Major Mines & Projects | Carajás East Operation
OZ Minerals' operations in Carajas – Pedra Branca mine and Antas Norte processing plant, and the Santa Lúcia project – are more than 10 km away from the Indigenous Lands. Carajas Operation consist of mining ore containing copper and gold from the Pedra Branca underground mine and processing it at the processing facilities located at the ...

The Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Systems of the Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil
Additionally, ore mineral assemblages were invariably introduced during the late stages of all of the IOCG systems of the Carajás domain and are indicative of different sulfidation states of the source fluids: chalcopyrite-chalcocite–bornite-magnetite at Salobo; chalcopyrite ± chalcocite-digenite-covellite-magnetite at Igarapé Bahia ...

Forests and caves of iron: An Amazon dilemma
The Carajas complex is the largest iron ore mine on the planet and at any one time 3,000 people are toiling here in the tropical heat using a fleet of giant machines including trucks the size of ...

Carajás Mine, Brazil
The terraced layers of red earth that make up the Carajás Iron Ore Mine contrast with the deep green Amazon Rainforest in this cloud-free image. This image originally appeared in the NASA Earth Observatory story Carajás Mine, Brazil. NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 …

Antas North Copper Mine, Carajás
The Antas North open-pit copper mine (Stage 1), fully owned by Avanco Resources, is located in the Carajás Mineral Province of Brazil. Mining License for the copper mine was granted in September 2014. The mine is expected to be commissioned before the end of 2015 and ramp-up to full production in the first quarter of 2016.

Carajás Mine, Brazil
3600 x 3600 42 MB - GeoTIFF. 67 KB - KML/KMZ. JPEG. Carajás Mine, Brazil. The terraced layers of red earth that make up the Carajás Iron Ore Mine contrast with the deep green Amazon Rainforest in this cloud-free image. This image originally appeared in the NASA Earth Observatory story Carajás Mine, Brazil. NASA image created by Jesse …

In the Brazilian Amazon, an Indigenous community faces …
A dusty corridor of deforestation flanks the tracks, where trains thunder by 35 times a day, including overnight. Each train extends for 3.3 km, and carries as much as …

Hydrothermal origin for the iron mineralisation, carajas province, Pará
Abstract. The Carajás iron ore deposits located in the southern part of the state of Pará in Brazil were discovered in. 1967 and have produced about 70 million metric tons (Mt) of iron ore ...

Mining Industry and the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil…
Today, it hosts the largest iron ore mine in the world, the S11D Iron Ore Mine (Duddu 2018). Cruz et al. (2020, 2021) identified that, in 1999 and 2003, the sector of agriculture and livestock had a share of 55% and 33%, respectively, in the GDP of Canaã dos Carajás. On the other hand, the industry share went from 7% in 1999 to 38% in 2003.

Daily Updates of the Latest Projects & Documents. The project consists of the development of an iron ore (open pit) mining complex at Carajas with an initial capacity of 35 million tons per year (tpy), a deep-water port .

Vale deploys autonomous trucks at Carajás iron ore complex
Published by Will Owen, Editor. Global Mining Review, Monday, 06 September 2021 12:30. Advertisement. Vale has started operating six autonomous haul …

Serra Sul iron ore mine, Canaã dos Carajás, Brazil
2024. Owner/Operator : Vale. More. The Serra Sul iron ore mine located in the Canaã dos Carajás municipality, Para, Brazil is being expanded to increase the annual production …

Autonomous trucks start going into main production at Vale's Carajas …
Ultimately it is planned to have 37 autonomous 930E trucks running at Carajas. The autonomous operation began to be implemented by Vale at the Brucutu mine, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2016, and today it covers all 13 haul trucks at that unit. Since the implementation in Brucutu, no accident caused by trucks has been …

Electrical resistivity contrasts in the geotechnical assessment of iron
A near-surface electric resistivity survey applied to natural caves in the surroundings of an iron mine in Carajás, state of Pará, Brazil, identified three electrical patterns as indicative of points/zones of cave ceiling lithostructural weaknesses and instabilities: (1) low-resistivity contrast, in which the signatures abruptly pass to a low ...

Vale gains environmental clearance to expand Carajás open pit mine …
Gaining the oeprating licence will clear the way to commence production by 2015 and 2016 in the Carajás mining complex. Vale, the world's largest iron ore producer, is investing $37bn on iron ore mining and logistics projects. The company proposes to push its output to about 450 million tonnes by 2018, reported Bloomberg.

Vale mulls new railway, port for Carajas expansion
The new railway would stretch for 400 kilometers (248.5 miles) from the current Carajas railroad to Vila do Conde port, in the northeastern Brazilian state of Maranhao. Sign Up for the Iron Ore Digest

Carajás in Brazil could be a top producer of copper in 10
Vale has operated in the region for over 50 years, producing 150 million tonnes (Mt) of iron ore per year at the Carajás/Serra Norte mineral complex, the world's largest open pit iron ore mine.

Amazon Case Study: Making Mining Work
The 48-year lifespan of one of the mines suggests iron ore mining will likely be part of the Amazonian economy for decades. Surging Chinese demand made iron ore one of the best-performing assets of 2020, and Vale will spend $1.5 billion over the next three years to expand capacity at Carajás. While mining, by nature, is not sustainable ...

Mining and Colonialism in Brazil's Giant Carajás Project
31 May 2014. Started during the military dictatorship, the Carajás Project has, in three decades, made Brazil a mining power. Social movements, ecclesial groups and human rights institutions are assessing the impacts, while Vale, the second largest mining company in the world, prepares to double iron production in the coming years.

Major Mines & Projects | Northern System Operation
In Serra Leste there is also a minor amount of Itabirite material (iron grade of 35-60%). Serra Norte The Serra Norte Complex corresponds to deposits called N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5. The mines in operation are N4E, N4W and N5. Projects N1 and N2 are expected to start up in 2026 and project N3 is expected to start up in 2023.

Cave N4E-0004, N4E Pit, Carajás iron complex, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil
Piló, Luis B, Calux, Allan, Scherer, Rafael, Bernard, Enrico (2023) Bats as ecosystem engineers in iron ore caves in the Carajás National Forest, Brazilian Amazonia. Plos one, 18 (5) Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA.

Vale moves ahead with 20 million mt/year Carajas, Brazil iron ore mine
London — Miner Vale's board has approved the company's project to move forward with its Serra Sul 120 expansion, which will boost capacity at its S11D mine and processing plant in Carajas, northern Brazil, by 20 million mt/year of iron ore to 120 million mt/year in $1.5 billion project with start-up expected in H1 2024, the company said late ...

Vale's huge Carajas iron ore mining complex set to start …
Vale's huge Carajas iron ore mining complex set to start commissioning Brazil's first trolley assist line in 2023. Posted by Paul Moore on 9th June 2022. The …

Iron Ore and Bauxite
As the dominant mineral produced in Brazil, comprising 61.4% of all minerals produced in the country according to IBRAM, any change in iron ore prices has a dramatic impact on the Brazilian mining industry. Indeed, in 2021 Brazil exported 358 million tons (t) of iron ore with a total value of US$44.6 billion, while in 2022, the country exported ...

The world's largest iron ore mine stays productive with …
Mining. The world's largest iron ore mine stays productive with Series 4000 engines. It's a major challenge to keep up with the enormous, ever-growing workload at the Carajas Mine Complex. Owned by Vale, a large Brazilian mining company, Carajas is the world's largest iron ore mine. Demands for productivity are constantly on the rise.

Vale's huge Carajas iron ore mining complex set to start …
The Serra Norte iron ore mining area is part of Vale's Northern System, and is located in the municipality of Parauapebas, which is in the state of Pará, in northern Brazil. The N4W, N4E and N5 mines are currently operating, generally referred to as the Carajas mining complex.

Introduction: Overview of the global iron ore industry
Brazil is the world's second largest usable iron ore producer. The iron ore deposits in Brazil are largely located in the Amazon basin in the state of Para and the "Iron Quadrangle" in the state of Minas Gerais. The largest iron ore mine is Carajas located in the state of Para (see Fig. 1.19), which is wholly owned and operated by Vale ...

Mining activity causing nearly 10 percent of Amazon …
Scientists have learned that nearly 10 percent of the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon between 2005 and 2015 was due to mining activities. Previously, it was thought to cause just 1-2 percent ...

Carajás iron complex, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil
A giant Fe-Mn mine owned by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce SA. Includes N4 pit, N4E pit, N4W pit, N5 pit, N5S pit, N5E pit, and N5W pit. BIF deposit. The Carajás iron complex is and banded iron formation (BIF) and is one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world. Includes N4 pit, N4E pit, N4W pit, N5 pit, N5S pit, N5E pit, and N5W pit.

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