Flotation Decarbonization and Desulfurization of a High …
A high sulfur content is one of the challenges in the processing of refractory bauxites in China. The high carbon content of bauxite makes it more difficult to deal with. Desulfurization and decarbonization are the critical issues in the efficient exploitation of high-sulfur bauxite resources. An experimental study on the removal of sulfur and …

Classification of carbon-based materials
Download scientific diagram | Classification of carbon-based materials from publication: Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Desulfurization: Classification, Preparation, and Evaluation | The special ...

Zeolite-Supported Metal Oxide Sorbents for Hot-Gas Desulfurization
Federal Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, 3610 Collins Ferry Road, Morgantown, West Virginia 26507

Thermophilic biodesulfurization and its application in oil desulfurization
Biodesulfurization is a desulfurization method that has the advantage of being able to remove dibenzothiophene and its derivatives removed easily under conditions that are relatively mild when compared with hydrodesulfurization. ... Makarova KS, Aravind L (2001) Horizontal gene transfer in prokaryotes: quantification and classification. Annu ...

Classification of desulfurization process according to the …
Context 1. ... is no generalized classification for desulfurization techniques. However, some classification can be made based on the involvement of hydrogen, what happened …

Modeling based on machine learning to investigate flue gas …
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) is one of the most effective emission control technologies used in power plants, and it plays a pivotal role in reducing SO 2 emissions 13. Several FGD systems have ...

Application of Ca-based adsorbents in fixed-bed dry flue gas …
The classification and properties, preparation method, desulfurization mechanism, and influencing factors of Ca-based adsorbents were discussed. This review indicated the challenges in the commercialization of dry Ca-based fixed-bed desulfurization and demonstrated the possible solutions. It is beneficial to promote …

Classification of desulfurization processes based on …
Download scientific diagram | Classification of desulfurization processes based on organosulfur compound transformation. from publication: Oxidative desulfurization using graphene and its ...

Review on recent advances in adsorptive desulfurization
The current review focuses on ADS of different types of absorbents like carbon, mesoporous materials, metal oxide, clay, industrial waste, metal-organic framework and zeolite-based materials, and the recent advances in ADS. The adsorbent regeneration techniques, mechanisms of adsorptive desulfurization, kinetics, thermodynamic are …

Sulfur dioxide removal: An overview of regenerative flue gas …
Classification of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) methods. Full size image. FGD methods can be further divided into two categories, depending on the life cycle of sorbent: once-through or regenerative. The once-through method which involves scrubbing with lime or limestone is the more commonly utilized FGD due to its high removal …

A current overview of the oxidative desulfurization of fuels …
The alternative desulfurization methods are adsorptive desulfurization (ADS), 15–17 biodesulfurization (BDS), 18 extractive desulfurization (EDS) 19,20 and oxidative …

Zeolite-Supported Metal Oxide Sorbents for Hot-Gas …
This paper describes the results of the development of supported mixed-metal oxide sorbents for hot-gas desulfurization capable of withstanding multiple …

Classification of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) methods
Download scientific diagram | Classification of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) methods from publication: Sulfur dioxide removal: An overview of regenerative flue gas desulfurization and factors ...

Applying nanotechnology to the desulfurization process in …
Carbon-based nanomaterials for desulfurization: classification, preparation, and evaluation / Tawfik A. Saleh [and 3 others] Advances in Nanotechnology transition metal catalysts in oxidative desulfurization (ODS) processes: nanotechnology applied to ods processing / Raffaele Saladino, Giorgia Botta, Marcello Crucianelli ...

Classification of desulfurization processes base on the …
From the perspective of the hydrogen involvement; a broad classification desulfurization process can be made; hydrodesulfurization (HDS)-based and non HDS-based groups (Babich and Moulijn, 2003).

Amendment of Saline–Alkaline Soil with Flue-Gas Desulfurization …
The effective and safe use of FGD gypsum in agricultural land is still debated in some countries even though its effectiveness in soil management has been reported in many studies. Thus, the changes in the levels of soil salinity, alkalinity, crop yield, and other physicochemical properties in different soil types and crops after …

Experimental study on integrated desulfurization and
According to the classification standards, the isotherms of the catalyst before and after the reaction belong to Type IV adsorption–desorption isotherms, with …

An evaluation of desulfurization technologies for sulfur …
The desulfurization yield, with the use of 30% H 2 O 2 solution, of commercial light oil was 75% following 24 h of photo-irradiation and the sulfur content in the light oil was reduced from 0.2 wt% to less than 0.05 wt%. 145 In these studies, 143–145 desulfurization was basically done by photodecomposition of sulfur-containing compounds in ...

Desulfurization of high sulfur petroleum coke by molten …
Abstract. Desulfurization by molten caustic leaching (MCL) at 400–500 °C has been investigated in order to reduce the sulfur content of petroleum coke. Effective parameters on desulfurization of petroleum coke, other than temperature, include alkali to feed (petroleum coke) mass ratio, time and mesh size in the ranges of 0.5–1.5, 1–3 h ...

Environmental desulfurization of mine wastes using …
The environmental desulfurization of tailings is one approach that has gained much popularity in the last two decades. It was defined as an alternative, integrated tailings management technique that can be accomplished through froth flotation (Benzaazoua et al., 2000, Demers et al., 2009).This method aims to remove sulfide and …

Desulfurization of Diesel over Ni/ZnO Adsorbent Prepared …
Ni/ZnO adsorbents with various Ni/Zn molar ratios were prepared by coprecipitation; their adsorption capacity in reactive adsorption desulfurization (RADS) of diesel oil was investigated. Ni/ZnO exhibits much higher adsorption performance than pure Ni and pure ZnO. The Ni content plays a crucial role in determining RADS activity over …

Classification of wet flue gas desulfurization nozzles
The nozzles in the wet flue gas desulfurization system can be divided into single eccentric nozzles, double eccentric nozzles and spiral nozzles according to the spray form of the nozzles; according to the different inlet directions of the nozzles, they can be divided into tangential nozzles, axial nozzles and spiral nozzles. 1. Tangential nozzle, …

Processes | Free Full-Text | Method of Desulfurization …
With the increasingly prominent global energy and environmental problems, more and more enterprises have been required to desulfurize the exhausted gases. Different enterprises have different demands for the desulfurization process, thus the choice of desulfurization process methods has become a focus of attention. Since the …

Summary of research progress on industrial flue gas desulfurization
In-furnace calcium injection desulfurization technology sends limestone powder or lime powder gas into the furnace. Under high temperature conditions, calcium carbonate decomposes to form CaO, and the generated CaO reacts with SO 2 to form calcium sulfate. This method has the characteristics of a low investment, low operating …

Recent advances in catalytic oxidative desulfurization of fuel …
A PTA@ MIL-101 (Cr)-diatomite composite as catalyst for efficient oxidative desulfurization. MIL-101 (Cr)@H 3 PW 12 O 40: heptane was used as the model fuel using H 2 O 2 as the oxidant. MeCN was used as the extraction solvents. The results showed the removal efficiency of 98.6% for DBT at 60 °C after 120 mins.

Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Desulfurization: …
Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Desulfurization: Classification, Preparation, and Evaluation: Science & Engineering Book Chapter | IGI Global. Tawfik A. Saleh, Taye …

Desulfurization of thiosemicarbazones: the role of metal
We have performed a tentative classification of desulfurization process in TSCs depending on the factors involved: pH-induced desulfurizations, desulfurization in electrochemical processes, and desulfurization by oxidant reactants and others (radiation-, thermal-, solvent-, and coordination-induced desulfurizations).

Catalysts | Free Full-Text | Oxidative …
The desulfurization of model feed containing DBT was about 12–22% while a better desulfurization was obtained up to 33–60% when achieving ODS using H 2 O 2 (Ox/S = 11) and the same IL . As a drawback, the …

Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Review of Coal-Fired
This paper briefly introduces various methods of coal desulfurization (physical desulphurization, chemical desulfurization, biological desulfurization, etc.) and analyzes some problems existing in each method. The principle and research process of friction electrostatic separation technology and high gradient magnetic separation …

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