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Compared to other jaw crushers, the ® CT Series jaw crusher has a robust design and innovative features that result in: Improved strength and reliability in tough applications. Improved productivity and overall mechanical capability. Added protection from unforeseen stresses. Extended wear life of mechanical and hydraulic parts.

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Equipment Single toggle C12 jaw crusher Feed opening 1.20 m x 750 mm / 47" x 29" Maximum feed size 650 mm³ / 25.6 inch³ Engine CAT C9.3B Stage 5 / T4F 280 kW / …

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Specification Value; Weight: 39,100 lbs / 17,740 kg: Feed Opening: 30x42" / 760x1070 mm: CSS Range: 3-8" / 75-210 mm: Capacity

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Installing a pebble crusher on site significantly reduces the effects of pebbles build-up and can increase throughput by as much as 25%*. At Minerals, we now consider …

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Jaw Crusher | Premiertrak 400X & R400X | Powerscreen
Additional Specifications: CSS Range - Min: 2" Max HA: 5.6" Max HR: 6" (Imperial), Min: 50mm Max HA: 140mm Max HR: 150mm (Metric) Downloads. Premiertrak 400X & …

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To check the device's basic hardware specs with the Settings app, use these steps: Open Settings. Click on System. Click the About page on the right side. (Image credit: Mauro Huculak) Check the ...

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To check the computer tech specs with the Settings app, use these steps: Open Settings. Click on System. Click on About. Under the Device specifications section, check the processor, system memory ...

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Nordberg® HP300™ cone crusher
Nordberg® HP300™ cone crusher is a versatile rock crushing machine frequently utilized as a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary crusher in aggregates production or in mining operations. It is part of the world's …

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