TechReborn? : feedthebeast
level 2. aztlan667. Op · 4y. You are correct. Nickel is a by-product of grinding iron ore. The problem is you can't make an industrial grinder without nickel. So its like a vicious cycle. Also, I saw a note from the creator that he removed garnierite ore because thermal expansion has a …

Adult Filter - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Adult Filter is a machine upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to modify the behavior of some machines. When placed in the Mob Crusher or Mob Slaughter Factory, baby animals will not be killed. When used in the Animal Baby Separator, the machine will sort adult animals rather than baby animals.

Extractor (IndustrialCraft 2) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
Usage. The Extractor's GUI. The top slot in the Extractor GUI is the input slot; whatever material that is being extracted goes there. The bottom slot in the GUI is the Battery slot; if the Extractor is being used without a connection to an Energy Unit (EU) network, it may be powered using RE-Batteries, BatPacks, or Single Use Batteries in this slot. . Finally, the slot on the right is the ...

Industrial Centrifuge | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom
The Industrial Centrifuge is an entry-level machine needed for most other GregTech recipes. Attempting to pick it up will sometimes cause it to explode. Attempting to open the machine as soon as it was placed will make it explode. Total recipe resource requirements not including resources necessary to make supporting machines. 32 Coal Dust 30 Iron 20 Wooden Planks …

Tutorial:First Steps - Industrial-Craft-Wiki
For the alternate route: smelt exactly 19 iron ore, and 3 copper ore. Don't smelt the tin ore. Be patient and don't smelt any more ore than listed above. Soon you will be able to craft an incredible machine: the Macerator, which will give you 2 crushed ores from one ore and other stuff which will be explained later.

Minecraft Mods FTB Inventions - INDUSTRIAL GRINDER …
Like FTB Inventions? Thumbs Up! ♥-----We're in the process of making our Industrial Grinder, however it's not as easy as it sounds! It requires...

Feed The Beast :: Machine Tutorials :: Industrial Grinder ...
In this video we go over the Industrial Grinder. I go through how to do everything to this machine from powering it, all the way up to automating it. Please ...

Tech Reborn
Tech Reborn. Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progress through the mod.

Modpack focused around Multiblock structures? : feedthebeast
FTB Continuum forces you to build many multiblock machines to progress. For instance there is a one block grinder, but you must build the Multiblock grinder to get certain materials the single block one doesn't supply. Even with the Tech Reborn Industrial Grinder, you will still need to build the IE Crusher to get other materials.

Mob Crusher - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Mob Crusher is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to kill mobs as if a player, producing Essence and mob drops. The default working range is 1x3x1 in front of the machine and can be expanded with Range Addons. The Mob Crusher deals 300 damage per operation, killing all Vanilla mobs, other than the Wither, in a single hit. The machine will …

industrial grinders, worth it or not? | Feed the Beast
The more auto-mining you do, the better the industrial grinder gets relative to more mining. In general it boosts ore output by about 25-50% compared to a macerator (and that doesn't count extras like diamonds from nikolite). If you have 1 quarry, adding a 2nd would give you a 100% bump in output.

All the Mods 6 - ATM6 - 1.16.5 - Modpacks - Minecraft ...
All the Mods 6 - ATM6 - 1.16.5. Modpacks 4,416,290 Downloads Last Updated: Dec 28, 2021 Game Version: 1.16.5 +1

GregTech | Mods of Minecraft Wiki | Fandom
GregTech is an add-on to IndustrialCraft 2 which increases the IC2 techtree with 2 tiers. Many recipes of the lower tiers are re-balanced, like the GregTech recipes for the Macerator, Mining Drill, Mass Fabricator as well as rebalancing some methods of power. This greatly increases the difficulty of gathering/creating more rare materials such as UU-Matter and Iridium.

Tech - Modpacks - Minecraft - CurseForge
by ValhelsiaTeam. 2.6M Downloads Updated Dec 11, 2021 Created Jan 9, 2020. Valhelsia 2 is a 1.15.2 modpack with a mix of technology, magic, exploration and adventure... Install. InsaneCraft Modpack. By SparkUniverse_.

Industrial Grinder | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom
The Industrial Grinder is a multi-block machine that allows better grinding of items. It is a medium tier machine with 40000FE internal energy buffer and 256FE input. Also it has internal tank for 16 buckets which store fluid used to grind ore. Recipe Building instructions The Industrial Grinder multi-block has 3 layers.

Zinc Dust [Tech Reborn]
Zinc Ingot → Zinc Dust. Industrial Grinder recipe: Tin Ore + Sodiumpersulfate Cell → 2x Tin Dust + Small Pile Of Iron Dust + Zinc Dust. Sphalerite Ore + Water Cell → 5x Sphalerite Dust + Small Pile Of Yellow Garnet Dust + Zinc Dust. Sphalerite Ore + Sodiumpersulfate Cell → 5x Sphalerite Dust + Small Pile Of Yellow Garnet Dust + Zinc Dust.

MineCraft Tutorial - Industrial Grinder - YouTube
The Industrial Grinder, from GregTech. Big thanks to GregoriusT for all his hard work.Information valid as of GregTech 2.90h, FTB Ultimate 1.1.2 and MineCra...

industrial grinder minecraft
Industrial Grinder | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom The Industrial Grinder is a multiblock structure added by GregTech 4 and processes only ore blocks to convert them into dust. The Grinder requires water and is able to store 12,800 Energy Units (EU). The Grinder not only gives 2 dust of the equivalent ore but also other types of dust, similar to ...

Tutorials/Mob grinder – Minecraft Wiki
Mob grinders are the final part of a mob farm, the mob killing mechanism. Mob grinders can be used to kill many mobs while simultaneously collecting all dropped items at a convenient location. Most mob grinders are specific to certain categories of mobs. Some grinders work only with tall mobs such as skeletons, zombies, and creepers, but don't work with shorter mobs such as …

Crusher (Immersive Engineering) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
This page is about the Crusher added by Immersive Engineering. For other uses, see Crusher. The Crusher is a 3×5×3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. It is used for crushing ores into grit, which is more efficient than normal smelting. Once the blocks are assembled, use the Engineer's Hammer on the center of the front of the longer side (which should be a Steel …

Minecraft – How to pump mercury into Industrial Grinder ...
minecraft-feed-the-beast minecraft-java-edition. I've tried everything I can think of to put mercury in the Industrial Grinder. I'm using FTB Ultimate. I have a setup that pumps water in just fine. I have been unable to pump in liquid Mercury, or export mercury cells using AE, or even use a router to insert it into cell 2.

How to pump mercury into Industrial Grinder?
Pump mercury cells to the bottom of the grinder. (May be a side, I don't recall). Use a wood pipe connected to a chest or the equivalent, and use regular buildcraft stone pipe to pipe them to the bottom. A piece of gold pipe may help, as well as some testing in creative. Be positive you're piping to the Industrial Grinder and not the Machine ...

FTB Ultimate Reloaded - Modpacks - Minecraft - CurseForge
FTB Ultimate Reloaded is one of our lighter 1.12.2 modpacks based around the original Ultimate that was released on Minecraft 1.4.7 over 5 years ago. ...

Industrial Grinder - Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
The Industrial Grinder in ARK: Survival Evolved is a crafting machine used to grind up crafted items into a quarter of their crafting ingredients. The Grinder can grind up many crafted items, such as tools, weapons, armor, structures, and saddles. Doing so will return 1/4 the cost of each resource used to craft the item, rounded up, but capped at 100 of each resource. Some …

Industrial Centrifuges FAQ - Alfa Laval Industrial ...
Most industrial centrifuges operate on 460 Volts AC power. The small centrifuges (1-2 GPM) use 1 HP motor and the largest (100+ GPM) can have 50 HP or larger motors on them. Self-cleaning centrifuges need a clean, potable water supply for the sludge ejection mechanism. City water supply @ 50 psig is sufficient.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with TechReborn ...
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with TechReborn for FTB Inventions. For some odd reason, I can't get my new industrial grinder to work at all on my server. First, I went into a singleplayer world and tested things out, and I figured out that I didn't need a max input of 32eu for it, I could set it next to the mfsu if I wanted to.

[Enigmatica 2] How to increase mob head drops when using ...
[Enigmatica 2] How to increase mob head drops when using Mob Crusher from Industrial Foregoing? Question. I'd like to setup a wither skeleton farm and since there's no Mob Crusher (known for example from Stoneblock, which can accept beheading addons) I'm using Industrial Foregoing Mob Crusher to kill mobs and get drops from them, but getting ...

Standard Machine Casing | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom
Standard Machine Casing is one of the types of casing present in GregTech. Uses []. Standard Machine Casings are mainly used in 2 multi-block structures, the Industrial Blast Furnace and the Industrial Grinder.Standard Machine Casings are also used in conjunction with the Reinforced Machine Casing to create the multi-block structure required for the Implosion Compressor.

Is it better to macerate or use fortune III? | Feed the Beast
0. Jan 21, 2013. #2. If you don't have GregTech, it's better to fortune 3 Gems, but better to pulverize nikolite and redstone. If you do have GregTech, almost everything is better to use an industrial grinder. Except for Coal. Fortune 3 is …

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