Environmental study of use of coal-water slurry fuel as …
coal-water slurry fuel, coal of gas grades is mainly used, which is characterized by high content of volatile ... materials was carried out using this equipment. The aim

Coal-Water Fuel
Coal Storage and Transportation. James M. Ekmann, Patrick H. Le, in Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004 1.4 Transport by Slurry Pipelines. Pipelines carrying solids such as coal, iron concentrate, and copper concentrate follow the same process: (1) the solids are ground to a fine size, (2) mixed with a liquid vehicle such as water, and (3) pumped through a buried …

Coal Slurry
Slurry composition is likely a complex function of the geology, mineralogy, trace-element content, rank of the coal being processed, and proprietary chemicals used in the cleaning water ( Ducatman et al., 2010; Orem et al., 2009; W. Orem, oral comm., 2011). Studies of groundwater quality near slurry impoundments may provide some insights into ...

The Case of Coal Water Slurry Fuel for Industrial Use in Pakistan
4000 equipment. TGA doin g such type of analyses tha t . ... The purpose of this research was to present a complete blue print for the production of coal water slurry fuel in Pakistan. The ...

Preparing coal slurry from organic wastewater to achieve …
Coal water slurry (CWS) is a clean coal-based liquid fuel that can replace heavy oil. It is composed of 60–70% coal, 30–40% water, and a small number of …

Performance of Coal Slurry Fuel in a Diesel Engine
800329. Three slurry fuels containing different concentrations of coal have been tested in a small-bore 4-cylinder diesel engine equipped with modified injectors under various loads and speeds. The coal in the slurry was a finely pulverized coal having a mean particle diameter of 2.05 micrometers. Exhaust temperatures, smoke, blowby, and brake ...

Coal and Water Pollution | Union of Concerned …
The resulting coal slurry must then be stored, often with coal ash (see below) or in improvised ponds that can leak, spill, or fail. In 2000, the bottom of a Kentucky coal slurry impoundment gave way, …

Properties and Characteristics of Coal-Water Slurries with
In comparison with two-component coal-water fuel, the calorific value of CWS with PL addition increases maximally by 6%. The viscosity of the slurry significantly affects the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the stream after atomization of the CWS (for example, to the average size of droplets).

Combustion, Pyrolysis, and Gasification of Waste …
The temperature in the reactor was varied in the range of 1200–1400 °C. An analysis of the composition of the gas obtained during the gasification of three fuels showed that the coal–water-slurry (40 …

A review on slurry-based fuels for engines and furnaces: …
The grinding process lasted for 20 to 30 min, and the resulting coal dust had a typical particle size of 80 to 100 μm. To create coal-water slurry fuel, the coal dust was combined with water and a plasticizer (Neolas plasticizer) using an MPW-324 homogenizer. The plasticizer was used to enhance the mixing stability of compositions within CWSP.

(PDF) Combustion of coal water slurry-technology enabling …
A coal–wasteliquid slurry (CWLS) is proposed to dispose such wasteliquids, which are used as a substitute for clean water in the preparation of a coal-based slurry fuel.

Slurryability and flowability of coal water slurry
The utilization of coal in the form of coal water slurry is a better and efficient method to control the harmful pollutants viz. NOx and SOx. Coal water slurry is a complex, high energy density, multiphase fuel. The rheological characteristics of the coal water slurry are quite comparable to those of the heavy oil.

Rheology of coal-water slurries | Solid Fuel Chemistry
The costs of preparation and burning of coal slurries, in particular, coal-water fuel (CWF), considerably exceed the cost of coal utilization according to the conventional technology. CWF technology projects suggest that additional expenditures will be compensated for by the profitability of their pipeline transport in the laminar regime. …

(PDF) Environmental study of use of coal-water slurry fuel as …
PDF | In this work we consider coal-water slurry fuels as an alternative to the traditional types of fuels, in particular, coal. Assessment is performed... | Find, read …

(PDF) Potential of Coal–Water Slurries as an Alternative Fuel …
The rheological nature of coal-water suspensions of two Indian coal samples (namely coal 1 and coal 2) was reported and compared in the shear rate range of 60–160 s⁻¹ at constant pH of 8.

Technology of waste coal processing
The technology and equipment were developed for the preparation and burning of suspension coal-water slurry fuel in boiler plants and heat power plants, obtained on the basis of fine dispersed waste coal (filter cakes) of processing plants. The studies were conducted on the basis of filter cakes from "Mine Komsomolets" and "Mine …

Eco-friendly utilization of waste oil for preparing coal water slurry
Of the different additives, the viscosity reduction effect of Tween 80 in the waste oil-coal-water slurry was best. Further, the comprehensive performance of the waste oil-coal-water slurry, including slurry ability, stability and fluidity, was found to be best at a water content of 10% and a Tween 80 content of 5%.

Improvement of atomization characteristics of coal-water …
Analysis of droplets size of coal-water slurry created by the diesel fuel injection system under high pressure was carried out in Ref. [13]. Coal-water slurry was prepared on the basis of coal (50% by weight) with an average size of 5 μm. The studies were performed at injection pressures in the range from 28 to 110 MPa.

(PDF) An Overview of Coal-Water Slurry Fuels
PDF | On Oct 27, 2023, Simbabalwe Rune and others published An Overview of Coal-Water Slurry Fuels | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Free Full-Text | Progress of Dispersants for Coal Water Slurry …
Coal water slurry (CWS) is considered a promising oil substitute. It is a coal-based, fluid clean fuel, characterized by low pollution levels, economical cost, and superior combustion efficiency [ 5, 6 ]. A typical CWS primarily comprises 60–75% coal, 25–40% water, and approximately 1% additives [ 7 ].

Rheology, ignition, and combustion performance of coal …
Slurries are suitable for on-site preparation and storage as well as pipeline pumping [5] and spraying in a furnace [6], [7]. A large proportion of water in a fuel …

Energies | Free Full-Text | Fluidized Bed …
This article provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art and more recent developments of the thermochemical treatments of slurry fuels in fluidized beds (FB). The review focuses on FB …

ENERGY | Free Full-Text | Simulation Research on Coal-Water Slurry …
Abstract. In this paper, based on Fluent software, a five-nozzle gasifier reactor was established to simulate the gasification process of oil-based drill cuttings coal-water slurry. The influence of concentration and oxygen/carbon atomic ratio on the gasification process of oil-based drill cuttings coal-water slurry was investigated.

Stabilized fuel slurries based on fine coal slime: Rheology, …
In feasibility study, the transition from bituminous coal to stabilized fuel slurries were analyzed, considering the new technological chain and equipment, the generated power and fuel cost. The cost for the full cycle of preparation of the slurry coal slime–water–soy lecithin will be 7.5% higher than when using bituminous coal.

Atomization performance of petroleum coke and coal water …
Highlights Genesee coal water slurry spray angle is narrower than the petroleum coke alternative. Larger droplets occupy the outside spray periphery while small droplets occupy most of the spray cross section. Petroleum coke size statistics are in average 4% larger than the Genesee coal. The spray velocity vector field suggests a …

Coal fuelled recips revisited
The coal–water slurry burned in DICE is 55% "micronised refined coal" (MRC) and 45% water by weight with an LHV of 14 513 kJ/kg. There are five DICEs in the plant, each rated at 15.7 MWe and 42.5% (net LHV) efficiency. Natural gas is burned in the reheat combustor (18% of total plant fuel energy input). Net plant output is 106 MWe at …

Technology of waste coal processing
Abstract. The technology and equipment were developed for the preparation and burning of suspension coal-water slurry fuel in boiler plants and heat …

Stabilized fuel slurries based on fine coal slime: Rheology, …
In feasibility study, the transition from bituminous coal to stabilized fuel slurries were analyzed, considering the new technological chain and equipment, the generated …

Coal Water Slurry Fuels — An Overview | Semantic Scholar
There are a number of incentives for potential users of coal slurry fuels--and in particular for coal-water mixtures (CWMs) which the authors address in this paper. First, CWM represents an assured supply of fuel at a price which is quite easily predictable into future years. Second CWM is available in the near term. There are no substantial advances in …

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