Mining and exploration | Department of Resources
Search for and download a wide range of Queensland geoscience datasets, company statutory reports and publications. Permit applications and grants search. Search for …

Home | Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
Denver Office Status. DRMS remains open for business through phone or email to serve the people of Colorado. DRMS' main office buildings are currently open for scheduled appointments. To schedule an appointment, contact DRMS staff using our Staff Directory . We will respond to customers as soon as possible.

Opencut Mining | Montana DEQ
The Opencut Section reviews permit and amendment applications within its statutory timeframe to ensure Opencut minerals (bentonite, clay, scoria, soil materials, peat, sand or gravel) are extracted in accordance with the act and rules to ensure adequate protection of environmental resources and successful reclamation of the affected land back to a …

Surface Mining and Reclamation | WA
The Surface Mining Act requires a surface miners to get a permit when (1) the intent is to be a surface mine or (2) removal of minerals results in: more than three acres of disturbed area mined slopes greater than thirty feet high and steeper than 1.0 foot horizontal to …

Mining – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, and Water
Please contact PIC with Mining and Alaska Mapper questions. 907-451-2705 (Fairbanks) or 907-269-8400 (Anchorage) File your Mining License Tax and Production Royalties on Locatable Minerals returns online at the Department of Revenue (DOR) website. To file your Production Royalty return, add account type "Mining Royalty" to your pre-existing ...

Accela Citizen Access
• Permit Number/Application Information • Site Address . Please fill in as much information as you know to reduce the amount of permits that are returned from the search. The most accurate and simple search is by the permit number because only one record will be returned. The default date range is the most current 12 years.

AZ Mine Permit Guide | Arizona State Mine Inspector
Arizona State Mine Inspector 1700 West Washington, 4th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007 Find in Google Maps Fax: 602-542-5335

Mine Registrations and Permits
MMD Mine Registrations and Permits Search Return to MMD Main Page; Mine Registrations and Permits Search. New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division ... General: Name: Operator: Status: Commodity: Permit Number: Owner: Mineral Owner: Surface Owner: To see all mine registrations and permits, leave all fields blank, then click …

Division of Mineral Resources Management
Managing the environmental and safety aspects of the coal and industrial mineral mining industries while protecting citizens, land, and water resources. ... Type in your search keywords and hit enter to submit or escape to close. ... Mining Industry Permits; Lake Erie Coastal Permits; Water Use & Management; Nonstandard Special Use Permits;

Virginia Energy
Mineral Mining administers the Certification Program for persons working in mineral mines whose duties require competency, skill and knowledge to perform consistently and safely. The following certifications are offered: Surface Foreman (responsible for areas where blasting may occur) Surface Foreman Open Pit. Underground Foreman. Surface Blaster.

The California gold rush of the 1800s continues today with small miners mining for gold and silver in more than 5,000 mining claims and where rockhounders search for rocks, minerals, and gemstones on public …

Bureau of District Mining Operations. Responsible for permitting and inspection of mine sites for a given region and/or specific mining type. There are 6 individual District Mining Offices (DMOs) in Pennsylvania located to best serve the needs of the industry and citizens. Epermitting info. Bureau of Mining Programs.

Application for Permits to Mine in Alaska (APMA)
2024 Application Forms (APMA) Mining or Exploration operations that exceed Generally Allowed Uses (GAU) guidelines require permits. Permits and licenses are required by as many as 12 State and Federal agencies to conduct exploration or mining activities in the State of Alaska. To assist the mining industry navigate this complex permitting ...

Ministry of Mines | National Government Services Portal
Fully Online. Check for Status of Reconnaissance, Prospecting and Mining Permits provided by the Ministry of Mines. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given i.e. Web Query Form (Mineral Concessions). More.

MMD Online: Web Applications
Mine Registrations and Permits. The Mine Registrations and Permits search application provides data for all registered mines (excluding abandoned mines) in New Mexico and is searchable by a number of …

National Mine Map Repository | Office of Surface Mining …
The NMMR acquires maps through public outreach with state and federal environmental agencies as well as mining companies, engineering and consulting firms, surveying companies, universities, and private citizens. The facility stores over 246,000 mine records of closed and/or abandoned, surface, and underground mines throughout the United …

Construction Stormwater General Permit. Erosion & Sediment Control BMP Manual. Groundwater/UIC Program. Stormwater Management and Design Guidance Manual. The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) enforces state and federal environmental laws in West Virginia to help protect our air, water, and land.

Permit Search
Search Mining Permits and Applications. Use the search tools on this page to query for any Coal/Quarry permitting actions in Mining/NPDES. Electronic Submission System …

Surface Mining Permit
An Application For Surface Mining Permit (Form CN-1097). The form requires information concerning the applicant, company and owners, the mineral to be mined, acreage to be disturbed, type of bond to be filed and name of corporate surety, previous permits, property owners within 500 feet of the operation, and owners of the surface rights and ...

Noncoal Mines and Quarries
To inquire about a specific circumstance, contact the District Mining Office or the Bureau of Mining and Reclamation. Activities that are not considered noncoal mining include: Removal of stone walls, excavating accumulated sediment from ponds or swales, removal of material where the activity is covered under another DEP permit, and cut and ...

Permit Central | SCDHEC
Permitting Process. Environmental Application Tracker Tips to Speed the Process Citizen & Non-Business Permits Voluntary Disclosure Act Fact Sheets Request a Meeting with Permit Central Appeals Process Permit Extension Joint Resolution of 2013 (H. 3774) Confidentiality of Information.

Virginia Energy
Permitting and Licensing. Mineral Mining issues mining permits and licenses for all commercial mineral mining operations in the Commonwealth. The permit application …

The online permitting system – using the public search
Our online permitting system lets people apply for, manage, and make changes to minerals and petroleum permits online. It also provides a public register of information about granted permits and permit applications. Online permitting system. You can use this system to find information about permits and licenses from the 1980s to today.

Data | Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
Mailing Address - All DRMS Offices. Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety. Room 215. 1001 E 62nd Avenue. Denver CO 80216. Denver Office Physical Address. 1313 Sherman Street, Room 215. Denver CO 80203. P 303.866.3567 / F 303.832.8106.

Oklahoma Department of Mines
Our Oklahoma City Office is ready to assist with your needs. Feel free to call us at (405) 427-3859 for assistance. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. The Department of Mines no longer regulates coal mining. Questions related to coal mining in Oklahoma should be directed to Joe Maki with the Federal Office of ...

Permit Search; Contact DMR; Contact Us. West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division of Mining & Reclamation 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304. ... (DWWM) is a major regulatory arm of the agency that manages all non-mining water permits, solid waste permits, and hazardous waste permits. DWWM also regulates …

WVDEP Mining Mapping Applications
WVDEP Mining Mapping Applications. Data Browser view, search, and identify mining data from WVDEP DMR, AML, and WVGES. Trend station compare compare results from two trendstations for a selected sample parameter. Trend parameter compare compare results for two parameters for a single trendstation.

Mining and Minerals | Bureau of Land Management
The minerals on Federal lands are divided into three categories, each subject to different laws and regulations. Locatable, which are subject to the Mining Law of 1872, as amended, include gold, silver, copper and other hard rock minerals. Leasable minerals, such as coal and a host of other commodities, are subject to various Mineral Leasing Acts.

Mining Permits
Permitting Project Status. Surface Mining and Reclamation Permit Information. Surface Coal Mine County Information. Permitted Coal Mining Locations. Permitted Coal Mines Contacts. Texas Uranium Exploration Permits. Permitted Acreage. Christi …

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