Cold Rolling Mill Manufacturer & Consultant
2-Hi Rolling Mill. 2-Hi Rolling Mill is used to roll raw material thickness ≤ 4 mm, width ≥ 200 mm, made of plain carbon steel, low alloy steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metal strip, used for roughing …

6-Hi HC Rolling Mill for Sale
1. 6-Hi HC Rolling Mill is available for carbon steel, special steel, and another strip rolling. Particularly suitable for rolling high-precision flat, thin strip. 2. With hydraulic bending roll device and an intermediate roll shifting device, 6-Hi HC Rolling Mill can quickly adjust the strip crown, change the contact pressure distribution ...

Cold Rolling Mill
Mill StandConfiguration: Reversing four or six high mill stand equippedwith: • Bottommountedhydraulicrollgap cylinders, • Work & Intermediate roll Bending System, • …

4 High Rolling Mills for sale, New & Used | MachineSales
The # 1 place to find new & used 4 high rolling mills for sale. Buy or sell machinery & equipment quickly & easily - MachineSales ... REVERSING (13332) MACHINE 13332 MANUFACTURER: H J RUESCH COMPANY, USA Type - 4HI Reversing Cold Mill Screwdowns - Electro Mechanical Adjustment Width R. Woodbridge, CT View Listing. …

mill/sbm rollerfour roller reversing cold rolling mill.md at …
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Rolling Mill Stands – IspatGuru
The cluster mill stand has two work rolls and four or more backup rolls. The number of backup or supporting-rolls depends upon the amount of support needed for the work (small diameter) rolls. Cluster mill is normally used in cold-rolling operation. The cluster mill stand can have six rolls, 12 rolls, or 20 rolls.

Rolling Mills: 6 Different Types of Rolling Mills [Images & PDF]
What are the types of Electric Motors? Their Working & Applications. Types of Rolling Mills. Following are the 6 different types of rolling mills used in many …

Advanced Reversing Cold Mills by Primetals Technologies
Features: Smaller work rolls and optimized roll diameter combination with intermediate and back-up rolls. Work roll-driven system for high flatness controllability. Development of a …

ROLLING-(A Brief Guide To Rolling And Rolling Mills)
Four-high-rolling-mill. Small diameter rolls (less strength and rigidity) supported by larger diameter backup rolls. It consists of four rollers. This process is used for both cold and hot rolling. Cluster rolling mill or sendzimir rolling mill: Each of the working rolls is supported by two backing rolls. Here rigidity is well maintained.

Reversing Cold Rolling Mill (CRM)
REVERSING COLD ROLLING MILL (CRM) Input Thickness. 1.8 – 6 mm. Output Thickness. 0.15 – 2 mm. Strip Width. 600 – 1600 mm. Input Material. Hot rolled and pickled, Cold Rolled with intermediate annealing.

Cold Rolling Mill Sale | Steel Cold Rolling Mill Machines …
Cold-Rolling Mill Machine Sale. ... Wuxi Enhancing Technology Co., Ltd.'s four roll & six roll reversing rolling mill include uncoiler, hydraulic loading and unloading trolley, 5 roller pinch leveler, entrance and exit platform, rolling mill, left and right recoilers, joint gear box, hydraulic AGC and bending roll system, driving motor ...

Hot rolling mills
Hot rolling lines with single-stand reversing roughing mills and multi-stand tandem finishing millsfor large production volumes in four-high design. Technical Features of Key Importance. Energy-saving AC drive technology for main and coiler motors. Achenbach OPTIROLL®i3 System for integrated, digital, modular designed automation.

Four Types of Rolling Mills
In the past two articles we briefly outlined rolling mills, and also expounded on three different types. In this article, we will finish the series outlining the differences between a four-high rolling mill, cluster rolling mill, continuous mill and a planetary rolling mill. At American Steel, we believe understanding the differences will help ...

Single Stand Six High Cold Reversing Mill for Carbon Steel
Digital. 1. With intermediate roll shifting and horizontal roll stabilization, it is designed for high production of wide and thin gauge strip with superior thickness and flatness tolerances. Available features include: Automatic Flatness Control (AFC); Hydraulic Gauge Control (HGC), Selective Strip Cooling, Positive and Negative roll bending ...

Six-high reversing cold rolling mill
Get high-quality steel products with our state-of-the-art Six-high reversing cold rolling mill. We are a trusted factory, providing top-notch services and unbeatable value. ... Support roller specification (mm) Φ850×920 Φ1050×1120 ... Four-high reversing cold rolling mill (1-6) X 1600MM Straightening Cross Cut (6-25) X 2500 MM TRANSVERSE ...

Cold rolling mill | SKF
Cylindrical roller bearings. Ideal for high rolling speeds and the heaviest roll forces. Find out more. SKF Explorer four-row tapered roller bearings.

Cold Rolling Mill
Cold Rolling Mill June2019. 1 IncomingCoil Thicknessrange = 3,2 –1,4 mm OutgoingCoil Thicknessrange = 1,8 –0,14 mm YearlyCapacity= 180.000 Tons Cold Reversing Mill. 2 MainPower: PayOff = 350 kW Stand = 2 x 1900 kW TensionReel(each)= 1900 kW ... Reversing four or six high mill stand equippedwith: • Bottommountedhydraulicrollgap

Cold Rolling Mills Solutions | Nidec Industrial Solutions
Our solutions cover all types of cold rolling mills for flat products including: 1-stand and 2-stand Cold reversing Mills, 4-high, 6-high, 8-high and 20-high Cluster and Sendzimir …

Waterbury Farrel
The versatile Waterbury Farrel 4-Hi Mill can be deployed as both a non-reversing mill for intermediate rolling and as a reversing mill for finish rolling. Smaller work rolls allow for more efficient material reduction. The larger backup roll positioned against the smaller work roll reduces separating forces and permits the rolling of wider and ...

Cold rolling technology for carbon
Cold rolling mill type Typical mill stand types Production capacity (t/y)* Strip speed Type (m/min)* functions. This allows to produce cold Single-stand reversing mill 4-high, 6-high, (S6-high) 150,000 – 450,000 up to 1,500 Discontinuous. band quality with narrow tolerances. ... Back-up roll set with oil air lubricated roller bearings (2) (6 ...

4-Hi Rolling Mill | Cold Rolling Mill
AGC 4-hi rolling mill control accuracy, especially suitable for high precision cold-rolled strip production. Production line process. Front coiler→ (Unloading car)→Machine front device→ 4-hi main rolling mil→ Machine after the device→After the coiler (Unloading car)→according demands to arrange the uncoiler, Starting …

Four Roller 4 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill For Steel Sheet
China Four Roller 4 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill For Steel Sheet, Find details about China Reversing Cold Mill from Four Roller 4 Hi Reversible Cold Rolling Mill For Steel Sheet - WUXI JINYE COMPLETE EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD..

6 High Reversible Cold Rolling Mill | PPT
Technical information about the six high mill Roughness Freq. Of roll Diameter (mm) Ra (micron) change Work roll 425 (max) 380 (min) 0.5 – 0.6 500 tonnes Intermediate rolls 490 (max) 440 (min) 0.6 – 0.7 1000 tonnes Back up rolls 1250 (max) 1050 (min) 0.6 – 0.8 10000 tonnes 5. 7.

Slip Line Field Solution for Second Pass in Lubricated 4-High Reversing …
Slip Line Field Solution for Second Pass in Lubricated 4-High Reversing Cold Rolling Sheet Mill. January 2011; Engineering 3(12):1225-1233; DOI:10.4236 ... ous points on t he roller surface for t ...

Aluminum Hot Rolling Reversing Mill Application …
Roughing/Reversing Mill Application Overview At the reversing mill, rolling speed, roll bite and coolant flow may be optimized only with a precise real-time knowledge of metal temperature. The low and highly variable non-greybody emissivity character associated with this complex aluminum process dictates the

4-HI Rolling Mills | VX LLC
A 4-HI mill is a type of tandem rolling mill used in cold rolling processes, characterized by four vertically assembled rolls that work together to reduce the thickness of steel strip or sheet, with each pass through the rolls contributing to achieving the desired thickness.

Two High Rolling Mills | Metal Processing …
The two-high rolling mill consists of a two-high stand with two horizontal rolls, placed exactly one over the other. In this type of mill, one or both the rollers are adjustable. In its operation, the metal is passed between the …

TYPES OF ROLLING MILLS. Different types of rolling mills are described below in brief: Two high mills: It comprises of two heavy rolls placed one over the other. The rolls are supported in bearings housed in sturdy upright frames (called stands) which are grouted to the rolling mill floor. The vertical gap between the rolls is adjustable.

2 High Rolling Mill – Element Machinery
Rolling mills consisting of two rolls or known as a 2 High rolling mill is used for anything from temper pass to breakdown of material. The 2 High rolling mill typically have larger diameter work rolls that are positioned with actuators that either have: Hydraulic. Pneumatic. Electro-mechanical.

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