Mining, regional development and benefit-sharing in …
In this paper we address two related challenges for researchers, companies and policy makers: (a) how to assess and comprehend the regional and local impacts of …

Sustainability series: Role of the mining industry | Swiss Re
The mining industry is playing an important role in the transition to a more sustainable global economy. It is delivering the metals necessary to construct renewable infrastructure. This makes renewable energy growth reliant on the mining industry's ability to supply the forecasted increase in critical metal demand. 13 May 2022.

Sustainable Development in the South African Mining Industry: The Role
The South African mining industry is increasingly embracing cleaner production (CP), albeit at a slow pace. Environmental management accounting (EMA) is still poor, in spite of increased awareness of the concept of triple bottom-line accounting. This paper investigates how CP and EMA, by means of examples in the gold mining sector, can assist towards …

Mining and Local Economic Development
interventions, spelling out the roles and responsibilities of the different parties. Local governments in mining areas should be involved in planning strategically for …

Regional industrial path development: The role of new …
Entrepreneurs play an important role in the evolutionary process of regional industries. As founders of new firms, entrepreneurs increase the supply side of the industrial economy, and by doing so, they challenge the incumbent firms to respond. From the perspective of evolutionary economics, understanding these dynamics of entrepreneurial …

Local governance of the mining industry—five Finnish …
The strategy can clarify the role of mining in regional development and relations with other industries. In mining projects, provincial lobbying is evident, especially in the development of infrastructure, such as building and improving road connections. ... The city and the region saw mining as an industry which would be complementary to …

The Role of the Mining Industry in a Circular
The circular economy (CE) concept advocates drastically reduced primary resource extraction in favor of secondary material flowing through internal loops. However, it is unreasonable to think that society will not need any resources, for example, metals, from mining activities in the short, medium, or longer term. This article explores the role of …

IOM3 | An exploration of cultural change in mining
An exploration of cultural change in mining. Shardell Joseph explores the renewed focus on culture and values in the mining sector, which challenges traditional perceptions or misconceptions of the industry as it seeks to attract the future workforce. 'From my school days, I've always felt it's better to work within the system than outside it ...

The Contribution of the Mining Sector to …
In addition, mining firms often made substantial contributions to local and regional development, at times due to legal requirements but often not. All five countries have …

Regional industrial development in a dual-core industry …
1. Introduction. How a region could develop and maintain industries with competitive advantages is a crucial question for both researchers and policymakers because competitiveness is an important driver of local growth (Begg, 1999; Porter, 2008).A body of literature in economic geography points out that regional industrial …

Ethiopia's mining sector has potential to stimulate economic …
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 5, 2019 (ECA) – Ethiopia's mining sector has strong potential to contribute to the country's long-term development, social progress and economic growth, says Oliver Chinganya, acting Director of the Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division at the Economic Commission for …

Role of mining waste trade on green development in …
In conclusion, the expansion of mining waste trade can play a pivotal role in boosting financial markets, driving innovation, and attracting capital inflows. This has a positive impact on financial development within the mining sector and the broader economy. Fig. 1 demonstrates the conceptual framework of this research:

Future of mining industry | Deloitte Insights
Deloitte Consulting's Mining & Metals practice has helped clients transform to integrated operations through the adoption of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and analytics solutions. Our future of …

11 Jobs in the Mining Industry (With Salaries and Duties)
2. Underground miner. National average salary: $56,403 per year Primary duties: An underground miner is a laborer in the mining industry. They perform duties such as drilling, blasting, mucking, bolting and installing utilities within the mine, such as support braces, air lines and electrical wires.

Carmen Carvalheira, Vice-President, Commission for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR) Alentejo welcomed participants to Alentejo and discussed the significant history of mining in the region. She remarked that "mining is part of our identity," highlighting the relevance of launching the 10 EU Mining Regions project in …

The Role of Mining in the Economies of Developing
In the last 20 years the mining industry has been under pressure to contribute more positively to regional development ... Management and business literature affirm the role played by stakeholders ...

(PDF) The role of entrepreneurship in regional development …
Entrepreneurship is one of core social and economic development factor in spatial systems, particularly at regional scale. This article presents results of analyses focused on the place and role ...

The Role of Executives in the Mining Industry | CSG Talent
Executive roles are critical in the mining, mineral and metals sectors. Whether ensuring efficiency and safety in production and development or assisting in reducing time and cost, executives in the mining industries are instrumental in ensuring their respective enterprises continue to experience economic well-being.

roles of mining industry in the regional development
The assessment of regional development impacts of mining ventures is discussed. The role and the importance of regional and local benefit sharing are scrutinized. Practical experiences from Australia, Canada, Chile and the USA are reviewed.

Navigating the scarcity of funding in the mining industry
Navigating the scarcity of funding in the mining industry. The mining industry is a pillar of global economic development, providing essential raw materials for various industries while also actively participating in the drive towards a circular and sustainable global economy. In today's world understanding the role of mining …

Mining, regional development and benefit-sharing in …
The mining industry plays a crucial role in the country's economic development, contributing to domestic income and tax revenue while also creating …

Regional Development and Planning: An Overview
Abstract. This chapter reviews the changing nature of regional development and planning, with an emphasis on research between 1990 and 2018. Regional development and planning has emerged as a major interdisciplinary field with active researchers—regional scientists, planners, geographers, and economists at its …

The Role of Mining in the Circular Economy
Mining's role in the circular economy is pivotal, with the demand for essential metals such as copper expected to surge. Collaboration throughout the metals value chain and innovative approaches within the mining industry are driving the circular agenda forward. Policy measures focused on coherence, lifecycle metrics and incentives are ...

What does a Mining Engineer do? Career Overview, Roles, …
Mining Engineers may work in coal, metal or nonmetal mines and are involved in all phases of mining operations, from exploration and discovery to the closure and reclamation of the mine. They must have a strong understanding of mining methods, mining equipment, and mining technology. They also must be able to work well with a team and have ...

Regional mineral beneficiation policy …
Introduction and background. Mining is a significant economic activity in most Southern African Development Community. (SADC) countries, accounting for more than 10% of GDP in four members of the ...

Responsible mining: a catalyst for sustainable …
Responsible mining: a catalyst for sustainable economic development The mining company Vale highlights the extractive sector's role in sustainable development and …

Role Of Technology In Mining
It is necessary that companies, as properly as people, guide U.S. mining to proceed to be one of the international leaders in the area when it comes to presenting the ultra-modern technologies.

OECD Mining Regions and Cities: enhancing …
Mining regions and cities face unique regional development challenges, and this project will link these stakeholders with each other and OECD expertise on regional and rural …

Questions over the role of mining in the Australian economy and society have gained increasing public scrutiny in recent years. In this paper we consider whether the role of mining in Australian society has changed with the recent mining boom. The paper draws attention to four key areas. The first is the economics of mining, where a rise in ...

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