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Event Horizon Mid-Stakes MTT « 1 2... 14 15 » chevyguypaul: 296: 198477: June 10, 2020, 02:23:27 AM by Dinectich67: Looking to purchase a decent profit earning profile that has been tested. Enjolras: 0: 1370: June 16, 2020, 06:35:45 AM by Enjolras

sustainable ROI range in 45 man turbos? - Poker Advice ...
I think good mid stakes MTT grinders saw how easy they were, and that 1k payout for 1st is so sweet. When I first started playing them I wouldn't have been surprised if 40-50% was possible, now its not even close to that.

the huts where I drank cold coconuts and played online poker. Decided to play some $2-$5 at the hotel and sat down with roughly 30 BBs. $100 min $500 max. 3 limps pre-flop, I complete SB w/ QTss, flop is Th 7s 3h. I bet $25, 2 calls (pot ~$90) turn is the 8s, I …

Tales of a PLO8 Grinder - Grimiscool's Poker Blog
It's finally that time of year that every MTT grinder waits for, it's SCOOP! With $40 Million up for grabs over two weeks and 45 events, I'll be looking to get my hands on as much cash as possible. Granted a huge chunk of that will be reserved for the high buyin tournaments that I won't be touching with a barge pole, but nevertheless I'll be ...

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Shop online for all your home improvement needs: appliances, bathroom decorating ideas, kitchen remodeling, patio furniture, power tools, bbq grills, carpeting, lumber, concrete, lighting, ceiling fans and more at The Home Depot.

Why Playing Smaller Field MTTs is Good For Your Mental ...
In fact we think the best advice for most MTT grinders from an ICM perspective is to concentrate on small field tournaments, with some shots at larger field tournaments thrown in. There are three reasons why you should probably concentrate on MTTs with fields around the 50-300 runner mark, rather than 600-10,000 runner fields.

kennl on full tilt - Poker Advice - PocketFives
idk if ppl have taken notice of this guy or if theres been a thread on him before but he deserves some sick props. dude is an absolute midstakes monster. his biggest score is only 2nd in the mulligan for 39K but for a midstakes grinder he is BY FAR the sickest over the last year. heres proof: i h...

Experienced Poker Coaches – Ultimate Poker Coaching
Jacob Topley a.k.a. Toppers1020 Rate: $45 / hour. Jacob is an experienced online (and live) cash player and coach generating over 30k hands a week with winrates of over 20bb/100 hands. He specializes in helping newer players adjust to the game and beat the micro-mid stakes.He is able to spot leaks and help you fix them to improve your game in the long run.

Play for fun casino slots no download, south african ...
Play for fun casino slots no download . Play for fun casino slots no download. Gd poker mobile download, online internet casino usa deal or no deal slots.

What is a good solid ROI for MTT's - Poker Advice ...
Thank you for the insight. So theres no real set # and I know that but I was just really looking for a range I guess. Whan an average midstakes grinder might expect. @Lock I have 1374 MTT's played - ABI $18.52 - 48.3% ROI @Intertops 366 MTT's played - 16.63 ABI - 48.2% ROI. I figured this was in the decent range with obvious room to improve.

BOOK EXCERPT: 'Endgame Poker Strategy' – Game Selection & ICM
In fact we think the best advice for most MTT grinders from an ICM perspective is to concentrate on small-field tournaments, with some shots at larger field tournaments thrown in. There are three reasons why you should probably concentrate on MTTs with fields around the 50-300 runner mark, rather than 600-10,000 runner fields.

Champions Stand Up One More Time Than The Rest - Part 1
45: I 100% agree with you. Poker has been my best school of life. Sorry parents, but poker has taught me many many things i didn't learn at home 46: Change your attiude. YOU have to help yourself. I can assist you. But don't look at me like i'm a good samaritan. Not the right attitude. But you good work ethic, thats awesome 47: Start!

Mid to Low stakes MTT Grinders who have made it to the big ...
I have to say the answer to the question "how much mtt's a week. to play to have at least 1 FT" is hard to define coz it also depends on the. size of the field of each mtt you play. as I play middle fields (200-1000 ppl) mtt's mostly - I have 1 FT a week by playing 25 mtt's a. week. Thats good for actually 1xx ROI, dont think this will stay ...

Midstakes grind - Page 6 - Poker Blogs and Goals -- Two ...
It's something that is happening frequently if I don't follow the routine to take 30-45 minute rest before the session and 15-20 minute warm up once I start a session. This is the first month I started sitting at 25/50 tables, since I'm doing well at 5/10 tables on GG, and most of those regs play 25/50, sold 25% action to a friend, and decided ...

This Week in Poker: October 7 – 13 PokerGuru - PokerGuru
The low-mid stakes MTT players have been spoilt for choice with almost all the major platforms running a budget series this week. Spartan Poker has been hosting the Ultimate Value Series (UVS) ever since the GPS ended. Underway since October 12, the five-day series will run through October 16, promising ₹80 Lakhs in guaranteed prizes across ...

Grinding the microstakes! 10nl-25nl Hand Review Blog ...
A small update So I actually have my first hand review blog already written, but I just realized that you can only upload 3 images per post. I was hoping to be able to display images of the boards/bets but I guess I'll have to add an imgur link or have everyone use their imagination haha.

Hotkeys for GG, Fold with mouse on GG Poker - FAQ ...
Plays a mix of NLH Cash Games up to 200NL and mid-stakes MTT's. MBen10. MBen10 is a 27 year old Welsh poker player and streamer. He streams poker around 4 times a week! Picharapoker. Jugador y uno de los Coachs Profesionales mas influyentes del Poker de habla Hispana en la modalidad Cash Games. Fundador de la Escuela Picharapoker.

Top 21 Best Poker Training Sites for 2021 - Be Insider!
78%. Usefulness. 98%. Value. 8.4%. PIO solver is one of the best poker training software available today for analyzing game theory optimal strategy in heads-up play. As you can say from the first sentence, it only works for heads-up play, and there are no options to analyze multiway pots, which is not that great.

Any Winning ACR MTT Grinders? : poker
I play ACR MTT's 6 days a week, 500 games a month and I'm one of the few winning regs on the site. 90% of players are losing. There also seem to be many players staked that aren't going to be stakes much longer because they are very bad. Generally …

Midstakes MTT Grinder
Midstakes MTT Grinder 2015 MTT Profit as of 09/05/15: $6,613.38 2015 MTT Profit. Click the Graph for a Month-to-Month Breakdown of Data. Saturday, September 5, 2015. August Results/September. Tweet Been a bit since my last post. I've really been putting in heavy volume and the results weren't such that I felt much like posting.

Midstakes Living" auf Apple Podcasts
They say poker is a hard way to make an easy living. Midstakes Living is dedicated to midstakes MTT grinders who are making poker work for THEM. Midstakes living is brought to you by Tourament Poker Edge.

Life as an Online MTT Pro by the Numbers (It's Hard ...
Food for thought - Mtt grinders - PokerNetwork Australian Poker Forum - Poker in Australia - pingback on January 28, 2011 at 7:52 pm Tweets that mention Life as an Online MTT Pro by the Numbers (It's Hard) | NoahSD's Awesome Poker Blog -- Topsy - pingback on January 28, 2011 at 8:00 pm

I am a former low and Mid stakes mtt grinder who used to ...
I am a former low and Mid stakes mtt grinder who used to play primarily on ultimate bet. I am returning to the game after stopping because of Black Friday. Close. 3. Posted by 11 months ago. Archived. I am a former low and Mid stakes mtt grinder who used to play primarily on ultimate bet. I am returning to the game after stopping because of ...

Zeattall Men's Suit Casual 3 Pieces Slim Fit Business ...
casey jarzabek, known as "bigdogpckt5s" across most sites, is a staple of the high-stakes mtt community. he has over $5 million in earnings and won the pokerstars sunday million in …

Mid/Low Stakes MTTs Strategy | Run It Once
All MTT 2,671 Threads High Stakes $$$ 784 Threads Mid Stakes $$ 815 Threads Low Stakes $ 1,072 Threads Other . Forums / Other; All Other 509 Threads Live Poker 133 Threads SNGs 138 Threads Open Face Chinese 45 Threads

Best Site for Online Poker Tournaments, Best MTTs Online ...
Best Site for Online Poker Tournaments: Planet Mark's Pick. Unless you are an online poker pro – Party Poker are an easy pick in 2021. Recreational fields, plenty of guaranteed prize pools, big events and generous rewards that don't take 200 hours a month to benefit from!

What stakes can you make a living? | General Poker ...
I mean nanonoko won over 1 mil from midstakes.Nanonoko is the exception rather than the rule. If you are as good as him or others like him then you won't need anybody to tell you whether or not to be a pro, you'll just know it. The main concerns with being a poker pro is that your future is unknown. Games can and will get tougher.

The 14 Best Poker Training Sites in 2021 | PokerNews
Started in 2010, Tournament Poker Edge is a little different from other sites in that it focuses exclusively on multi-table tournaments. The site …

The non-grinder
When i started i was given a $2000 bankroll, and was told i am allowed to play anything (within reason) under $25 buy-ins. When i started, i was playing a couple of MTT's alongside 180 man turbo's and 45 mans. But as the weeks have progressed, iv moved over more to concentrating on the $7 and $15 18 man turbo SNG's.

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