Rock Quarry Garden: A Natural Oasis in Greenville, South Carolina
Nestled within the heart of Greenville, South Carolina, Rock Quarry Garden stands as a serene testament to the city's commitment to preserving natural beauty. This hidden gem, located in Cleveland Park, offers a tranquil escape from the urban hustle. Learn more here. Historical Roots and Transformation Originally a granite quarry in the late 19th century,…

Cleveland Park | Reception Venues
Rock Quarry Garden is located in Cleveland Park and nestled in the heart of Greenville is a wonderful secluded retreat, The Rock Quarry Garden. Long used as a photography …

Emily + Brandon are married! Rock Quarry Garden
The Rock Quarry is a very special place to Emily and Brandon — they often would visit the garden, picnic, have long talks and just enjoy what Greenville has to offer. It made …

Visit Rock Quarry Garden near downtown Greenville, South Carolina
Rock Quarry Garden. by Chad Chandler | posted in: Attractions, Hiking, Waterfalls | 1 . Rock Quarry Garden (Rating: 5 /5, 3 Votes) Rock Quarry Garden is a beautiful, little park in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. Although I live right by it, it never dawned on me to blog about it until today. During spring and fall, the park is filled with ...

Falls Park & Rock Quarry Garden. ... this wedding and event venue has rolling meadows and a picturesque pond, along with a 4600 square foot barn to host your event. ... Upcountry South Carolina, 500 E. North Street, Suite C, Greenville, SC, 29601, https:// You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any …

reserved for wedding ceremonies, memorials and professional portrait sessions only. For rental information visit our website or call 864-467-4355. Reservations ... From the Greenville Zoo lot to the Rock Quarry Garden, via the Swamp Rabbit Trail, is a ¾- …

Park Shelter Rental Guidelines | Greenville, SC
Weddings may be held at Falls Park or Rock Quarry Garden only, with a reservation; ... 206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non-Emergency: 864-271-5333. Greenville Cares Information Center 864-232-2273 . Back to Top. Loading. Loading Do Not Show Again Close [] ...

Wedding Venues in Greenville, SC
Outdoor Event Space. The Hollow at Paris Mountain, located in Greenville, SC, is a picturesque wedding venue. Nestled in the foothills of the mountain, this event space …

Public Gardens | Greenville, SC
ROCK QUARRY GARDEN. This garden, located at 200 McDaniel is actually the site of a pre-Civil War granite quarry. ... The gazebo and the house are frequently used for weddings, receptions, and community events. The grounds are open to the public and ample parking is provided. ... 206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non …

Get Married | Greenville, SC
Read about the areas 2 most popular places to get hitched: Falls Park's River Lodge / Old Mill Garden, and the Quarry Garden that is located on the north edge of Cleveland Park.

Public Gardens | Greenville, SC
The site of this wonderful home and garden is 560 North Academy Street. Built in 1832, it is furnished with period pieces and is open to the public Monday through Friday, 10am - 2pm. The Greenville Council of Garden Clubs operates a gift shop and holds workshops at the house. Special places to visit on the house's five acres of landscaped ...

Visit Rock Quarry Garden near downtown …
Rock Quarry Garden. by Chad Chandler | posted in: Attractions, Hiking, Waterfalls | 1 . Rock Quarry Garden (Rating: 5 /5, 3 Votes) Rock Quarry Garden is a beautiful, little park in downtown Greenville, South …

The 10 Best Garden Wedding Venues in Greenville, SC
Charlyn Farms is a rustic barn and farm wedding venue located in Marietta, South Carolina. Tucked in the wooded hills on 45 acres of beautifully landscaped property, Charlyn Farms is the perfect setting for couples to celebrate an outdoor or rustic-themed wedding. The venue is also located just 15... $2,250 - $4,050.

South Carolina's Rock Garden And Grotto, Rock Quarry Garden …
South Carolina's Rock Garden And Grotto, Rock Quarry Garden Is A Work Of Art. When most people, even residents, think of parks in Greenville, there's one that often goes overlooked but it shouldn't be. It sits in a dugout area approximately 15 feet below the street level and is nestled between two neighborhood streets in busy …

Availability. The Rock Quarry Garden is available year around during normal park hours (9 a.m. – 9 p.m.) and is reserved for wedding ceremonies, memorials and professional …

Wedding at The Rock Quarry | Larkin's | Greenville
Wedding photography and photos from Brian and Julia's Rock Quarry Garden and Larkin's Shirley Roe Cabaret Room Wedding | Greenville | Frank's Gentlemen's Salon.

Rock Quarry Garden, 200 McDaniel Ave, Greenville, SC
Rock Quarry Garden Rock Quarry garden stream Wedding at Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville SC. ... Rock Quarry Garden bridge Rock Quarry Garden waterfalls in Greenville SC. See all. Find Related Places. Parks. Tourist Attractions. Reviews. 4.5 3 reviews. Erroll Anne H. 4/29/2019

Get Married at Rock Quarry Garden
The park may be used for free (without reservation) with a small group of 20 or less people. The park may be reserved for wedding ceremonies only, with a …

Get Married | Greenville, SC
For more information about a Rock Quarry Garden wedding Download Rock Quarry Garden Wedding Packet (PDF) Get Married. Events in the Park. Rental Information. Downtown. Special Events. Parking. unity park. falls park. ... Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non-Emergency: 864-271-5333. Greenville Cares Information Center 864-232-2273 . …

Elope in SC – Locations for your Adventurous Spirit
Falls Park & Liberty Bridge are options – but one of our favorites is the Rock Quarry Garden! Rock Quarry Garden Elopement . Funny story – many years ago before we were married, Carolyn decided on bridal portraits at the Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville. (Little did we know we'd be visiting again for elopement photography and videography!)

Ryan + Lauren | Greenville South Carolina Wedding — Mast
Laura and Ryan had the sweetest two day wedding celebration in late April! Their ceremony was held at Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville, SC on Friday, April …

Greenville, SC
206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non-Emergency: 864-271-5333. Greenville Cares Information Center 864-232-2273 . Loading. Loading Do Not Show Again Close [] ...

15 Beautiful Gardens You Should Explore Near Greenville, SC
3300 Poinsett Highway, Greenville, SC 29613. The Janie Earle Furman Rose Garden features more than 700 rose bushes, brick pathways, a fountain, and a 19th-century Florentine gazebo. This beautiful spot is a popular place for photos. It can also be rented for small, standing-only weddings.

Rock Quarry Garden Bridals | Rebecca
Location: Rock Quarry Garden. Wedding Dress: David's Bridal. Wedding Venue: Charlyn Farms. FamZing Photography & Video. 266 Reviews. 5.0 out of 5.0. …

Rock Quarry Garden Bridal Session
Photos from a bridal session at the Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville,SC. The Rock quarry garden is a polar wedding venue located in downtown Greenville.

Rock Quarry Garden Bridal Session
Rock Quarry Garden Bridal Session – Jenny . One of our favorite places to shoot in the downtown Greenville area is The Rock Quarry Garden. It is a popular wedding venue in town and few don't know this about the site but it actually was a pre-Civil War granite quarry. It has so much to offer in a smaller park sized setting.

Get Married | Greenville, SC
Located in Cleveland Park and nestled in the heart of Greenville is a wonderful secluded retreat, The Rock Quarry Garden. Long used as a photography and wedding site, the …

Ryan + Lauren | Greenville South Carolina Wedding — Mast
United States. (864)710-5368info@mastandcompany. Hours. Powered by Squarespace. Laura and Ryan had the sweetest two day wedding celebration in late April! Their ceremony was held at Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville, SC on Friday, April 22nd, and followed with a gorgeous reception at Think Tank Brew Lab on Saturday. We …

Rock Quarry Falls | Upcountry South Carolina
The site has been adopted by the Greenville Garden Club and is a popular location for outdoor weddings and photography. Spring flowering plants, including dogwood trees and native azaleas, are a highlight of this garden. Rock Quarry Falls is in Cleveland Park and is easily accessed. The stream drops 10 feet into a pool at the base.

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