Economic regulations of coal enterprises' scale expansion in China …
Xia et al. (2018) performed a regression (i.e., economic law) of the scale expansion of 23 large-scale coal enterprises in China through fixed effect modeling. They found that market competition, regional economic growth, total capital, and transaction cost are directly proportional to scale expansion, whereas labor force is inversely ...

Study on the Model of Coal Industry Cycle Economic
The coal industry circular economy development is based on production and consumption in China. In the process of consumption savings and waste reduction, resource reuse and the "zero discharge" are to promote the simultaneous growth of the coal industry economic efficiency, social and ecological benefits. The promotion of recycling …

14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Coal – Vittana
Here Are the Advantages of Coal. 1. It is available in an abundant supply. Industrialized countries, including the United States, India, China, and Russia, have a large amount of coal that is available to them. Some estimates have the US holding enough coal that has already been mined to fuel current resources for the next 400 years.

Social and Economic Impact Assessment of Coal Power …
With the rollout of the carbon peak and neutrality targets, conventional coal-fired power plants will gradually be phased down in China's power system in an orderly manner. The economic and social impact of the energy transition is a vital topic that requires scientific measurements and evaluation. In this paper, we establish a …

Benefits of infrastructure symbiosis between coal power and …
Carbon mitigation and freshwater conservation are possible in China by bridging coal power and wastewater treatment plants. ... water and economic benefits can be achieved via 32% and 44% of all ...

A novel economic benefit calculation modeling applying to coal …
In the background of the concept of sustainable development, green mining technology is essential (Ikram et al., 2021; Li et al., 2020).As a "ballast" for energy security, coal in China contributes to the long-term steady development of the Chinese economy (Xie et al., 2021).However, with the continuous development and utilization of new …

Co-Benefits Analysis of Coal De-Capacity in China
China is the world's largest carbon emitter and coal de-capacity is a policy with immediate and substantial CO2 reduction effects. However, the carbon emission reduction and health co-benefits arising from the coal de-capacity are often ignored. Here, we assessed the carbon emission reductions and quantified the health co-benefits from …

Economic, environmental, and emergy analysis of China's …
The EMA analysis indicates that the purchasers will benefit greatly from China's tea industry by commodity exchanges; a fairer price of the exported tea should be 51.53 $/kg. To improve economic vitality and mitigate the environmental and resource use problems of tea production systems, some policy recommendations are proposed.

China Briefing 4 April: Heat-driven impact on …
By 2060 China's heat-induced economic losses could total about 1.5% of total GDP under 1.5C of global warming, 3% under 2C of warming and 4.9% under 2.5C of …

Economic analysis of atmospheric mercury emission control for coal
Introduction. Recent global estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) indicate that coal-fired power plants were one of the largest sources of anthropogenic mercury emission globally in 2010 (UNEP, 2013).China's mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants peaked at an estimate of 108.6 tons in 2005 (Wang et al., …

The economics of clean coal power generation with …
Abstract. The double-carbon goal proposal has made it imperative for China's power industry to address the urgent issue of reducing greenhouse gas …

Coal Ash Cleanup Benefits | Union of Concerned Scientists
Cleaning Up Hazardous Coal Ash Can Create Jobs and Improve the Environment. Coal-fired power plant closures over the last decade have reduced air pollution and, as a result, improved public health. But there is another coal-era legacy that poses a serious health threat long after power plants are closed: the leftover ash residue …

Coal's health and environmental costs outweigh economic benefits
For coal-heavy economies like China and India, quitting coal would even close the gap by 80-90 per cent until 2030." ... The study found that benefits from reduced health and ecosystem impacts clearly overcompensate the direct economic costs of a coal exit. They amount to a net saving effect of about 1.5 per cent of global economic output …

Investment benefit analysis of coal-to-hydrogen coupled …
In addition, it is difficult for CCS projects to gain economic benefits because the current cost of CCS technology is still high, whereas the price of carbon in the carbon market is low [45].By contrast, policy subsidies can promote low-carbon hydrogen energy investments in coal-to-hydrogen plants by increasing the revenues of CCS projects [45, 46].

Economic and intensity effects of coal consumption …
Abstract. The increase in coal consumption and its impact on the environment has become a bottleneck that hinders sustainable development. This paper discusses the effect of economic growth and coal intensity on China's coal consumption during …

The air quality co-benefit of coal control strategy in …
Highlights. •. Air quality co-benefit analysis is carried out for China's coal control policy. •. A co-benefit assessment framework is developed for China's energy …

Incorporating health co-benefits into …
The life expectancy increase from the realisation of China's 2060 carbon neutrality goal could be equivalent to the past 5–10 years of life expectancy growth in China. Choosing an appropriate carbon …

The reuse and recycling of coal mining waste with zero …
Examples of waste coal include fine coal, coal obtained from a refuse bank or slurry dam, anthracite culm, bituminous gob and lignite waste. In 2008, China had produced 2716 Mt of raw coal, accounting for approximately 40% of the total world production and overtook the United States as the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide.

More efforts, more benefits: Air pollutant control of coal …
Palmer et al. analyzed the economic benefits and costs of CAIR and CAMR issued by the US EPA, finding that the economic benefits of CAIR and CAMR greatly exceed the costs [18], [19], [20]. ... As the main consumer of coal in China, the coal-fired electricity sector produced 48% of industrial SO 2, 67% of NO X and 21% of dust …

China Briefing 4 April: Heat-driven impact on economy; Coal …
By 2060 China's heat-induced economic losses could total about 1.5% of total GDP under 1.5C of global warming, 3% under 2C of warming and 4.9% under 2.5C of warming. Sectors such as the extractive industries, construction and non-metallic manufacturing – which are some of China's "key industrial sectors" – could see the …

The Economics of Coal
Power Plants Shift to the Cheapest Energy Source. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2017 92.7% of U.S. coal consumption was for electricity generation. Just as …

Health and economic benefits of cleaner residential heating …
The economic benefits and costs were quantified as well. With a cost of 21.55 billion yuan, health benefits of 41.11 and 18.32 billion yuan could be achieved in 2020 from ambient and indoor air quality improvements, respectively, in the BTH region. ... China's cap on coal and the efficiency of local interventions: a benefit-cost analysis of ...

Cleaning Up Coal Ash For Good: Resources and …
The pressing problem of how to clean up these contaminated sites is a high-stakes question for communities near coal plants. When comparing the economic, environmental, and community impacts of different closure methods, this analysis finds that there are significantly higher benefits from a clean closure when all ash is removed from leaking ...

Economic and intensity effects of coal consumption in China
Fig. 1 shows China's coal consumption, economic growth, and coal intensity during 2005–2017. Along with China's rapid economic growth, coal consumption has also evidently increased (Li et al., 2015; Hao et al., 2015).The data revealed a linear upward trend in GDP during the study period, and indicated an increase of 230.8% in 2017 from …

Location-specific co-benefits of carbon emissions …
We find that co-benefits range from US$51-$278 per ton CO 2 reduction nationwide and are highly heterogeneous spatially, with "hotspot" regions that should be …

Social and economic costs and benefits of coal
When solely considering the economic benefits of each scenario, coal mining is by far the better option, generating 10 to 14 times more benefits than grazing and 800 to 3000 times more benefits ...

Are more economic efficient solutions ignored by
According to provincial installed capacity of coal-fired power sector in 2014 (National Bureau of Statistic of China, 2015a, National Bureau of Statistic of China, 2015b), these ten provinces occupy about 51% of the national installed capacity of coal-fired power sector. This implies that the cost and health benefits of technology substitution ...

The Economic Benefits of Coal
The Economic Benefits of Coal. Although coal has been around for millions of years, we only started to really take advantage of its incredible potential during the industrial revolution. After all, it took us many years to realise that the fossil fuel was able provide a reliable source of heat, power and energy.

The Impact of the Chinese Coal Economy on Coal Mine …
Coal, as one of the vital sources of energy in China, has raised widespread concerns regarding its safety issues amidst the country's economic growth driven by coal. To address this concern, this study employed the Kuznets curve, multiple linear regression, and data envelopment analysis models to investigate the impact of Chinese coal …

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